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Secondary Principal ’ s Report May 11, 2015. Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Secondary Principal ’ s Report May 11, 2015. Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secondary Principal ’ s Report May 11, 2015

2 Mission Statement The mission of the Pender Public School District is to provide quality educational opportunities in a safe, positive learning environment that motivates and challenges all students to become productive and responsible citizens.

3 Workshops/Meetings Attended Past Meetings/Trainings reVision grant Meeting 4/24 – NETA Conference 4/27&28 – AQuESTT Kearney Future Meetings/Trainings Post Service Days – May 20-22 Will include time for: Building level discussions Build Your Own Curriculum (BYOC) ELA Standards Training June 5 & 11 Canvas Training (online learning management system)

4 reVISION Grant Activity Meeting with 8 schools from ESU 2 and Pender (Logan View, West Point-Beemer, Wisner –Pilger, Oakland-Craig, Tekamah-Herman, Lyons-Decatur, Bancroft-Rosalie, Scribner-Snyder, & Pender) Work within the community for support on Career and Technical Education We are in “Part 1” on the timeline with the schools above Formed the NE Nebraska Career and Technical Education Consortium

5 AQuESTT A Quality Education System for Today & Tomorrow What is it? The new classification system for districts in NE. What will it do? It will align with the accreditation of school districts and serves as a blueprint of continuous improvement for each school and each school district in Nebraska. How does it work? Schools and districts will be classified and recognized annually, according to the 6 Tenets of AQuESTT.

6 AQuESTT Cont… Schools and districts classified as Excellent and Great will be recognized by the State Board of Education. Any school or district falling into the classification of Needs Improvement will be required to submit an action plan to the NDE that outlines the steps underway to make improvements. The three schools most in need of improvement will be designated as Priority Schools. Priority Schools will be required to work with an NDE intervention team to create an intervention plan. The Priority School intervention plan must be submitted to, and approved, by the State Board of Education.

7 AQuESTT Cont… NDE wants this adopted as part of Rule 10 AQuESTT is written in as part of Nebraska’s waiver application for NCLB Many unknowns at this point – But do your best to educate yourself on what we need to do as School Leaders

8 NETA Nebraska Educational Technology Association I went to 6 sessions George Couros (General Session) Technology – If you are choosing not to keep up you are becoming illiterate Are your students leaving school more curious? They should be. You have to be “on-line” to exist in the real world and with this generation of learners If kids had a choice, would they want to come back??? If an adult Googles an answer, we call them “resourceful.” If a student does the same, we call them a “cheater?” The biggest game changers in education now are the technologically innovative teachers!

9 NETA Cont… Sessions I attended: BYOC CANVAS Data Collection for Technology (Discussion) BrightBytes Technology Based Professional Development Building Positive School Culture with Technology

10 6 th Grade Orientation Set up by Mr. Nixon and conducted on May 5 th All attended except 1 6 th grade given a copy of their schedules Talked to by Mr. Conroy, Mr. Nixon, Mr. King, Mrs. Person, Mr. Sturek, and Mr. Miller Discussed activities, physicals, handbook, computers, classroom expectations, summer reading lists, and other topics Current HS students ran a Q&A with the kids

11 Prom Recap Everything went well Breathalyzers went off without any problems Dance ended at 11:45 p.m. – A lot of kids changed at the school No issues at Post Prom Safe and successful night

12 Graduation Recap Saturday, May 4 th Valedictorian – Lexi Ostrand Salutatorian – Caleb Jasa Graduating with Honors: Lexi OstrandCaleb Jasa Kody WagemanBrandy Buchholz Martina JuhlinSydney Heineman Shelby Roth Corbin Lamplot Rachel SchopkeKailee Athey

13 Upcoming Activities Thursday, May 14 th – District Track @ Norfolk Catholic Monday, May 18 th – District Golf @ Oakland Tuesday, May 19 th - Last Day of Students – Noon dismissal Friday and Saturday, May 22 & 23 – State Track @ Omaha Wednesday and Thursday, May 27 & 28 - State Golf @ Kearney, Meadow Lark Hills

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