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Music and Audio Computing I 216-306A Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley Week 9.

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1 Music and Audio Computing I 216-306A Prof. Marcelo M. Wanderley Week 9

2 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing2 Week 9 This week's topics: Hands on mtr Data storage: preset Automatic patches - pcontrol, active Graphics bpatcher - a window into a sub-patch Drawing objects: lcd ! Ref: Tutorials 36, 37, 40, 41, and 42

3 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing3 More multi-track with mtr mtr: any type of MAX messages - up to 32 tracks Hands on: prepare an automated eight track mixer for all types of midi data from a performance (midi notes, bending, modulation, program change…), plus extra variables such as dials, sliders, number boxes…

4 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing4 More data storage preset object: stores and recalls data from other objects in the same window (e.g. slider, dial, number box, dial) can be connected to a table object to store and recall table data up to 256 collections of the settings of all interface objects (that can be written down)

5 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing5 Automatic actions in MAX MAX can open and close patcher windows, detect when windows are opened or closed, and start processes automatically. loadbang and closebang pcontrol and active objects.

6 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing6 Automatic actions in MAX pcontrol: shows or hides windows can also enable and disable MIDI objects in a subpatch window (messages enable 1 and enable 0 in inlet of pcontrol) the patch to be controlled needs to have at least one inlet! (even a dummy one!)

7 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing7 Automatic actions in MAX active: sends out a 1 when the window is made active and a 0 when inactive (not affected by All Windows Active)

8 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing8 Graphics MAX allows the placement of pictures and geometric shapes. Integers are used to indicate position, size, priority and color of images. graphic object: opens a graphics window automatically when the patch is opened (arguments: name of the window and its position and size - top, left, right, bottom)

9 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing9 Graphics: drawing shapes, pictures Drawing shapes in MAX using the oval/rect/frame/ring objects (arguments: window name and priority. Shape data is provided in the inlets) Pictures: pict object - loads an entire graphics file and displays it in a graphics window (arguments: window name, file name and priority)

10 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing10 Graphics animation Sprites: objects that draw themselves in a single space and erase themselves from their old location when they are drawn somewhere else (shapes and images) Each image in a window is a sprite that can be moved around by redefining its coordinates

11 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing11 Graphics in a patch: bpatcher A bpatcher is like a window in a sub- patch - it can be loaded with any previously saved patch (and that can be moved inside the bpatcher)! Use the inspector to load a patch. Examples: lcd (ball, ellipse), text, or any sub-patch.

12 Nov 01 01 - week 9 306A - Music and Audio Computing12 lcd object Very powerful object (originally created at CNMAT) Lets you paint shapes, lines and text into a patcher window several options of commands! - See the lcd help.

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