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♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Lis Greenwell Primary School Sport Project Officer – Tees Valley Sport Raising Achievement.

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Presentation on theme: "♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Lis Greenwell Primary School Sport Project Officer – Tees Valley Sport Raising Achievement."— Presentation transcript:

1 ♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Lis Greenwell Primary School Sport Project Officer – Tees Valley Sport Raising Achievement through PE, Sport & Competition

2 ♯ TVPEConf Let’s start at the very beginning The role of movement in brain development from birth Patterns of child development The impact of fundamental movement development on the lives of children

3 ♯ TVPEConf In the first month alone 3 million connections are being made per second between the neurons in the cortex. Between the ages of 15 months and 6 years the cerebral cortex appears to double in size with synaptic density (a synapse being the point of communication between two adjacent nerve cells, neurons) peaking at about 3 to 3 1/2 years of age, 50% higher than it was at birth but also 50% higher than it will be at puberty. (Goddard-Blythe) A study at Rutgers University believes early motor activity is fundamental to cortical brain development. The complex system of interacting networks in the developing brain relies on an individual’s body movements rather than sensory inputs and stimulation alone (TV and computers). Scientists and researchers believe that to achieve the precision of the mature brain, stimulation in the form of movement and sensory experiences during the early developing years is necessary (Greenough & Black, 1992; Shatz, 1992)

4 ♯ TVPEConf Agility Balance Coordination Fundamental movement skills Gross & fine motor skills Vestibular system, Proprioception Seedfelt (1979) suggests that if children have not mastered these basic movements that they will be unable to access physical activity successfully. Referred to as a ‘proficiency barrier’.

5 ♯ TVPEConf High Quality Outcomes PE & School Sport supporting the whole child – social – creative – thinking – healthy – physical

6 ♯ TVPEConf Outcomes IN PE & School Sport Physical? Other whole child outcomes? By the end of the lesson you will be able to- Perform 2 steady balances Link 2 steady balances with a fluid movement Tell me how you worked with others to make your balance steadier

7 ♯ TVPEConf Outcomes THROUGH PE, Sport & Competition Context- use of sporting themes, events, people, activities to support other areas of curriculum-use sport as a hook. Values- School Games, Olympic/Paralympic Games as a basis for values across the school.

8 ♯ TVPEConf Outcomes THROUGH PE, Sport & Competition Context- use of sporting themes, events, people, activities to support other areas of curriculum-use sport as a hook. Values- School Games, Olympic/Paralympic Games as a basis for values across the school. Skills- physical but also life skills of determination, planning, teamwork, cooperation, compromise, fair play. Pedagogy used in PE- Identify a tight focus - marginal gains, observation & feedback, competition, modelling, practical learning, group work.

9 ♯ TVPEConf Leadership opportunities -planning -organisation -teamwork -evaluation -time management -role models -increased participation in physical activity -resilience Competition Outcomes THROUGH PE, Sport & Competition

10 ♯ TVPEConf Questions for you  PE is NOT about teaching children to play sport- do your lessons reflect the NC 2014?  Are your PE lessons developing the whole child or just the ‘physical’?  Do your staff use Active Learning outside of PE?  Do you use sport as a context for lessons?  How can you use sporting values to support whole school improvement?

11 ♯ TVPEConf (Programmes/Primary PE & School Sport section)

12 ♯ TVPEConf Any questions for me?

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