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Published byOsborne Morton Modified over 8 years ago
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 1 MAXIMUM FLOW (part II)
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 2 3 / Flow network directed graph with source and sink, and capacities on the edges if (u,v) in E then we cannot have (v,u) in E Flow in a network must satisfy capacity constraints and “flow in = flow out” value of flow: |f | = ∑ v in V f (s,v) − ∑ v in V f (v,s) 10 2 3 3 51 3 2 s t 2 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / flow / capacity 1 /3 value = 4+3−1 = 6 5
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 3 augmenting path Ford-Fulkerson: increase flow using augmenting paths in residual network 2 / 2 3 5 3 6 5 1 2 2 s t 3 0 / 2 / 5 / 0 / 5 / 0 / 6 1 1 1 1 s t 2 2 1 2 1 2 5 5 3 1 5 flow network residual network: contains edges with residual capacity > 0 residual capacity of original edge (u,v): c f (u,v) = c(u,v) – f (u,v) residual capacity of reverse edge (v,u): c f (v,u) = f (u,v)
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 4 Ford-Fulkerson ( G, s, t ) Initialize flow: set f (u,v) = 0 for each pair (u,v) in V x V Construct residual network G f while there is an augmenting path p in the residual network G f do // increase flow by augmenting flow along p c f (p) ← residual capacity of the path p for each edge (u,v) on the path p do if (u,v) in E then f (u,v) ← f (u,v) + c f (p) else f (v,u) ← f (v,u) − c f (p) Update the residual network G f return f need algorithm to find path between two given vertices (s and t)
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 5 Properties of Ford-Fulkerson: Invariant: flow is valid Flow increases at each iteration Questions: Are we sure we have max flow when algorithm terminates ? want to prove: no augmenting path max flow to prove this we have to look at cuts Are we sure it always terminates? not guaranteed if capacities are irrational and augmenting paths are chosen in the “wrong” way How many iterations before termination (no augmenting path) ?
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 6 Cuts of flow network G = (V,E) cut (S,T) = partitioning of V into subsets S and T, with s in S and t in T flow f (S,T) across cut (S,T) = ∑ u in S ∑ v in T f(u,v) − ∑ u in S ∑ v in T f(v,u) = ( 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 ) − ( 1 + 1 ) = 6 capacity c(S,T) of cut (S,T) = max flow across the cut = ∑ u in S ∑ v in T c(u,v) = ( 2 + 3 + 3 + 5 ) = 13 10 2 5 3 2 51 3 2 s t 3 2 / 3 / 4 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 0 /
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 7 Max-flow min-cut Theorem: Let f be a flow in a flow network G. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) f is a maximum flow in G (ii) residual network G f contains no augmenting path (iii) there is a cut (S,T) with |f | = c(S,T) Consequence: maximum flow = capacity of minimum cut This implies: if Ford-Fulkerson terminates it has found max flow Lemma: Flow across any cut is the same, and equals the value of the flow.
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 8 Properties of Ford-Fulkerson: Invariant: flow is valid Flow increases at each iteration Questions: Are we sure we have max flow when algorithm terminates ? want to prove: no augmenting path max flow Are we sure it always terminates? not guaranteed if capacities are irrational and augmenting paths are chosen in the “wrong” way How many iterations before termination (no augmenting path) ?
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 9 round 0: send flow 1 Example where Ford-Fulkerson is not guaranteed to terminate flow network initial residual network st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j 1 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 other edges have capacity C ≥ 2 max flow = 1 + 2C
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 10 residual network after zero-th round st 2 4 1 3 σ = σ 1 1=σ 0 other rounds: 4 iterations each Invariant: after k-th round total flow = 1 + 2 ∑ 1≤i ≤ 2k σ i res.cap. (2,1) = σ 2k res.cap (2,3) = 0 res.cap. (4,3) = σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j total flow after zero-th round: 1
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 11 first iteration: send flow σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 σ 2k+1 σ 2k second iteration: send flow σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+2 σ 2k+1 residual capacity of original edge before iteration st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j 0 total flow: … + σ 2k+1 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 12 third iteration: send flow σ 2k+2 second iteration: send flow σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+2 σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+1 σ 2k+2 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 + σ 2k+2
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 13 fourth iteration: send flow σ 2k+2 third iteration: send flow σ 2k+2 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+1 σ 2k+2 st 2 4 1 3 σ 2k+3 0 σ 2k+2 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 + σ 2k+2 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 + 2σ 2k+2
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 14 fourth iteration: send flow σ 2k+2 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+3 σ 2k+2 st 2 4 1 3 σ 2k+3 0 σ 2k+2 after fourth iteration total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 + 2σ 2k+2
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 15 residual network after (k+1)-st round other rounds: 4 iterations each Invariant: after k-th round total flow = 1 + 2 ∑ 1≤i ≤ 2k σ i res.cap. (2,1) = σ 2k res.cap (2,3) = 0 res.cap. (4,3) = σ 2k+1 st 2 4 1 3 σ 1 1 σ = (√5 -1) / 2 ≈ 0.61… so σ j+2 = σ j − σ j+1 for all j st 2 4 1 3 0 σ 2k+3 σ 2k+2 total flow: … + 2σ 2k+1 + 2σ 2k+2 total flow converges to 1 + 2(1+ σ) < 1 + 2C Ford-Fulkerson does not terminate
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 16 Ford-Fulkerson for integral capacities Invariant: flow is always integral Flow increases at each iteration Then number of iterations ≤ OPT ( = value of max flow ) How much time do we need for one iteration? Find s-to-t path in G f : O(|E|) Theorem: On flow network G=(V,E) with integral capacities, Ford-Fulkerson runs in time O( OPT∙ |E| ), where OPT is the value of a maximum flow.
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 17 Can’t we get a running time that does not depend on OPT ? What about non-integral capacities? We should not use just any augmenting path, but a specific one: Edmonds-Karp: always use shortest augmenting path (one with minimum number of edges)
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 18 Lemma: The distances δ f (s,v) for v ≠ s,t do not decrease when flow is augmented (and, hence, G f is modified) in the Edmonds-Karp algorithm. Proof. Assume not true. f = flow before the augmentation g = flow after augmentation v = vertex with minimum δ g (s,v) whose distance decreases Claim 1: δ f (s,u) ≤ δ g (s,u) Claim 2: (u,v) not in E f Proof of Claim 2: otherwise δ f (s,v) ≤ δ f (s,u) + 1 ≤ δ g (s,u) + 1 = δ g (s,v) δ f (s,v) = distance from s to v in G f su v shortest path in G g
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 19 shortest path in G g Lemma: The distances δ f (s,v) for v ≠ s,t do not decrease when flow is augmented (and, hence, G f is modified) in the Edmonds-Karp algorithm. Proof. Assume not true. f = flow before the augmentation g = flow after augmentation v = vertex with minimum δ g (s,v) whose distance decreases Claim 1: δ f (s,u) ≤ δ g (s,u) Claim 2: (u,v) not in E f But then augmentation has increased flow along (v,u) and we get δ f (s,v) = δ f (s,u) − 1 ≤ δ g (s,u) − 1 = δ g (s,v) − 2 su v shortest path in G f δ f (s,v) = distance from s to v in G f contradiction
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 20 Theorem: The number of iterations in Edmonds-Karp is O( |V |∙ |E| ). Proof. Definition: (u,v) is critical in G f if Claim: If (u,v) is critical in G f and later in G g then δ g (s,u) ≥ δ f (s,u) + 2 Proof of Claim: if (u,v) is critical in G f then δ f (s,v) = δ f (s,u) + 1 and (u,v) disappears if (u,v) re-appears when G h is handled, then (v,u) on augmenting path and so δ h (s,u) = δ h (s,v) + 1 Hence δ g (s,u) ≥ δ h (s,u) = δ h (s,v) + 1 ≥ δ f (s,v) + 1 = δ f (s,u) + 2 su v t augmenting path: c f (u,v) = c f (p) because distances never decrease
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 21 Theorem: The number of iterations in Edmonds-Karp is O ( |V |∙ |E| ). Proof. Definition: (u,v) is critical in G f if Claim: If (u,v) is critical in G f and later in G g then δ g (s,u) ≥ δ f (s,u) + 2 min distance = 0 max distance is |V|−2 su v t augmenting path: c f (u,v) = c f (p) (u,v) can be critical at most |V | / 2 times at most 2 |E| ∙ ( |V |/2 ) = |E| ∙ |V | iterations
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 22 Theorem: The running time of Edmonds-Karp is O ( |V |∙ |E| 2 ). There are faster algorithms for max flow push-relabel algorithm with relabel-to-front: O( |V | 3 ) (in book) or O( |V |∙ |E| log ( |V | 2 / |E|) ), or …
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 23 Applications of Max-Flow: some examples “robustness” of s-to-t connectivity maximum bipartite matching assigning jobs … Many applications are based on the following lemma. Lemma. Let G=(V,E) be a flow network with integral capacities. Then there exists a max flow such that the flow along every edge is integral, and the Ford-Fulkerson method computes such a flow.
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 24 Applications of Max Flow: example I “Robustness” of s-to-t paths
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 25 “Robustness” of s-to-t connectivity G = (V,E) directed graph s, t: two nodes in the graph Question: how many edge-disjoint simple paths are there from s to t ? s t
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 26 How many edge-disjoint simple paths are there from s to t ? s t Turn G into flow network G* by assigning capacity 1 to every edge (and removing vertices that are not on any s-to-t path). Compute max flow f in G* using Ford-Fulkerson method. NB: Ford-Fulkerson method computes integral flow If only max number of edge-disjoint paths is required, then return |f | else compute paths themselves using f. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 flow = 1flow = 0
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 27 Lemma. Max number of edge-disjoint s-to-t paths in G = value of max flow in G*. Proof. If we have M edge-disjoint paths, we can send 1 unit of flow along each path: −capacity constraint −flow in = flow out Hence, max number of edge-disjoint paths ≤ value of max flow For any integral flow f, we can find |f | edge-disjoint simple paths (next slides). Hence, max number of edge-disjoint paths ≥ value of max flow NB Max number of edge-disjoint paths = min number of edges to be destroyed to disconnect s and t. (Follows from max flow = min cut)
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 28 Finding edge-disjoint simple paths from an integral flow f Let G = (V,E ) be the directed graph containing edges with flow =1. x ← |f | // x = number of disjoint paths we can still find while x > 0 do Find a simple s-to-t path in G. Remove edges on the path from G. x ← x − 1 s t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 flow = 1flow = 0 Question: do we have flow=0 for every edge after algorithm?
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 29 “Robustness” of s-to-t connectivity Question: What if we also want vertex-disjointness (except at s and t) ?
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 30 Applications of Max Flow: example II Maximum matching in bipartite graphs
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 31 G = (V,E) undirected graph Matching: subset M E such that no two edges have a common vertex U Maximum matching = matching with maximum number of edges ( Maximal matching = matching to which we cannot add another edge matching can be maximal without being maximum )
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 32 The maximum-matching problem compute a maximum matching for a given graph G we will study the problem for bipartite graphs G = (V,E) where V = L U R LR
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 33 t Maximum matching for bipartite graphs Turn graph G into a flow network G* Compute max flow in G* with integral flow values { (u,v): u in L and v in R and f (u,v) = 1 } is maximum matching LR s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 34 Applications of Max Flow: example III Assigning jobs to people
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 35 Assigning jobs to people J 1, …, J n set of n jobs P 1, …, P m set of m people each person P j has a list L j of jobs that they are able to do no person is allowed to do more than, say, 3 jobs Questions: can jobs be assigned such that all jobs are done ? if yes, compute such an assignment if not, would it help if jobs can be shared? ( condition: if some person does part β i of J i, then ∑ i β i ≤ 3 )
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 36 Modeling the problem as a “matching” problem construct bipartite graph G = ( L U R, E ) P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 J1J1 J2J2 J3J3 J4J4 J5J5 L = { P 1, …, P m } set of people R = { J 1, …, J m } set of jobs E = { (P j, J i ) : person P j can do job J i } When can all jobs be done such that no person does more than three jobs? “matching” where each P i is incident to at most 3 edges and each J j to exactly 1 edge
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 37 t Solving the matching problem Turn graph G into a flow network G* Compute max flow in G* with integral flow values all jobs can be done if and only if s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P4P4 J1J1 J2J2 J3J3 J4J4 J5J5 value of max flow = # jobs
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 38 Lemma. All jobs can be done if and only if value of max flow = # jobs. Proof. Suppose all jobs can be done. // argue there exists flow f with |f | = # jobs, and that f is maximal Suppose value of max flow = # jobs. Then there is integral f with |f | = # jobs. If edge (P j, J i ) has flow 1 in f, then assign J i to P j Each J i is assigned to exactly one person because −out-flow of J i is 1 (otherwise total flow cannot be equal to # jobs) −flow in = flow out −flow is integral Each person P j is assigned at most three jobs, because −incoming flow is at most 3 −flow is integral
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 39 Assigning jobs to people J 1, …, J n set of n jobs P 1, …, P m set of m people each person P j has a list L j of jobs that they are able to do no person is allowed to do more than, say, 3 jobs Questions: can jobs be assigned such that all jobs are done ? check using max flow if yes, compute such an assignment assign J i to P j if flow between them if not, would it help if jobs can be shared? no: there is always an integral max flow
TU/e Algorithms (2IL15) – Lecture 8 40 Max-Flow Summary Flow network directed graph with source and sink, and capacities on the edges if (u,v) in E then we cannot have (v,u) in E Flow in a network must satisfy capacity constraints and “flow in = flow out” Ford-Fulkerson method iteratively increase flow using augmenting paths in residual graph Edmonds-Karp variant: use shortest augment path number of iterations O( |V| ∙ |E| ) running time O( |V| ∙ |E| 2 ) Relation between flows and cuts for any flow f, the net flow across any cut is the same and equals |f | Max flow = min cut Applications of max flow: often use that if all capacities are integral then there exists a max flow that is integral everywhere (and Ford-Fulkerson method computes such a flow)
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