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Syntax Sabrina. Subject The sun rises from the east. Bell and his brothers invented the telephone.

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Presentation on theme: "Syntax Sabrina. Subject The sun rises from the east. Bell and his brothers invented the telephone."— Presentation transcript:

1 syntax Sabrina

2 Subject The sun rises from the east. Bell and his brothers invented the telephone.

3 Predicate They have a digital camera. This method works effectively. He has devoted all his leisure time to public activity.

4 Object My aunt teaches history in a middle school. We can disagree with someone and still respect him.

5 Attribute This is a difficult problem for me. The building at the top of the hill is a weather station.

6 Adverbial We should react calmly in the face of unexpected events. John’s wife is very careful about spending money. Personally, I don’t like dancing with strangers.

7 Predicative The marketing manager is a crucial position in the company. You look smart in your new suit.

8 Complement They painted the fence white. Mr. Brown encouraged his son to become a journalist. We all consider it a challenging task.

9 Appositive John’s uncle is a teacher, a physics teacher. The mobile phone, a very useful tool, is very popular nowadays. I have a very important meeting to attend.

10 SVP Everyone is an artist. Your suggestion sounds reasonable.

11 SV The rain finally stopped. The tension is building up.

12 SVO He studies Chinese history. They want to take up French next semester.

13 SVOC He expected his son to become lawyer. Peter thinks this matter (to be) urgent. They call John a lazy boy.

14 SVOiOd The professor gave John some useful advice. (Give some useful advice to John) Elizabeth bought her Mom a fancy birthday present for her Mom

15 types of sentences Statement Question Imperative Exclamation

16 Statement The earth turns round the sun. A mouse is a small gray animal.

17 Question General question: Do you like pop music? Special question: Who is that gentleman? Alternative question: would you like to have tea or coffee? Tag question: your uncle used to shoot movies, didn’t he?

18 Imperative Don’t break your mother’s heart.

19 Exclamation What: what lovely weather it is! How: how interesting the film is!

20 Simple sentence The man knocked at the door. Compound sentence The man knocked at the door but no one answered. The man knocked at the door ;no one answered. Complex sentence As soon as he arrived at the house, the man knocked at the door.

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