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Day 4 of School. Warm-Up Thursday Use page A20/A21 of Green Book  Vocabulary: Contiguous – sharing an edge or boundary; touching  1. How many states.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 4 of School. Warm-Up Thursday Use page A20/A21 of Green Book  Vocabulary: Contiguous – sharing an edge or boundary; touching  1. How many states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 4 of School

2 Warm-Up Thursday Use page A20/A21 of Green Book  Vocabulary: Contiguous – sharing an edge or boundary; touching  1. How many states are part of the contiguous United States?  2. Which states are not contiguous?

3 Topic: The Life of Martin Luther

4 ___________ was born in in ________ Germany. While Martin Luther’s parents wanted him to become a lawyer, Martin Luther wanted to serve God. Martin Luther 1483 A.D.

5 One day, Martin Luther almost ___________ _______ and decided that this was a ___________. He then quit law school and became a _____. got struck by lightning sign from God monk

6 While in a monastery (where monks live) Martin Luther started studying __________. The more he _______ the more he felt that the _______ _______had gone astray (off the right path). the gospel studied Catholic Church

7 He collected a list of __ _____ where he felt that the _____________ was incorrect. 95 ideas Catholic Church

8 On ______________ Martin Luther wrote out his __ _____ and nailed it to ___ _____ of the Catholic Church in Wittenberg, Germany. October 31, 1517 95 Thesis the door

9 The ________was copied throughout Germany, and the Catholic Church lost a lot of ______ because people were not buying ___________. 95 Thesis money indulgences

10 As the money from the sale of indulgences greatly declined, Pope __________ grew upset and tried to get Martin Luther to take back what he had written. Leo X (tenth)

11 He ______ and by 1520 A.D. the church had had enough, and declared Martin Luther a ______ (someone who speaks out against the church), a crime punishable by ______. refused heretic death

12 Martin Luther went into ______ where he translated the _____ into German. Martin Luther founded a new religion called __________. hiding Bible Lutheranism

13 Summarize  Summarize the notes in 20 words or less!!  Remember, “as” “a” “the” all count as words!!!

14 Ticket Out the Door  Write 5 sentences stating what you think Martin Luther should do, since he isn’t happy with the Catholic Church.  Include information about what people do today when they are unhappy with something


16 Notes  Martin Luther began to protest against the Catholic Church.  In 1517 he nailed a document called the 95 theses to the door of an important Catholic Church

17 95 Theses??  The 95 Theses are a document that explained what Martin Luther thought what was wrong with the church

18 Catholic Church  The Catholic Church was OUTRAGED (really really angry) that someone would speak out against the church like that.

19 95 Theses  Please look at your own copy of the 95 Theses. With your table group, do your best to try and figure out what they mean.

20 Wordle  What words come up the most in the wordle?  Why are these words important?  Do we know the definitions of all those words.

21 95 Theses  Now that we’ve defined the most important words, you are ready to translate the 95 theses into our present day English.  Work with your table groups to come up with these translations.

22 Your Own 95 Theses  Write your own 95 theses. This should be a document that lists complaints/problems you have with an organization, American government, or school. HOWEVER, you MUST provide solutions to each of your problems because we are solutions oriented in that class.

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