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First day presentation Things to know to get started.

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1 First day presentation Things to know to get started

2 About me Nathan Crowder ( Fifth year at NWACC, taught in Kentucky and North Carolina before that. Originally an engineering major, did 2 years of college, decided I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, worked a couple years at various jobs, went back several years later as a math major Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Appalachian State University Enjoy the outdoors – running, biking, etc.

3 About you Get in groups of 3-4 and introduce yourself to your classmates. Exchange contact info (email/phone and write down where you won’t lose it). Fill out notecard with the following: Name (and what you like to be called) Major OR what grade you would like to teach and what your favorite subject is How did you place in this course and how long ago OR when do you plan on taking the PRAXIS? Something unique about yourself (something no one else in the class could say) What have your favorite teachers done? Least favorite teachers? How do you best learn math?

4 How to succeed in this class If you do the following it will greatly improve your chance of success: Attend class consistently. Keep up with homework. Be able to do problems without using help features if in MML. Pay attention and ask questions when you get lost. Rework and understand mistakes from returned assignments.

5 Getting help Right after class is a great time to ask quick questions about something in lecture (before you forget about it). Office Hours – SC343 | Hours: M-TH 2-4, T and TH 10:30-11:30 To discuss homework Go over lecture topics Question about your grade on an assignment or in the course General ideas or suggestions about the class Math Center – SC344A (Hours will be posted on the door.)

6 Your grade If you do the things I outlined earlier most people will find their grade takes care of itself. Expect to need to spend 2 hours outside of class for every hour spent in class. Refer to syllabus for individual grading policy and attendance requirements for your course. Final exams are required of all students and are cumulative.

7 Syllabus READ THE SYLLABUS WORD FOR WORD! You are responsible for knowing everything in it. When it comes to issues about the class or your grade, consult the syllabus first before asking me.

8 Website and email

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