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Track C: Epidemiology, prevention and prevention research Quarraisha Abdool Karim (Chief Rapporteur) Team: Marian Swart, Ken Mayer, Cheryl Baxter, Ayesha.

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Presentation on theme: "Track C: Epidemiology, prevention and prevention research Quarraisha Abdool Karim (Chief Rapporteur) Team: Marian Swart, Ken Mayer, Cheryl Baxter, Ayesha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Track C: Epidemiology, prevention and prevention research Quarraisha Abdool Karim (Chief Rapporteur) Team: Marian Swart, Ken Mayer, Cheryl Baxter, Ayesha Kharsany, Barbara de Zalduondo, Catherine Worthington, Vivek Naranbhai, Heidi van Rooyen, Francois van Loggerenberg, Ida Susser, Salim Abdool Karim

2 Outline Global epidemiology Understanding multiple layers of risk Prevention: known effective strategies The future of prevention Conclusion

3 38.6 million living with HIV –24.5 million in sub-Saharan Africa 4.1 million new infections 2.8 million deaths Examples of rapidly growing epidemics –IDUs in Eastern Europe –IDUs and MSM in Southeast Asia –Heterosexual in India, and Southern Africa –MSM in young African Americans in US Current state of the global epidemic

4 Global epidemiology North America 1.2 million HSex, MSM, IDU Caribbean 300 000 HSex, MSM Latin America 1.8 million HSex, MSM, IDU Sub-Saharan Africa 25.8 million HSex North Africa and Middle East 510 000 HSex, IDU Eastern Europe and Central Asia 1.6 million IDU East Asia 870 000 HSex, IDU, MSM South and southeast Asia 7.4 million HSex, IDU Oceaania 74 000 MSM Source: UNAIDS 2006

5 Uganda: Increasing HIV prevalence

6 Uganda: HIV incidence remains above 4/1000 person years

7 No room for complacency: increasing HIV risk in Uganda

8 Understanding multiple layers of risk Tissue / cellular level –e.g. HLA, cervical ectopy,  32 deleted CCR5 Individual level –e.g. condom use, circumcised Community level –e.g. access to health service, poverty Country level –e.g. punitive sex work legislation Global level –e.g. TRIPS agreement

9 False dichotomy: Prevention and Treatment

10 Prevention: Counseling and testing Major challenge in prevention and treatment programmes Ugandan home-based care programme increased uptake of testing in 15 months from 10% – 84% Botswana universal counseling and testing increased knowledge of HIV status from 18.1% in 2001 to 25.4% in 2004

11 Prevention: Prevention in PLWHA Botswana: –67% increased condom use –58% reduced number of sexual partners India: –Married HIV + women in care programme 4 times more unplanned pregnancies France: –17% of MSMs continued unsafe sex –29% of heterosexual patients had unsafe sex

12 Prevention: Harm reduction IDU = 10% of global burden China introduces harm reduction: –Within 2 years 101 methadone programmes in 22 provinces for over 15 000 drug users making over 10 700 visits per day 12 months after the introduction of a Chinese harm reduction site

13 Prevention: PMTCT Cote d’ Ivoire 4 arm Randomized Controlled Trial 1510110 (16-30) (6-14) (4-11) (2-10) (10-27) 6% 7% 9% 16% 22% 0% 20% 40% Ditrame ZDV long-term breastfed Ditrame-Plus ZDV+sdNVP short-term breastfed Ditrame-Plus ZDV+sdNVP formula-fed Ditrame-Plus ZDV+3TC+sdNVP short-term breastfed Ditrame-Plus ZDV+3TC+sdNVP formula-fed 18-month cumulative transmission rates

14 Translating evidence into action: the global failure in prevention scale up

15 Prevention: PrEP 936 women in Cameroon, Nigeria and Ghana Daily dose 300 mg oral tenofovir No safety concerns HIV seroconversions: 2 in TDF vs 6 in Placebo Difference not statistically significant (p=0.24) No evidence of TDF resistance in seroconvertors Conclusion: further efficacy studies warranted

16 Upcoming prevention trial results 20072008 2009 Carraguard Microbicide SAVVY MicrobicideCircumcision: Kenya HSV-2 Susceptibility Diaphragm HSV-2 InfectiousnessCellulose Sulphate Microbicide Circumcision: Uganda Oral TDF PrEP IDU/MSM Truvada PrEP: Heterosexual Pro2000 & Buffergel Microbicides Cellulose Sulphate Microbicide Pro200 Microbicide Female Controlled

17 Conclusion Treatment scale up creating new opportunities for prevention Need to improve scale up of known effective prevention strategies HIV epidemic continues to grow Not a single epidemic but a mosaic of multiple differing epidemics Need to deal with drivers of epidemic Continue to innovate with new prevention strategies

18 “History will judge us not by our scientific advances, but by what we do with our scientific advances” A Fauci 15 August 2006, Toronto IAC

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