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Management Review ISO 9001:2008 17 th December 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Management Review ISO 9001:2008 17 th December 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management Review ISO 9001:2008 17 th December 2013

2 No.Review Input 1 Quality Objectives for each department 2. Audit results (internal) 3. 2013 Performance & 2014 Planning 4. ISO 2 nd Surveillance Task Force

3 Quality Objectives Academic ▫To release the exam results maximum of 2 weeks after the exam is conducted. - Achieved Student Affairs ▫To organize minimum 80% of the planned students activities. - Achieved Public relations ▫To ensure all licenses and permits are valid and renewed on timely basis. - Achieved Academic ▫Lecturer to obtain minimum 80% of student review evaluation. – ▫Not Achieved by one Lecturer – Ms. Noresah ▫Action: Decided to let her go Academic ▫Lecturer to obtain minimum 80% of peer review evaluation. - Achieved

4 Proposed New QO 2014 Marketing ▫Undertake all tasks for promotion & advertisement in the recruitment of students as approved by the Management Committee Library ▫To ensure that all library collections are monitored and maintained by having 2 stock take in a year Account ▫To accurately process all general accounting transactions and activities on timely basis. Project Development ▫To ensure all project developed are progressing on timely basis. Information Technology (IT) ▫To design and maintain all portals and computer hardware on timely basis

5 Internal Audit (2 Dec 2013) Auditor(s)Area/ Department/ ProcessAuditee Faiz Aizat & Zharif Academic Dept.Syikin Student Affairs Dept.Lin Lecturer Khalida/ Umaira Marketing Dept.Wafi/Faizal

6 Internal Audit Findings Academic FindingsCorrective Action NCR: 1) Midterm Test question was not signed to indicate the approval and review from AD/CE OBS: List of Deferment student should be posted on every semester. As suggested by AE, the ISO procedure process flow should be attached at the file. Get the approval and self reminder for future usages. Won’t release the question until approval is obtained To ensure all the list is updated

7 Lecturer FindingsCorrective Action NCR: 1) Course outlines and assignment question were not updated before each new semester Get the approval and self reminder for future usages. Won’t release the course outline until approval is obtained Internal Audit Findings

8 Student Affairs FindingsCorrective Action NCR: 1) Four students (Muhammad Ifzan, Muhammad Ariff Fahmi, Muhammad Luqman Hakim, Nizar Aswad were found using old withdrawal form – Neglecting the outstanding fees OBS: Purchase Order form – No signature of acceptance supplier Remove all old forms and ensure that only updated form is used for withdrawal Sign on behalf if transactions were made via email or online Internal Audit Findings

9 Marketing FindingsCorrective Action NCR: 1) Meeting minutes on discussion on the types and goals of promotion were not signed and approved by CE 2) No supplier document evaluation form for the year 2013. OBS: Suggest to come up with a proper filing to keep all the relevant documents Ensure all MC meeting is signed and properly filed Ensure all suppliers been evaluated accordingly Develop a proper and neat filing system Internal Audit Findings

10 Summarization: NCR = 5 findings OSB = 4 suggested. All NCR are closed and action have been taken. Internal Audit Findings

11 2013 Performance & 2014 Planning Performance for 2013 (Subject to Audit) Existing Products DAM DOFM DATM DOM DAFM New product Bachelor in Airline & Airport Management (BAAM( Students Intake DiplomaMarch 22 (+10%) July90 (-10%) November 26 (+10%)Total 138 BAAMApril 21Total 21 Grand total 159 Foreign student1 Convocation 60 students (+ 33%) Total Sales RM 2,200,000 (+10%) Total profits (before tax) RM 550,000 (+10%) New Campus Project Status: 3%

12 2013 Performance & 2014 Planning 2014 Plans Existing Products DAM DOFM DATM DOM DAFM BAAM New Product Nil Student Intake Mar25 July130 Nov30 Total 185 (+15%) Foreign student 5 (500%) Convocation 70 students.(+17%) Total salesRM 2,500,000.00 (+14%) Total Profits (before tax) (est) RM 600,000.00 (+9%) New campus status: 100%

13 ISO 2 nd Surveillance Task Force AuditorArea/ Department/ ProcessAuditee Mr. Augustine Loh Quality Management Representative (QMR)Faiz Document Controller (DCC)Zharif Academic Dept.Syikin Student Affairs Dept.Lin Lecturer Khalida/ Umaira Marketing Dept.Wafi/Faizal Public RelationFaiz Audit Date: 31 December 2013, Tuesday, 9am – 6pm

14 ISO 2 nd Surveillance Task Force Auditor(s)Area/ Department/ ProcessAuditee Faiz Aizat & Zharif Academic Dept.Syikin Student Affairs Dept.Lin Lecturer Khalida/ Umaira Marketing Dept.Wafi/Faizal Audit Date: 31 December 2013, Tuesday All Staff Faiz Zharif Syikin/ Lecturer Lin / Faizal Faiz All Staff

15 Summarization: All official documents – Fully filled, signed and approved Course File, forms and communication (letters and emails) stored and filed properly Know the detail process flow with evidence to support your points. ISO 2 nd Surveillance Task Force

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