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NJTL Capacity Building Fundraising Mix and Calendaring Terri Florio and Dave Higaki.

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1 NJTL Capacity Building Fundraising Mix and Calendaring Terri Florio and Dave Higaki

2 Funding Mix Key Question: Chicken or the Egg – Does the funding drive programming or does the programming drive funding The Answer is BOTH

3 MWYF Funding Mix over time *Diversity is critical to growth and financial stability. 1996199719982000200520082016 Foundations/Corporation 18% 38.40%32.40% Founder100.00%33%8% w/donor Individual Donors 13% 19.60%20.60% Gala 66%57% 19.20%20.80% Jax Children's Commission 18.10%15.60% Member Fees 1.70%1.60% Endowment 0.00%7.60% Miscellaneous/Special Events 4.00% 3.00%1.40%

4 Program Growth Over Time 1996199719982000200520082016 ProgrammingStart up Boys & Girls Clubs Tennis Only BGC & Other Youth Orgs-Tennis only TnT After School Program Commitment to Youth Tennis Center Opened Youth Tennis Center; (summer camp started 2009) Opening Satellite Site- April 2016 OfficesRemote-Atlanta Terri's Bedroom in Jacksonville Pro Bono Space in City Building Rented Space in Office Building Offices in Youth Tennis Center Offices in youth center (but out of space) Operating/Reserves 50,000??401,000500,000793,000 EndowmentN/AN/aN/A 800,0002,400,000 Funding MixAll founderFounder & Gala Founder, Gala, some individuals Gala & Individuals (Founder included with individuals) Diverse funding mix (City funding started in 2002) Diverse funding mix including corpus from endowmentDiverse Funding mix Research Past experience with Boys & Girls Club 2003-2004: Site Visits (Reflective Practice Grant); 1st Capacity Building Program 2007-2008: Ford Grant Staff Growth Volunteer ED Part time Volunteer ED 6 months/ independent contractor 6 months; 2 PT tennis coaches 1 full time employee (2nd FT employee added 1999); 3 PT tennis coaches 2 full time employees; 3 tennis coaches; 4 lifeskills/academic coaches 4 full time employees; 4 coaches; 6 academic/life skills coaches 9 full time employees; 3 'hybrid employees' (28-35 hrs/wk); 8 tennis coaches; 14 academic/ life skills tennis coaches; 2 PT admin (including HS students) Board of Directors3 people Friends & family' board Established Give or Get Policy Established Personally Significant Gift Policy (2010) # Program Hours076810563284????96,626166,473 (2014-2015) Total TnT Participants00030112155216 Operating ExpensesN/A75,000211,044??508,3167627101,120,310

5 Driving Factors & Needs: 1996/1997 Founder interest in developing program Founder financial support Availability of ED on a voluntary basis Easy partnerships because program was free (funded by MWYF)

6 Driving Factors & Needs: 2000 Additional donations outside of donor Interest in having more control over program. Identification of unused site in program Growing $$ from major fundraiser to support program Need for a flagship program to raise additional dollars (‘we already support xyz organization, why should we give to you?) We can do it ‘better’ if we have more control.

7 Driving Needs and Factors: 2008 Need for more space based on success of program (grew from 27 to 100 kids in 2 rooms & 2 courts) Consistent $$ from JCC (starting in 2002)& Gala gave a level of stability. Strategic plan gave us confidence that we could raise funds to support capital campaign. Still had concerns about raising additional dollars to fund facility. Youth Center gave us a platform and a facility to ‘tour’ which would increase ability to raise funds.

8 Driving Needs & Factors 2016 Youth Center gave us a platform and a facility to ‘tour’ which would increase ability to raise funds We ran out of space and are at capacity with a waiting list Growth in unrestricted funds, Gala, and Board Gifts had us with a surplus each of the past three years. Board (Mal) agreed with Quasi-Endowment that we could support a small satellite site without affecting funding for satellite site. JCC will open up funding for new locations in 2017-2018 which could provide an ongoing source of partial funding for this site. This site will support 50-60 elementary youth at a maximum.

9 Key Things to Consider Unrestricted funds are best! Diversity is a must! Slow and steady growth means less chance of failure. Operating reserves are important before starting new ventures. Don’t be afraid to try something new/expand but have a backup plan in place!

10 How to Grow & Diversity Funding Mix Capture Names/Emails/Addresses Grow your volunteer base: these are your best new donors! Find unique ways to engage potential large donors through advise, entry points, etc. Use your special events to bring in new donors (and capture guests of donors info!). Use social media & enews to get the word out but don’t forget traditional appeals & newsletters. Look for grants that fit your mission

11 EPATT Business Cycle Fiscal Year: September 1 – August 31 Program Operation: August 18 th – July 29 th Fall: August – December Winter: January – March Spring: March- May Summer: June – August

12 EPATT Business Cycle 1 year of Operation Budget in Reserves Approximately 850K Budget Monthly Burn Rate Average Approx. 71K New Pilot Major Revenue Streams Fall – EPATT Kids Cup Approx. 160k Fall – Year End Approx. 70k Spring – Annual Dinner Approx. 600k *

13 EPATT Business Cycle Majority of Revenue from 1 Event (May) Educated our Donor Base New Program – Project Rally, new event EPATT Kids Cup (Sept) Aging Donor Base – Focusing on cultivating “New Blood”

14 EPATT Income 2015


16 EPATT Calendars Program Master Calendar Business Calendar Parent Calendar Fundraising Calendar (including events) Grant Calendar Tennis Calendar Other

17 EPATT Winter Quarter Parent Calendar

18 Fundraising Calendar Extract FY 2016 Fundraising Event September Fall Newsletter, Board Meeting October Kids Cup Pro-Am November Year-end Campaign, 2017 Kids Cup Planning December Dinner and Kids Cup Planning, Board Meeting January Winter Newsletter, Dinner and Kids Cup February Dinner Meeting, March Board Meeting April Spring Newsletter May Annual Dinner, June Aces for Kids, Board Meeting July Summer Newsletter August Year End 990 Prep

19 Major Dinner Planning


21 Grant Calendar

22 Take Away Know your Business Cycle Mange your Cash Flow and Burn Rate Build Reserves before expansion Understand your Mix and Timing Understand your Investors Use Calendars to Plan, Organize Communicate all Activity

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