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Applying some fact oriented modelling principles to business process modelling Peter Spyns

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Presentation on theme: "Applying some fact oriented modelling principles to business process modelling Peter Spyns"— Presentation transcript:

1 Applying some fact oriented modelling principles to business process modelling Peter Spyns

2 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation overview 2 context material and methods modelling exercise: take 1 : the in-house method by a consultant modelling exercise: take 2 : a fact oriented flavoured alternative discussion future work conclusion

3 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation context 3 EWI (= Flemish government department) needs to  become more efficient  cut costs  (re)organise internal business processes  design an enterprise architecture model PWC Belgium (= selected after public procurement) facilitates by  providing training and consultancy on BP modelling  “train the trainers”  using EWI input by domain experts to finalise BP models  at the start: initial flows, data objects, applications  at the end: validation of the proposed models

4 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Material and Method Tussentitel 1 4 modelling an “as is” process: financing

5 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation tutorial sessions and a PWC manual a PWC in-house developed BP model Visio stencil Note the suggestions for naming conventions:  for activities: use a pair consisting of an infinitive and an object  for events: use a pair consisting of an object and past participle BP modelling - take 1: the group session 5

6 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation BP modelling - take 1: the EWI built graphical BP model 6

7 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation BP modelling - take 1: final graphical BP model 7

8 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Two ways of modelling Tussentitel 1 8 a “to be” process: finding information

9 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the PWC way – take 1 9

10 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the PWC way – take 2 10

11 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the PWC way – take 3 (final) 11

12 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the alternative way - step 1: create a story 12 segmenting disclaimer: subsequent processing chain is not 100% “correct”

13 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the alternative way - step 2: transform the story into episodes 13 highlighting

14 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the alternative way - step 3: create elementary sentences 14 ~ CSDP step 1: transform examples into elementary facts

15 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the alternative way - step 4: build the process flow 15 communication manager head of division collaborator receivesforwards assesses accepts refuses consults composes info requested answer sent [2] receives assesses accepts refuses consults composes [3] [4] [6] [14] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] forwards [5] [7] forwards ~ CSDP step 2a: draw the fact types archives checks

16 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation the alternative way - step 5: check completeness of the flow [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] =

17 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation forwards the alternative way - step 6: identify “missing links” 17 communication manager head of division collaborator receives assesses accepts refuses consults composes sends returns checks forwards archives assesses returns info requested answer sent sends [2] [3] [4] [6] [14] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] forwards [5] [7] ~ CSDP step 2b: do a population check

18 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Tussentitel 1 18 Discussion, Future Work & Conclusion

19 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Discussion 19 CSDP step 1 rules and “thinking in elementary sentences” is helpful “classical” benefits of fact based modelling also appear in this case importance of “preparing and scoping” the (human) resources prepare to create more sophisticated models  consider “transformation” of fact types into events binary versus n-ary fact types  currently only binary  might be useful to model events not investigated yet, but most likely also useful: apply CSDP step 3  trim the schema: e.g., is the activity “return” the same as “send” ? e.g., is the activity “forward” different from “send” ?  query the model: find out who performs a certain activity compose an activity profile per role (= swim lane)

20 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Potential future Work 20 What could be planned  creating the stories and episodes consisting of predicates including the entity types,  verbalising the process flow  completing the graphical process model with operators  formalising the various steps,  developing guidelines to make the method more widely applicable What is needed:  More processes  More modellers, having other alternative solutions What is wanted:  user evaluation (Likert scale)

21 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation Conclusion 21 An interesting alternative business process model elicitation techniques combines:  fact oriented modelling  First three steps  story telling  highlighting  segmenting Applying this techniques seems to lead to:  non formal expert commitment and goodwill  higher degree of participation  good starting BP model for subsequent refinement However, conclusive and non refutable evidence on a extensive corpus is currently still lacking

22 Thank you Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) Koning Albert II-laan 35 box 10, 1030 Brussels |

23 Thank you Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) Koning Albert II-laan 35 box 10, 1030 Brussels |

24 Flemish government | Department of Economy, Science and Innovation 24 better ways is to  b  c  Derde niveau opsomming  Vierde niveau opsomming V  De structuur wordt bepaald door jouw ervaringen  Jouw gedachtengang bepaalt de rode draad  Bulletoverkill vermijden  Vermijd foutief gebruik van bullets voor eindeloze opsommingen van trefwoorden  Vierde niveau opsomming

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