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Move over culture Rapid and accurate quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples takes just one day Centre for Clinical Microbiology.

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Presentation on theme: "Move over culture Rapid and accurate quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples takes just one day Centre for Clinical Microbiology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Move over culture Rapid and accurate quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples takes just one day Centre for Clinical Microbiology meeting Wednesday 11 th January 2012 Dr Isobella Honeyborne

2 Culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to measure response to treatment Solid culture 7H10/7H11 is not a gold standard Sputum serial colony counts (SSCC) – used in clinical trials to measure response to treatment Contamination with other organisms Viable, non-culturable bacteria not detected Long assay turnaround time Clumping of bacilli may mean 1 colony does not mean 1 bacilli Not practical in a routine laboratory setting Expensive Selective antibiotics reduce count by 1 log 10 Automated liquid culture TTP can be used to estimate bacterial number – decontamination process kills 1 log 10 of the bacteria present. Suffers from most of the above problems

3 What would be useful for clinical trials? A method for quantification of M. tuberculosis bacilli in sputum samples that is: Culture-free Rapid Relatively cheap.

4 What’s available and why hadn’t quantitation been developed previously? Molecular techniques for detection of M. tuberculosis rRNA & DNA are used diagnostically but do not quantify. GeneXpert (Cepheid) recently launched – 1 st automated platform for TB molecular diagnostics. DNA is not a measure of live bacteria RNA for quantification – seems like a useful candidate.

5 Inhibitors & variable RNA loss  Sputum samples vary in the inhibitors carried forward and the efficacy of the RNA extraction THEREFORE  Specific gene expression cannot be used to quantify directly  mRNA is not very adundant

6 Assay specifications We used a duplex RT-qPCR assay with dual labelled probes to detect 16S rRNA and the novel internal control. 16S rRNA is a very abundant molecule RT and qPCR in same tube - so add RNA directly into reaction – performs RT and then straight into the qPCR.

7 Internal Control To account for RNA loss and inhibitors:  Developed a robust internal control (IC). Internal control detection following RNA extraction and effect of inhibitors MUST correlate with the M. tuberculosis gene of interest.

8 Correlation between internal control and M. tuberculosis and 16S rRNA 51 M. tuberculosis-negative sputa spiked with 10 7 M. tuberculosis bacilli and 50ng I957bp internal control 15 sputa divided into 1mL aliquots and spiked with a serial dilution of bacilli. c Bacilli mL -1 sputum 10 8 10 7 10 6 10 5 10 4 10 3 10 2 < 10 2 Mean CT  SD 6.6  0.9* † 9.6  0.9 † 12.6  0.9 16.0  1.1 18.5  0.7 22.1  1.5 25.9  1.3 >27.2

9 Accuracy of assay Based on Mean CT at each dilution  STD DEV: 100% (n=86) spikes were calculated within 1 log 10 of original bacilli number (10 7 -10 2 ) 98% (84/86) spikes were within 0.5 log 10 (10 7 -10 2 ). Detect 10 7 -10 2 bacilli by this assay with 1000- fold inhibition/RNA loss (compared to the best extraction)

10 Bacterial decline as measured by MBL Mean 1 log 10 decline in first 3 days of treatment Those that later relapse are associated with higher bacterial load pre- treatment Every 1 log 10 increase in baseline bacterial load was associated with 3.62 increased odds ratio of relapse.

11 Mathematical modelling of data Solid culture studies – found biphasic decay in bacterial load – reflecting killing of different populations of bacteria

12 The way the bacteria respond to drugs in the first 3 days could tell us something about the site of the bacteria in the lung and the predominant bacterial phenotype – persister/actively dividing. Different populations of bacteria in a sample?

13 Assay uses Could be used to measure response to novel M. tuberculosis antibiotics in EBA-type trials. Monitor longitudinal treatment response in clinical trials. Maybe able to develop a relapse hazard analysis based on presenting bacterial load. Modify to detect M. tuberculosis in paediatric stool and gastric aspirate.

14 Summary Developed a robust assay for measuring true bacterial load, within 0.5 log 10, in sputum samples. A result can be obtained on the same day as expectoration rather than waiting 3 weeks for solid culture-based assays. Mathematical modelling found that rRNA in vivo does have a half-life reflective of bacterial decline in response to treatment. Assay may be able to identify patients who are at risk of relapse by ascertaining their bacterial load on day 0

15 Acknowledgments Gerhard Walzl Stephen Gillespie Katharina Ronacher-Mansvelt Timothy D McHugh Paul Van Helden Felicity Perrin Nora Carroll Anna Bateson Selina Bannoo Laura Wright Funders

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