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A Literature Review Samara Abrams July 25, 2012 EDU 716 Touro University, California.

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2 A Literature Review Samara Abrams July 25, 2012 EDU 716 Touro University, California

3  Purpose of Study  Justification  Importance  Literature Review: Themes and Some Key Points  Implications of Research Findings  Gaps in the Literature  Study

4 This study will help determine if an Open Educational Resource, Khan Academy, is successful in helping students in a Special Day Math Class learn basic mathematical facts.

5 Increasing numbers of students receiving special education services are being included in general education classes. Without basic mathematical skills, these students have little chance of succeeding in these settings. The ramifications for their futures are also at stake. 1990-1991: 31% of students receiving services were in general education classes for 80% or more of their day. 2009-2010: 59.4% of students receiving services were in general education classes for 80% or more of their day. (

6 Quality of Life, Future Income, and Nation’s Future College and Career Options Math Ability

7  Theme 1 Mathematics… ~In Need of Repair *NAEP, TIMSS, PISA Results *President Obama- Focus on STEM ~Recent History *Successful in most of 20 th century *Constructivist and non constructivist methods *Current difficulty for many, especially in sped

8 NAEP : 30% of eighth grade students scored at or above proficient. (Tienken & Wilson, 2007) TIMSS: U.S. fourth and eighth graders did not make top ten status in 1995, 1999, and 2003. Scored ninth in 2007, with Lithuania rounding out the top ten. ( PISA: 15-year-olds take test on a yearly basis since 2000. “Statistically significantly below the OECD average.” (

9  Theme 2 Mathematics and Special Education… ~Current Status Inclusion increasing ~Moving Forward – SPED and Behaviorism, Gen Ed and Constructivism ~Moving Forward – A Blended Model? ~What Works for Special Education Students ~Students and Learning Basic Math Skills

10 Increasing numbers of students receiving special education services (SRSES) are being included in general education classes. ( Behaviorist teaching methods (direct instruction) have traditionally been used with this population. (Woodward, 2004) General education classes utilize more constructivist methods (problem based learning). ( Is a blended model appropriate for SRSES? How can SRSES best learn automaticity of basic math skills?

11  Theme 3 Mathematics and Computers… ~Concerning Teachers ~Concerning Students ~Integrating Technology ~Computer Intervention Studies – What Works?

12 Teachers: require training, access, planning time, and collaboration. (Swan & Dixon, 2006; Wang & O’Dwyer, 2011; Kay, 2011) Students: positive effects on behavior, better scores, reduced anxiety, increased engagement, like visual support, like simplicity, like interactivity, may not be appropriate for all students. (Aliasgari, Riahinia, & Mojdehavar, 2010; Nguyen, Hsieh & Allen, 2006; Takahashi, 2012; Kay, 2011) Integration: more research and implementation required before definitive/conclusive statements can be made.

13  Theme 4 Special Education, Math, and Computers ~Research – An Incomplete Body ~Practice in the Classroom? – Not Pervasive ~Research – Mixed Results

14 Information is lacking on three fronts: 1. The current evidence base is limited and more studies required. (Li and Ma, 2010) 2. Bouck (2012) found only 22% of middle school teachers use computers in their classes. 3. Some uses of computers in class have a positive effect on student scores, others do not.

15  Theme 5 Open Educational Resource: Khan Academy Over 3,100 free videos of tutorial instruction… In addition: practice opportunities, hints, sequenced concepts, games, badges to earn, and performance tracking. Some tutorials available in Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, and Hindi. Many of videos aligned with Common Core Standards. Promising pilot studies. Nonprofit Organization. http://creative Noonoo, 2012 eSchool News Staff, 2012

16 How much time should be allotted on a daily basis for basic mathematical skills practice? How much teacher support is required to implement this intervention? Where should students log on to OER- in class? at home? in lab?

17 A plethora of information is available regarding the evolution of mathematics in our nation’s public schools and a variety of interventions to assist struggling learners. As well, information is available on the needs of students receiving special education services and studies that reveal interventions worthwhile of implementation. However, the current state of research is lacking in the area of incorporating effective Open Educational Resources into the classroom in order to help students receiving special education services learn basic math skills.


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