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Teknologi Dan Rekayasa
Kompetensi Keahlian Analisis Kimia
Physical Parameters Analysis
By : Tedi Hadiana SMK Negeri 13 Bandung
Objectives After this session, the students are expected to be able :
to explain the physical parameters of water quality to explain the steps of physical parameter determination To be able in order to analysis physical parameters appropriate of SOP to arrange the report of the determination Teknologi dan Rekayasa
Water Quality Parameters
Chemical Physical Acidity (H+,CO2,HCO3-) Alkalinity (OH-,HCO3-,CO3-) Hardness Metal ion (Ca,Mg,Fe,Mn) Organic substance Sulfate (SO42-) Chloride (Cl-) NH4+, Nitrate, Nitrite DO BOD COD Color, Odor, Taste* Turbidity pH Temperature Specific conductance Residue (Solid) TS TDS TSS Microbiology
Colour Colour through water consequenced by :
Physical contact water to decayed organic compound High level concentration of iron and manganese ions Contamination of compounds such as dyes from textile industry Colour in Water analysis : Colour is not visible colour (blue, brown or clear ) Degree of colour determined by colourimetric, with unit of Pt.Co or TCU (True Colour Unit) Standard unit for drinking water maximum have degree of colour is, 15 TCU Physically quality of good water must colourless
Determination of Color
Preparation of standard stock solution 500 Unit Pt.Co Mixture of 1,246 gram K2PtCl6 and 1,00 gram CoCl2 dissolved in 100 mL HCl © diluting until 1 L Preparation of compare standard solutions : 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 Unit Pt.Co (diluting from stock standard solution) Process of measurement : Measurement by colourimetric method with comparison of sample colour intensity to standard Apparatus : Nessler tube and comparator.
Note : * taste = for certain sample of water ex. for drinking water
Odor and taste* Good quality of water odorless and tasteless Determination of odor and taste by using sensory tongue and nose Presence of odor and taste in water caused by : Dissolved inorganic compounds in, such as : Ion/sulfide compound odor of sulfur High level of chlorine odor of caporite High level of iron and manganese ion odor of rancid High level of salt (NaCl) taste of salty etc Contact of water through decayed organic compound or decomposition of organic compound by bacteria in water, generally occur in anaerobic Note : * taste = for certain sample of water ex. for drinking water
Turbidity Factors that influenced to turbidity in water caused by :
Materials that suspensed in water (colloidal to rough mud) present in organic or inorganic compounds (ex. : Fe2O3, MnO2) Level of height turbidity (exist) influenced by turbulence in water Determination of turbidity in water : 3 methods of measurement : Nefelometric (unit of turbidity NTU) Hellige Turbiditymetric (unit of turbidity SiO2) Visual (unit of Jackson turbidity)
Measuring apparatus : turbidimeter, Principle of occupation : Interaction of light to particle cause of turbidity Measurement of phosphorescent light by suspensed materials Steps of measurement : Prepare blank solution (certain unit of turbidity) After that measure turbidity sample of water
Disappearing of turbidity
If turbidity caused by rough mud filtration If turbidity caused by smooth mud (colloidal particle) treatment by addition of coagulan chemical or floculan. For example chemical treatment : coagulan (Tawas Al/Fe, Al2(SO4)3, PAC) Floculan (KPE and APE)
pH Indicates concentration of H+ion in water
Standard pH for drinking water: 6,5 - 8,5 pH in water influenced by : Content of mineral/dissolved compound compound CO2 Activities of bacteria Turbulence of water Waste of human activities Side effect of pH 1. Too acid/base corrosion (dissolve of metal) 2. Many of aquatic biota is die at pH<5 and >9)
Determination of pH Method of colorimetric
Comparison of colour intensity Apparatus: Litmus paper (red-blue) Universal indicator Comparator with indicator solution
Potentiometric Method
Apparatus: pH Meter Steps of measurement : 1. Calibration of apparatus ,using buffer solution. (usually: pH 4, 7, 8) 2. Dip electrode in to water which will measure electrode must submerged
Temperature Temperature of water is influential to biologically and chemically process in aquatic system Appearance of influence : 1. Level of DO 2. Process of photosynthesis 3. Metabolism of aquatic organism 4. Reproduction and movement of several species Apparatus : Termometer Good temperature of water = temperature of air
Definition : Ability of water to conduct electricity
Conductivity Definition : Ability of water to conduct electricity Conductivity influenced by : Concentration of ionization substances in water Kinds of ion Valence of ion Dissolved CO2 Temperature
Determination of Conductivity
Apparatus : conductometer Unit : mho/cm or S/cm 100 S/m 1 mho/cm 1 mho/m 1 S/m
Determination of Conductivity
Push button of power, let it for couple minutes Clean the electrode and dry it Measure temperature of solution and setting apparatus appropriate to temperature of solution/water Calibration by standard solution (KCl 0,01 N mho/cm) Clean and dry electrode Dip in to water which will measure Read the conductance appear in screen
Solid Analysis dissolve genuine solution < 10-9m Solid
Substances Dispersion of colloid m Suspension (solid) >10-7m
Solid Analysis Total Solid (TS) Total of solid substances Solid
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) Total Suspended Solid (TSS)
Total Solid (TS) Definition Total Solid : All substances that left as residue, if sample of water dried at certain temperature Principle : Sample of water evaporated upon steam bath in evaporated dish which weight is known. After completed, put it in oven at oC, then weigh until constant Interruption : Un homogenous big size particle which appear and sink must disappear Oil and fat must also analysis Precipitated salts which very hygroscopic process of weighing must immediately
Determination of Total Solid
Evaporated dish get constant of weight Measurement sample of water (sample is approximated contain solid mg) This approximation from conductivity Approximation of TS = 4/3 x conductivity ex : conductivity = 375 mmho TS = 4/3 x 375 = 500 mg/L so sample of water must measure at least : 50/500 x 1000 mL = 100 mL Put it in to evaporated dish evaporating Drying ( oC) Weighing of Residue
Calculation (b-a) x 1000 TS (mg/L) = mL of sample Note :
a = weight of evaporated dish b = weight of evaporated dish + residue, mg
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)
Definition TDS : all solid substances un dissolved in water perfectly (include colloidal particle) Principle : Sample of water is filter, filtrate then evaporated upon steam bath in evaporated dish which weight is known. After dry, put it in to oven at oC, then weigh constant Interruption : Content of mineral in high level (Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl- and SO42-) cause hygroscopic it takes a long time of heating, cooling well in dessicator, and fast weighing
Determination of Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)
Evaporated dish with constant weight Filtration sample of water, could use : Gouch crucible Masir glass with size of porous 0,5 micron (m) Millipored 0,45 micron Put filtrate in evaporated dish and evaporating upon steam bath Drying at ( oC) Weighing of Residue
Calculation (b-a) x 1000 TDS (mg/L) = mL of sample Note :
a = weight of evaporated dish, mg b = weight of evaporated dish + residue (sample have filtrated), mg
Total Suspended Solid (TSS)
Definition TSS : All solid substances which un dissolved in water (rough particle) Principle : Filtration sample of water by known weight percolator and filtered solid dried in to oven at oC, then weigh until constant Interruption : Stepped up porous of percolator turning down filtrate become long standing sample could filtrated using absorb flask and vacuum pump If there are to much suspended material to percolator to much water trapped in solid it take a long time when drying of suspended solid
Determination of Total Suspended Solid
Evaporated dish with constant weight Filtration sample of water, could use : Gouch crucible Masir glass with size of porous 0,5 micron (m) Millipored 0,45 micron Precipitate and percolator dried at ( oC) Weighing of dried solid
Calculation (b-a) x 1000 TSS (mg/L) = mL of sample Note :
a = weight of empty percolator, mg b = weight of percolator + precipitate (sample have filtrated ),mg Determination can be indirect, : TS = TDS + TSS TDS = TS - TSS
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