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Data Element Standards Proposal Person Name Prefix Code Mary Cooper, SAIC NCI Content Administrators VCDE WS Small Group Introduction 8/29/2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Element Standards Proposal Person Name Prefix Code Mary Cooper, SAIC NCI Content Administrators VCDE WS Small Group Introduction 8/29/2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Element Standards Proposal Person Name Prefix Code Mary Cooper, SAIC NCI Content Administrators VCDE WS Small Group Introduction 8/29/2007

2 Issues for Consideration Focus Harmonize existing value domains Abbreviations for prefix social titles used with a person’s name Specificity Speaking (ex., Dr. Smith) Written Address (ex., Mr. Smith) Uniformed Services Prefixes Applicable Standards/References HL7 v2.x and 3 Ballot, CDISC, DICOM, ANSI HISPP MSDS, EPA, HR-XML Out of Scope Abbreviations used as suffixes, such as academic degrees Position Honorifics (HRH, His Holiness, President) Royalty or Lineage Titles (Duke, Earl, Prince)

3 Use Case Analysis Purpose of Standard: Capture of formal titles as an abbreviated prefix to a person’s name Uses/Applications: Lung Cancer Biomarker Chemoprevention Consortium CCR CDISC DICOM Firebird HL7 v2.x, v3 Ballot

4 Current caDSR CDEs Set search parameter for CDEs with Permissible Value Lists

5 Current caDSR CDEs Data Element Public ID Data Element Long Name Data Element Context Name Object Class Long Name Classification Scheme Short Name 2179587Person Name Prefix Code DCPPersonDCP/Category 2179588Person Name Prefix Text DCPPersonDCP/Category 2493309Person Person Name Prefix java.lang.String caBIGPerson CTMS Metadata Project 2493330Participant Person Name Prefix java.lang.String caBIGParticipant CTMS Metadata Project 2583493DICOM Prefix Name Person Name caBIGDICOM PrefixDICOM 2006474Courtesy Title SPOREsTitleCCR Implementation

6 Current caDSR CDEs Courtesy Title

7 Reuse Current caDSR Value Domain Person Name Prefix Code (with modification)

8 Content Administrator Decisions Components for Standardization Person Name Prefix – New DEC Reuse DCP VDs with modifications to harmonize - Person Name Prefix Code Add military titles as a separate set of CDE/Template Create a new CDE – Person Name Prefix Code Create new Template CDE – [Object Class] Name Prefix Code Add to existing Person Name standard

9 Recommendation Details Person Name Prefix Code Person Name Prefix New DEC 2663163v1.0 Object = Person (C25190) Property = Name (C42614) Prop. Qualifier = Prefix (C54066) Definition: An affix occurring before the beginning of a word or group of words indicating the identity of a person. Person Name Prefix Code VD = Public ID 2179427v3.0 Representation Term: Code (C25162) Definition: The code that describes the title that precedes an individual's name. Data Type = Character Max length = 20 Reused from DCP Person Name Prefix Code New CDE 2663165v1.0 Definition: The code that describes an affix occurring before the beginning of a word or group of words for the title that precedes an individual's name. Data Element Concept Value Domain Data Element

10 Recommendation Details Person Prefix Name Code Permissible Values (for non-military titles) Permissible Value Value MeaningConcept Code Value Meaning Description (proposed) Bish.Bishop C69162A courtesy title for a person who supervises a number of local churches or a diocese, being in the Greek, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other churches a member of the highest order of the ministry. Br.Brother C48648A courtesy title for a member of a religious order, fraternity, movement, or other group. Ch.Chaplain C69163A courtesy title for an ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a royal court, college, etc., or to a military unit. Dr.Doctor C69164A courtesy title for a person who has received a doctoral degree. Fr.Father C69165A courtesy title of reverence, as for church dignitaries, officers of monasteries, monks, confessors, and especially priests. Mr.Mister C69166A courtesy title of respect for a man. Miss C69167A courtesy title of respect for an unmarried woman. Mrs.Mrs C69168A courtesy title of respect prefixed to the name of a married woman. Ms.MsC69169A courtesy title used before the name of a woman without making a distinction between married or unmarried status. Prof.ProfessorC69170A courtesy title for a teacher of the highest academic rank in a college or university. R.RabbiC69171A courtesy title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher. Rev.ReverendC69172A courtesy title of respect applied or prefixed to the name of a member of the clergy or a religious order. Sis.SisterC48649A courtesy title for a member of a religious order, fraternity, movement, the nursing profession, or other group.

11 Recommendation Details Prefix Abbreviations for US Military Ranks Rank and Pay Grades are interconnected in meaning/definition Written address with rank as presented Spoken – dependent on situation/occasion Army and Navy (US Public Health CC)/Coast Guard abbreviate rank all capitals (CPT) Air Force and Marines use mixed case with periods (Capt.) Includes Officers and Enlisted ranks Recommendation - create new DEC/DE and reference lists in VD + Template Department of Defense Source - US Public Health Commissioned Corps Source:

12 Recommendations Template [Object Class] Name Prefix Code Template [Object Class] Name Prefix Code DEC Public ID 2663174v1.0 Object Class = Any Property = Name (C25191) Prop. Qualifier = Prefix (C54066) Definition: When there is a need to capture a prefix to a name with an Object Class other than Person, this template may be used to create new data element concepts. Template [Object Class] Name Prefix Code CDE Public ID 2663176v1.0 Definition: When there is a need to capture a name prefix with an Object Class other than Person, this template may be used to create descriptive data elements. Person Name Prefix Code VD Public ID 2179427v3.0 Representation Term: Code (C25162) Definition: The codes that describes the title that precedes an individual's name. Data Type = Character Max length = 20 Reused from DCP

13 Example Participant Name Prefix Code Participant Name Prefix Code Public ID 2663178v1.0 Object Class = Participant (C29867) Property = Name (C25191) Prop. Qualifier = Prefix (C54066) Definition: An affix occurring before the beginning of a word or group of words indicating the identity of someone who takes part in an activity. Participant Name Prefix Code Public ID 2663180v1.0 Definition: The codes that describes an affix occurring before the beginning of a word or group of words indicating the identity of someone who takes part in an activity. Person Name Prefix Code Public ID 2179427v3.0 Representation Term: Code (C25162) Definition: The code that describes the title that precedes an individual's name. Data Type = Character Max length = 20 Reused from DCP

14 Recommendation Details Template [Object Class] US Military Rank Name Prefix Code Template [Object Class] United States Military Rank Name Prefix New DEC 2665249v1.0 Object = Any Prop. Qualifier 1 = United States (C17234) Prop. Qualifier 2 = Military (C68638) Prop. Qualifier 3 = Rank (C48904) Prop. Qualifier 4 = Name (C25191) Property = Prefix (C54066) Definition: When there is a need to capture the US uniformed services rank prefix with an Object Class other than Person, this template may be used to create descriptive Data Element Concepts by substituting a concept term for [Object Class] with the Property and Qualifiers, United States Military Rank Name Prefix (C17234:C68638:C48904:C42614:C54066). Template [Object Class] United States Military Rank Name Prefix Code New CDE 2665357v1.0 Definition: When there is a need to capture the US uniformed services rank prefix with an Object Class other than Person, this template may be used to create descriptive Data Element Concepts by substituting a concept term for [Object Class] with the Property and Qualifiers, United States Military Rank Person Name Prefix (C17234:C68638:C48904:C25191:C54 066) and by reusing the current version of the standard Value Domain, United States Military Rank Prefix Code, Public ID 2665351. United States Military Rank Name Prefix Code New VD Public ID 2665351v1.0 Representation Term: Code (C25162) Definition: The abbreviations that represent the rank for personnel in the United States uniformed services as an affix occurring at or before the beginning of an individual's name. Data Type = Character (15) Permissible Values - accessible by reference

15 Example Participant US Military Rank Name Prefix Code Participant United States Military Rank Name Prefix Code Public ID: 2665375v1.0 Definition: The abbreviations that represent the rank for personnel in the United States uniformed services as an affix occurring at or before the beginning of a word or group of words for someone who takes part in an activity. Participant United States Military Rank Name Prefix New DEC Public ID: 2665373v1.0 Object = Participant Prop. Qualifier 1 = United States Prop. Qualifier 2 = Military Prop. Qualifier 3 = Rank Prop. Qualifier 4 = Name (C25191) Property = Prefix (C54066) Definition: An affix occurring before the beginning of a word or group of words indicating the rank of an individual serving in the United States uniformed services who takes part in an activity. United States Military Rank Name Prefix Code New VD Public ID 2665351v1.0 Representation Term: Code (C25162) Definition: The abbreviations that represent the rank for personnel in the United States uniformed services as an affix occurring at or before the beginning of an individual's name. Data Type = Character (15) Permissible Values - accessible by reference

16 Suggested UML Guidance Goal is to provide reusable/searchable metadata for manual and automated curation methods Standardize CDEs from existing caDSR content Two acceptable UML models shown, in order of preference Highly recommended: UML model to fit proposed standard CDEs Acceptable: Use standard attribute and value domain if alternate class name is necessary

17 UML Model Guidance (Highly Recommended) Person Name Prefix Code - 2663165 Person United States Military Rank Name Prefix Code - 2665353 Map attributes to Standard CDEs UML Model

18 UML Model Guidance (Acceptable) Include a Class in a model with any Class name and attribute namePrefix (C54066:C25191). Map attribute to Value Domain Person Name Prefix Code (Public ID 2179427). [Object Class] Name Prefix Code Object Class - namePrefix (C25191:C54066) UML Model Use Template CDE to create new CDE from existing (Slides 13 and 15)

19 Discussion Questions Next Steps/Action Items Comments by email due 8/31 If no comments: Propose to VCDE WS for Vote on 9/6

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