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Register books in Croatia Vlatka Lemić, Croatian State Archives Budapest, 2009.

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1 Register books in Croatia Vlatka Lemić, Croatian State Archives Budapest, 2009.

2 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava History the oldest preserved register books came from Dalmatia region (Omiš 1488, Hvar 1516, 1544 Mandalina near Šibenik, Zadar 1560, Trogir 1569) – Council of Trident regulated this issue from the decrees of Maria Theresa and Joseph II taking register books is public service, so there were confessional (church) books and civil books, and until 1945 register books were maintained by religious communities

3 Izrada novog jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava HDA Register books after 1945. after the II World War register books were taken from the church and become state property the books older then 1945. was taken to the state archives and state offices in the 1970’s the Croatian State Archives started with microfilming of register books in all Croatian territory

4 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava Using and researching public archives referring to personal data (register of births, marriages and deaths, medical documentation, personal files, juridical, tax, financial files etc.) become accessible 70 years after their date of origin, if separate regulations do not determine otherwise, or, respectively 100 years after the birth of the person to whom the records refer

5 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava Register books - preservation cca. 30.000 books are microfilmed and around 7.000 roles are made – they are available for research in state archives from 2000 user copies is made in digital form – around 70 % of books (20.000) is digitalized – cca. 1.800.000 scans are stored in the CSA storage facilities

6 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava Register books at present in 1997. Croatian Government and Holly Seat signed contract on cooperation by which as stated in Art. 5. Republic of Croatia is obliged to return church books, status animarum, annals and other books which are during the communism illegally taken form catholic church and are held by state

7 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava Register books at present because of this Central state office started the program of scanning of all register books in state offices – they are microfilmed in CSA and digital copies at DVD-s are given to offices books from 1902 to 1948 are still in offices and some in archives and should be returned to the church




11 Kako do jedinstvenog informacijskog sustava Register books at present National database of register books of all types and confessions is taken in CSA All archives kept documentation (lists) of register books for the area of their mandate Reproduction of register books from other countries is also kept in the CSA’s Collection of copies of register books

12 ARHiNET-Register books




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