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Shaping Hearts For God Series High School Bible Class Vegas Drive Church of Christ Las Vegas, NV Studies in the Life.

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1 Shaping Hearts For God Series High School Bible Class Vegas Drive Church of Christ Las Vegas, NV Studies in the Life of Jesus Christ

2 STOP…LOOK…LISTEN LESSON SEVEN Today’s Lesson: Teaching and Preaching Theme: Shaped by Jesus’ teaching and preaching Objective: To learn about Jesus’ work of teaching, preaching, and helping people Key passages: Matt. 4:12-25; Luke 5:12-32

3 STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Jesus begins preaching (Matt. 4:12-25) – In what region, tribal lands, and city, did Jesus begin His ministry? (vs. 12-17) Galilee, tribal lands of Zebulun & Naphtali, city of Capernaum – Read Isaiah 9:1-3. What was the condition of the people in Zebulun and Naphtali, and what did Jesus to do change it? – What message did Jesus preach everywhere he went? “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” – Who were Jesus’ first disciples? (Matt. 4:18-22) – What is a disciple? What is a “fisher of men”? – How far did the news about Jesus spread during His early period of work? (Matt. 4:23-25)

4 STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Jesus heals a leper (Luke 5:12-15) – What did the leper say that demonstrated his faith? – What did Jesus do to the man with leprosy? Why was this unusual (Lev. 13:45-46)? – What did Jesus tell the cured man to do? What was required by the Law of Moses? (Lev. 14:1-32) Jesus told him to present himself to the priest Law required two live clean birds, scarlet string, hyssop, two male lambs without defect, a yearling ewe lamb without defect, flour mixed with oil, and oil. Together these served for the wave offering, sin offering, burnt offering, guilt offering, and grain offering, to atone for his sins and cleanse him – If you lived then, and Jesus cured you of a disease, how would you feel about Jesus? What would you do? How did other people respond when they heard about the miraculous healings?

5 STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Jesus heals a paralyzed man (Luke 5:17-26) – What did Jesus say when He saw how hard the men were working to bring the paralyzed man to Him? – What did their effort demonstrate? – What did the scribes & Pharisees think about Jesus’ pronouncement of forgiveness? – Were they right to say that only God can forgive sins? – Did Jesus have the authority to forgive sins? – How did Jesus prove that He had the authority?

6 STOP…LOOK…LISTEN Jesus eats with tax collectors (Luke 5:27-32) – What was Matthew’s job? – What did Jews think of tax collectors? – Did the Jews approve of Jesus attending the reception with the tax collectors? – What did Jesus say was His reason for spending time with them? Next time: lesson 8!

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