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28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. HL-LHC.

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Presentation on theme: "28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. HL-LHC."— Presentation transcript:


2 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. HL-LHC activities during LS2, highlight of changes with respect to last year 2 Laurent Tavian (ATS-DO) Many thanks to HL-LHC WP leaders and engineers for their contributions

3 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Outline Highlight of changes with respect to Chamonix’14 workshop, in particular: 11 T dipoles, cryo-bypasses and TCLD collimators configuration Cold/warm powering Cryogenics at P4 In-situ coating of IT beam screen at P2 and P8 Civil engineering work Safety of personnel working in the HL-LHC underground areas during LHC Run 3  Different scenarios under study with their impacts on LS2 activities Conclusions 3

4 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. HL-LHC project structure 4 With potential installation activities during YETS, EYETS and LS2 WP4: Mainly SPS/BA6 activities (see Julie and Giovanna presentation) Avoid large upgrade and consolidation activities in test or assembly facilities in parallel with (E)YETS and LS

5 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. 11 T dipoles, cryo-bypass & TCLD Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals 2-unit installation in L2 & R2 (DS)Alternative under study. Could be replaced by the installation in LS2 of 2 long-cryo-bypass & TCLD assemblies at the location of the connection cryostats (HL-LHC ECR (if alternative validated) and LHC ECR to be done) 2-unit installation in L7 & R7 (DS)Maintained (LHC ECR to be done) 5 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. = 1 unit First unit to be ready before the beginning of LS2 (end 2018) Second unit not later than end 2019 Long cryo-bypass design/manufacture on the critical path for LS2 installation Remainder of ECR rules: - Changes affecting the configuration Baseline of HL-LHC  HL-LHC ECR will be used to trace decisions and actions that will come from changes on components. (discussed at the HL-LHC-TCC) - Installation of new components affecting the present LHC configuration  LHC ECR will be used to trace the LHC configuration change. (discussed at the LMC)

6 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Collimation (DS excepted) Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Secondary collimator (TCSPM) at P7 (1 unit prototype in EYETS, 7-9 units in LS2) (LHC-ECR to be done) Installation of an optional e-lens installation at P4 is still under consideration (HL-LHC-ECR and LHC ECR to be done) Small activities (IR7, crystals…) 6 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617.

7 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Cold and warm powering Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Installation of horizontal HTS links and current feedboxes in LSS7 and TZ76 Suppressed (HL-LHC ECR to be done) Installation of power converters in TZ76 Suppressed but to be replaced by the Radtol upgrade of existing power converters (HL-LHC ECR to be done) 7 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617.

8 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. New Q5 quadrupoles at Point 6 Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Replacement of Q5 quadrupoles in LSS6 by installation of longer Q5 quadrupoles Maintained (LHC ECR to be done) 8 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. HL-LHC proposal (Increase of longi- tudinal dimension by 3650 mm) Alternative under study to keep the existing Q5 quadrupoles and operate it at 1.9 K:  Additional impact on cryo (WP9) which has to supply and install 2 new QRL service modules  If validated probably to be postponed in LS3

9 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Upgrade of cryogenics at P4 Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Installation of a new 3-4 kW cryoplant cold box in UX45 Alternative under study. Could be replaced by the upgrade of the S45 Sector cryoplant and the installation of a small mobile cryoplant to be shared with SPS (HL-LHC ECR (if alternative validated) and LHC ECR to be done) Installation of a new helium compressor station in SUH4 New Cryo-distribution (Cryolines and valve box) for RF cavities Maintained but to be updated if cryoplant alternative validated (HL- LHC ECR (if alternative validated) and LHC ECR to be done) 9 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617.

10 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. In-situ amorphous-carbon coating of beam screens Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Coating of IT2 and IT8 beam screens Coating of D2 beam screens in LSS2 and LSS8 under study. (HL-LHC ECR (if validated) and LHC ECR to be done) 10 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617.

11 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Beam diagnostic Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Installation of a prototype of fast wire scanners (BWSF) at P4 Maintained. (LHC ECR to be done) Installation of beam gas vertex detector (BGV) 1 st proto in YETS, 2 nd proto in LS2 Maintained, 1 st proto already installed and being tested. (LHC ECR to be done for the 2 nd proto) Installation of a wideband BPM Prototyping for LHC at P4 (LHC ECR to be done) Installation of halo Diagnostics (LHC ECR to be done) 11 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617.

12 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Beam transfer and kickers Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposalsChamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Installation of injection absorber (TDIS) in L2 and R8 Maintained. (LHC-ECR to be done) Installation of a MKI prototype in R8 during YETS 2017. Maintained. (LHC-ECR to be done) Installation of absorber/mask in front of D1 in L2 and R8 instead of TCDD aperture change (HL- LHC ECR (if alternative validated) and LHC-ECR to be done) Beam Dumping System: Replacement of extraction kicker generators switch and upgrade of control system of MKD generators (LHC-ECR to be done) 12 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. TDIS D1 mask

13 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Collider-Experiment interface Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposals Chamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Installation of a neutral absorber in front of D2 in L8 Maintained. (LHC-ECR to be done) Installation of 2 TAXN for LHCb in P8Maintained. (LHC-ECR to be done) 13 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. TAXN Neutral adsorber

14 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Civil engineering Chamonix 2014 : LS2 activity proposalsChamonix 2016: LS2 activity proposals Identified as Run 3 activityExcavation of underground structure at P1 and P5: 2018 (shaft), 2019-2020 (Cavern and galleries) Construction start of surface building at P1 and P5 in 2020 14 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. Shaft Cavern UR gallery UL gallery UA gallery UA gallery UL gallery

15 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Civil-engineering present schedule 15 Connection to the LHC tunnel (including personnel evacuation bypasses) foreseen beginning of LS3 Time slot now available for services installation (lighting, ventilation, electrical distribution, doors…)… but what about personnel safety due to the non-availability of evacuation bypasses?

16 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Safety of personnel 16 No access need in UL, i.e. fence at the entrance. (special measures during HTS link and cryo-line installation) Evacuation bypass at the extremity of the UAs LHC tunnel Basic rule: no dead-ends i.e. having always escape paths at each end (the PM shaft on one side and UA extremities in the other side) Discussion in close collaboration with HSE Unit

17 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Safety of personnel during Run 3: Option 1 Keep the initial schedule for service installation in underground areas: no use of the new available time slot underground access forbidden start of activities during LS3 after the completion of the CE work, i.e. important level of coactivity with associated risks (safety, delays…) 17

18 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Safety of personnel during Run 3: Option 2 Installation of a safe room at the end of the UR. Operation and maintenance of the room during 2 years? Training of personnel (periodicity?) or dedicated operators? “GVA Police du feu” recommendation: if you use a safe room, be sure that you can rescue the group of persons in less than few hours. 18

19 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Safety of personnel during Run 3: Option 3 Construction of the evacuation bypasses during LS2: Impact on schedule (extra time for excavation?) Impact on LHC activity: Rerouting of services which could be on the LHC tunnel wall Removal of fragile hardware in LHC tunnel? creation of a protection sas in the LHC tunnel to prevent dust migration during the LHC wall drilling phase. Impact on logistics/coactivity: no transport across the protection sas areas Impact on extra services required: interconnection of the LHC and HL-LHC will require the implementation of: Pressure-fire-resistant ventilation doors Active pressurization (DP= 20-40 Pa) of a interface sas protecting the HL-LHC areas against tunnel air inlet. Beam interlock system (beam dump in case of door opening during Run 3) ODH and radiation monitoring? 19 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. LHC tunnel UA Evacuation bypass Protection sas Fire & pressure resistant door Pressurized sas Interlocked door

20 28 th January 2016 LHC Performance Workshop Session 8: (E)YETS and Long Shutdown 2 Strategy and Preparation. Conclusions HL-LHC activities will be present during the LS2 and must be coordinated and included in the LS2 master schedule. Some alternatives to the HL-LHC baseline are still under study. Decisions and/or HL-LHC ECR must be done in the coming months to allow sufficient procurement/fabrication time. For all (E)YETS & LS2 HL-LHC activities impacting the LHC configuration, LHC ECRs must be issued. Civil engineering for underground areas is now integrated in the LS2 and will be on the critical path. Post-LS2 personnel safety in HL-LHC underground areas has to be addressed. Decision has to be taken in collaboration with HSE. Option 3 seems more attractive but the impacts on LHC, on additional works and on LS2 schedule must be studied more in detail. Remarks: If all the addressed HL-LHC LS2 activities are accepted, the warm-up of 7/8 LHC sectors will be required. 20 WP3456A.B7891011121314151617. S12S23S34S45S56S67S78S81 11 T or alt. 11 T or alt.Cryo Q511 T Q5 11 T

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