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Spin Physics Progress with the STAR Detector at RHIC Spin related hardware improvements to STAR Important constraints on  G along the way – jets and 

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Presentation on theme: "Spin Physics Progress with the STAR Detector at RHIC Spin related hardware improvements to STAR Important constraints on  G along the way – jets and "— Presentation transcript:

1 Spin Physics Progress with the STAR Detector at RHIC Spin related hardware improvements to STAR Important constraints on  G along the way – jets and  0 s Sivers Functions from jets at mid-rapidity J. Sowinski for the STAR Collaboration

2 Detector  =0 Forward Pion Detector Endcap EM Calorimeter Beam-Beam Counters Time Projection Chamber -1.6<η< 1.6 Barrel EM Calorimeter -1<η< 1 1<η< 2 -4.1<η< -3.3 2.2<|η|< 5 Solenoidal Magnetic Field 5kG  =2  = -1 Tracking Lum. Monitor Local Polarim. 200320042005 Triggering  = - ln(tan(  /2) STAR See talk by J. Kiryluk

3 Pb Scintillator sampling calorimeter – 21 rad. lengths 720 Towers give EM energy Shower Max. Detector for  0 /  discrimination Pre- and post-shower det’s for e/h discrimination 9,792 channels read out High Tower and Jet Patch triggers Endcap ElectroMagnetic Calorimeter 2003 1/3 Towers 2004 All Towers. 1/3 SMD 2005 Fully Instr.

4 SMD profiles for a 9 GeV  0 candidate Charged tracks matched to fired EEMC towers for a 62 GeV Au+Au event. 2004 Data MIPs ~ 0.3GeV  Online tower-only  0 reconstruction, 200 GeV Au+Au All events Mixed events Difference [200 GeV p+p (2003)] U V 8 cm 7 cm Inv. Mass

5 Scinti. + Pb sandwich sampling EMC 4800 projective towers (2  in , -1<  <1) Shower Max Detector-gas detector-18K strips Pre Shower Detector (first 2 layers) High tower trigger & 1x1 (η, φ) jet trigger Barrel ElectroMagnetic Calorimeter p T >3GeV 24 modules FY02 60 modules FY03 90 modules FY04 All modules (plan all elect.)FY05 One module = 40 towers #120 – the last one! August 2004

6 S z = ½ = ½  +  G + L z q + L z g First Moments at Q 0 2 =1 GeV 2 :  (MS) = 0.19 ± 0.05 ± 0.04  (AB) = 0.38  G (AB) = 0.99 (just one example of many) + 0.03 + 0.03 + 0.03  0.03  0.02  0.05 + 1.17 + 0.42 + 1.43  0.31  0.22  0.45 — SMC Analysis, PRD 58, 112002 (1998) The Proton Spin Structure -  G Quark pol. well known from DIS But only a small fraction of p helicity Gluon polarization poorly determined Orb. Ang. Mom. unknown  G is accessible and a high priority at RHIC and STAR! STAR

7 A ~ P  P  a LL g part LL ^ pQCD Measure Know from DIS “  G”  G via partonic scattering from a gluon Dominant reaction mechanism Experimentally clean reaction mechanism Large a But jet and  0 rates are sufficient to give significant  G const. in 2005 data Prefer LL ^   -jet coinc. rare STAR Heavy flavor rare Jets and  0 s

8 STAR Sees and reconstructs jets Large solid angle is crucial But signal is mixture of multiple partonic subprocesses 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 ggqq qg Inclusive Jets :LO W. Vogelsang p T (GeV) Fraction Leads to small but significant A LL in 2005 (~1/10 of these stats from 2004 currently being processed)

9 Polarized Proton Operation at RHIC Year 2002 ~2007  s = 200 GeV Improving L and Pol. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 L (s -1 cm -2 ) 0.5x10 30 2x10 30 3x10 30 8x10 30 17x10 30 48x10 30 Int. L (pb -1) (T/L) 0.3/0.0 0.5/0.4 0.5/0.4 4/7 28 86 Pol. 0.2 0.3 0.40 0.45 0.65 0.70 Spin flipper Transverse/Longitudinal Spin running T/L Division To be decided

10 Jager, Stratmann, Vogelsang NLO pQCD calculations hep-ph/0404057 ~1/3 of the jet energy is EM Use EM cals for triggering jets  0 s carry ~same physics -1<  <1 EEMC 1<  <2 Significant const. on  G expected in 2005 data (~1/10 stats. from ’04 being analyzed) (error bar estimates too small pT<6 GeV) -1<  <1 BEMC Only STAR can track vs.  – EMCs+FPD –Different partonic contributions –Large  small x d  ab d  Simulation E EM /E jet

11 pTpT fraction STAR Quark – Gluon Compton Scattering p  p Direct   Jet Compton scattering dominates competing qq g  mechanism Coinc.  – jet relatively clean exp. signature E ,   and  jet determine x q, x g,  Allows extraction of  g(x) ^ Simulated full data set Source: F.H. Heinsius, DIS 2004 SMC:PRD70, 012002(2004) HERMES: PRL 84, 2584 (2000) xgxg Eventually gives best determ. of  g(x) for existing experiments. Will get started in 2005 & 2006 but need L of 2007+ and 500 GeV for g(x)

12 D. Boer and W. Vogelsang, Phys.Rev. D 69 (2004) 094025 Analyzing Powers at Mid-Rapidity Do processes invoked in forward scattering show up at large angles? For given parton at some x k T L =k T R Jet Measure STAR STAR Collab. Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (2004) 171801 See A. Ogawa talk on fwd  0 s Sivers Function – Initial state correlation between k T and spin

13 4.1 x 10 -4 Partonic k T from Dijet Analysis k T =  2 = E T sin (   ) E T = 13.0  0.7 sys GeV Trigger Jet 0.03 0.05   = 0.23  0.02   ANAN 8 < p T1,2 < 12 GeV |η 1,2 | < 1 Sivers Effect Prediction STAR agrees well with World Data on Partonic k T D. Boer and W. Vogelsang, Phys.Rev. D 69 (2004) 094025 Curves are for various gluonic Sivers functions Connection to partonic orbital angular momentum Suppressed by Sudakov effect k T distribution STAR T. Henry, Quark Matter 2004, J. Phys. G kTkT SS 

14 Conclusions (Beginnings;-) RHIC will provide increasing L and P STAR EM calorimeters complete –Triggering –Large solid angle EM coverage –See poster on future upgrades Important constraints on  G expected in ‘05 –  0 s – Jets – Direct  s – longer term Investigations of transverse spin effects STAR

15 STAR Spin Physics Program – Near and Long Term Proton Spin Structure –Gluon contributions to the proton’s spin ♦ from jets and  0 s ♦ q + g  + jet,  G(x) ♦ Heavy flavors –Spin/momentum correlations ♦ Sivers Functions – dijets ♦ Collins Functions – Leading particle correl. in jets –Transversity –Flavor separated q, q – Origin of the sea Standard Model tests –Parity violation in jet production See A. Ogawa talk on fwd  0 s _ STAR

16 Future Upgrades – Inner and Forward Tracking  u(x)   d(x) _ _ Parity violating long. asymmetry in W production allows extraction of A L W - ~ u(x 1 )  d(x 2 )+d(x 1 )  u(x 2 ) __ Polarized q Flavor Asymmetry related to the nature of the sea _ Large  d-  u _ _ Nadolsky and Yuan, Nucl. Phys. B666 (2003) 31. 3-layer Si strip barrel and pixel detector Si planes and GEM for forward tracking Sensitivity in forward region Requires tracking for up to p T ~40 GeV e + /e - sign determination Tracking upgrade STAR ALAL

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