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KITCHEN SAFETY and SANITATION. PREVENTION OF FALLS What do you do… ◦ If there is an object or spill on the floor? ◦ Clean up immediately! ◦ If you need.

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Presentation on theme: "KITCHEN SAFETY and SANITATION. PREVENTION OF FALLS What do you do… ◦ If there is an object or spill on the floor? ◦ Clean up immediately! ◦ If you need."— Presentation transcript:


2 PREVENTION OF FALLS What do you do… ◦ If there is an object or spill on the floor? ◦ Clean up immediately! ◦ If you need to reach something from a high shelf? ◦ Use a step ladder

3 FALLS – FIRST AID What do you do when… A person has a broken bone? Don’t move the person unless necessary. Someone is dizzy, vomiting, or their speech becomes impaired following a head injury? Call for medical help A person has mild bruises/sprains? Ice bags, cold water or cloths and elevation

4 PREVENTION OF CUTS What do you do when… The knife won’t cut well? Keep knives sharp so you don’t have to push as hard. A knife falls to the ground? Never catch a falling knife in mid-air Washing knives? Wash knives separately. For storage of knives? Keep knives in a rack or separate from other equipment.

5 PREVENTION OF CUTS What do you do when… You need to pry open a jar. Do you use a knife ? No! Don’t use knives for anything but cutting. Cutting off lids from cans? Cut lids completely off cans and throw them out. Cleaning up broken glass on the floor? Sweep up rather than pick up broken glass and wipe up tiny pieces with several thicknesses of damp paper towels.

6 CUTS – FIRST AID What do you do when… You are bleeding severely? Stop severe bleeding with the pressure of a thick cloth; get medical help. You have a minor cut? Wash with soap and water, blot dry and bandage.

7 PREVENTION OF FIRES AND BURNS What do you do when… ◦ You are wearing long sleeves when cooking? Roll them up ◦ You need to take something out of the oven? Use DRY hotpads

8 PREVENTION OF FIRES AND BURNS What do you do to… Avoid grease build up on the range? Wipe off the range after each use to avoid grease build up.

9 PREVENTION OF FIRES AND BURNS What do you do… ◦ If you smell gas in the house/school? ◦ Don’t turn on any appliances. Ventilate the room and call the gas company. ◦ With the handles of a pan when cooking on the stovetop? Turn pan handles in toward the back of the range. When removing pan lids during cooking? ◦ Remove pan lids so the steam escapes away from you.

10 PREVENTION OF FIRES AND BURNS What do you do… When you are removing something from the oven Use both hands to remove a pan from the oven. When you are finished cooking? Turn off appliances/oven when cooking is finished ◦ When you are lowering food into fat to cook? Lower food into fat with a spoon or tongs, not fingers.

11 IN CASE OF A FIRE In case of a fire, you should… Do what with the appliance? Turn off the appliance Do what with a grease fire? Use baking soda instead of water to extinguish a grease fire; or put the lid on. Use a fire extinguisher. Do what if your clothes are on fire? Drop to the ground and roll Do what if the room is filled with smoke? Crawl on the ground to get out of a smoke- filled room

12 BURNS – FIRST AID What do you do if… You have a minor burn? Cool it with cold water; prolonged contact to ice will freeze tissue. Avoid ointments, grease and oil (they contribute to the cooking process of the burn).

13 CHOKING – FIRST AID What should you do if… If the person can speak, cough or breath? Do nothing. Let them work it out on their own If the person cannot speak, cough or breath? Call 911 and begin the abdominal thrust procedure.

14 PREVENTION OF POISONING You should always… Do what with the original containers? Use original containers with their labels Do what to cabinets with cleaning supplies in them? Securely close and lock cabinets

15 Store chemicals where? Store chemicals on a high shelf away from food containers Be careful when mixing what two compounds? Never mix compounds such as bleach and ammonia. Grill where? Use charcoal grills outside only; they give off carbon monoxide.

16 POISONING – FIRST AID What should you do if… Someone is poisoned? Call for medical help and, if possible, use the antidote on the label There are fumes in the room? If there are fumes, then get the person to a well ventilated area. If someone’s eyes are irritated? If eyes are irritated, flush them with water.

17 PREVENTION OF ELECTRIC SHOCK You should… Keep electrical appliances away from what? Away from water. Do what before cleaning electrical appliances? Disconnect appliances before cleaning them

18 ELECTRIC SHOCK FIRST AID What should you do if… A person is connected to electricity? Don’t touch a person connected to electricity. Turn off the power, pull the plug, or pull the person away with a cloth loop. Administer CPR, if qualified, and call for medical help.

19 Cross-Contamination What is cross-contamination and how do you prevent that from occurring in the kitchen?

20 Cross-Contamination: Transferring of harmful substances or disease-causing microorganisms to food by hands, food-contact surfaces, sponges, cloth towels, and utensils that touch raw food, are not cleaned, and then touch ready-to-eat foods.

21 How to prevent: 1. Wash your hands often 2. Two cutting boards – one for raw meats and one for fresh food (veggies and fruits) 3. Store meat properly in the fridge 4. Rinse your fruits and vegetables thoroughly 5.Don't double dip! Use separate utensils to stir sauces, cook vegetables, flip meats, and strain broth or soups. 6.Make sure counters, faucet handles, spoon rests, pan lids, and door knobs on cabinets are clean and sanitized each time you cook or prepare separate items.

22 Kitchen Cleanliness What is the difference between cleaning your work surfaces and sanitizing them? Clean means to remove visible soil and food particles. Sanitize means to use moist heat or chemical agents to reduce pathogens

23 Personal Cleanliness What should you do with long hair when preparing food? ALWAYS PULL IT BACK

24 Rules for Hand Washing Use warm water Use soap Rub together and use friction Wash for at least 20 seconds, sing through the ABC’s Rewash after blowing your nose, touching your hair or face.

25 Hand Washing Activity

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