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Pelletron status update Main Injector Departmental Meeting November 11 th, 2009 L. Prost.

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Presentation on theme: "Pelletron status update Main Injector Departmental Meeting November 11 th, 2009 L. Prost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pelletron status update Main Injector Departmental Meeting November 11 th, 2009 L. Prost

2 2 Watch list  Needles (i.e. HV regulation)  Collector water cooling system  Charging efficiency  Neslab heat exchanger  Provide cooling water for gas transfer skid  Only an issue when transferring SF 6 in and out of the Pelletron tank  Since the access, the Pelletron in its current configuration is running very well

3 3  Needles have been at a fixed position (17 mm) since the access and the motor to move them disabled  Good regulation  No sign of excessive wear at this point  Diagnostics implemented at the time of the access did not show any problem so far Needles Status 3 Chain current Needles set point (diagnostics) Grid voltage Needles current Pelletron access

4 4 Needles: Current Plan  Keep running as is  We have likely months before running into problems from the needles wearing out  Mechanical support is in the process of fabricating a protective cup for when we access the inside of the tank  Circuit boards have been ordered (not the whole Corona Probe Controller chassis)  Total $2350  10 weeks delivery time  When the boards arrive, install them during the next opportunistic access of the Pelletron tank and re-activate the motor  Look at the possibility to use Greg Saewert’s electronics in parallel with NEC’s, preferably with a minimum of new elements (i.e. cables, connections…) 4

5 5 Collector water cooling system  No flow interruptions since Tuesday, November 3 rd evening  EGG engineer (Dave Hixson) in the process of reviewing the system  Needs to see inside  Various checks have been discussed (Mechanical Support, Kermit) for the next time the system is opened  Last week, modified the number of tries before alarming  Currently: 120 s  Does not affect D44 logging Last trip (Nov 3 rd ) GOOD BAD R:COLFLO: Water Flow status bit Frequency: 1 min

6 6  Charging efficiency appears to be degrading at ~the same rate as before the access  This is ~20 times higher than before the summer shutdown  May indicate that excessive wear of the sheaves is continuing  Not a real problem for operation as long as the integrity of the charging system remains Charging efficiency Cleaning Charging efficiency

7 7 Neslab heat exchanger  Installed during the summer shutdown to isolate the Pelletron cooling water loop from the gas transfer cooling water loop  Gas transfer skid piping thought to be the origin of corrosion debris in the water system, which clogged a magnet (current theory)  All efforts to make it work while transferring gas failed  Caused delays, once more, during last access  Heats up tempers !  Mechanical support is looking into a solution  Dave Hixson (from EGG) believes the system is undersized  Request has been made to access MI-31 for a complete survey of the equipment (piping size in particular) with Dave

8 8 Next Pelletron opening (within 2 weeks ?)  Estimated time from Mechanical support  One day to open, 2 days of work, 1 day to close  More time to be added for water systems  Mechanical work:  Inspect for black dust. Expect to see some dust, but not as much as the initial wear.  Measure the chain elongation and verify the counterweight has not bottomed out.  Inspect the geo-rotor belts on each deck level and compare to notes from the 6/26/09 e-log entry. Record information about the location and amounts of dust and check the tension and location of the belts.  Replace brushes (Need to order or find the ones we have).  Water work ?  Not a clear plan yet  Electrical work ?  Likely not at that time (or very minor)

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