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‘CCCTran’ Electronic Transcripts for California’s Students CISOA Conference 2007 March 27, 2007.

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1 ‘CCCTran’ Electronic Transcripts for California’s Students CISOA Conference 2007 March 27, 2007

2 Topics CCCTran Project Overview Live Demo! College Implementation Q & A

3 CCCTran: the simple definition An electronic transcript system that provides secure value-added request and delivery services between California Community Colleges and their trading partners.

4 CCC Pilot Colleges Crafton Hills (Datatel) El Camino (Datatel) San Jose/Evergreen (Datatel) Long Beach (Peoplesoft) LA Pierce (Custom SIS)* Cypress (Banner) Sacramento (Peoplesoft) Santa Rosa (CCCSC) 8 Districts representing 21 colleges (*Temporarily Withdrawn) Crafton Hills (Datatel) El Camino (Datatel)* San Jose/Evergreen (Datatel) Long Beach (Peoplesoft)*

5 Engaged Transfer Partners CSU Chancellor’s Office CSU Sacramento CSU San Jose State CSU San Diego CSU Northridge CSU Fullerton CSU San Francisco CSU Long Beach* CSIS (High Schools) (phase 2) (*Temporarily Withdrawn)

6 What kind of System Central server with local web access ASP solution hosted and supported by Xap Supports multiple standards Secure transmission and storage Institution-oriented (no direct student access) Complete transaction tracking Each transcript is simply a transaction exchange Received transcripts (transactions) can be kept on the system indefinitely (as an external filing system)

7 CCCTran Support for Standards PESC XML request, response and transcript With CCC UDE (User-Defined Extension) EDI X.12 transcript and acknowledgement CCC ASCII request, response, transcript HTML and PDF views, printouts HTTPS communications (128-bit encryption)

8 CCCTran System Flowchart

9 Basic Functionality Request processing Single student or bulk list; interactive or batch Hold conditions; College matching requirements Fulfillment processing and tracking College holds and fees; notifications College-controlled “recycling of held requests” Transcript delivery processing and tracking Delivery via CCCTran or UT (Texas) server Translate CCC transcripts into XML and EDI formats View, print, download transcripts Retain or expire from CCCTran Automated downloads and uploads

10 CCCTran – Phase 2 Accept electronic transcript requests from 3 rd parties like CaliforniaColleges, Credentials or National Student Clearinghouse Interface with ASSIST for articulation data Allow for multiple-college transcripts from districts Serve authorized agency requests for student data such as CalSAC or CCC Chancellor’s office Differentiate request types between institutions / student and between bulk / individual requests Import High School Transcripts into CCCTran from CA School Information Services (CSIS)

11 K12 Standard Transcripts From: K12 via CSIS To: CCC (and CSU) via CCCTRAN CCCTRAN Year 1 Basic Exchange Services -Request Transcript - Hold/Reject/Cancel Transaction - Send/Receive Transcript - Display/Print/Download Transcript - Translate To/From XML/EDI/Other - Logs, Reports, Authorizations, Email ___________________________________________________ CCCTRAN Phase 2 Mature Exchange Services - Requests from external institutions (out of state, non-member) - Student Request service (like National Student Clearinghouse, SFS/CaliforniaColleges, Credentials Inc, College website, etc.) - Processing transcripts for mass populations and calculations for special reports and longitudinal studies (as for CalPass, CalSac) - Multi-college district transcripts - Combining transcripts and recombining data (eg all basic skills) - Interfacing with ASSIST articulated courses - Host key dates for request holds for grading, degrees, etc. - Differentiate request types: inst/student bulk/individual K12-CCCTRAN - Request K12 transcript - Receive K12 Transcript - Display/Print/Download K12 Transcript - Develop online student authentication module for transcript services NationalTranscripts From: All, Nationally To: CCC (and CSU) via CCCTRAN CCC Common Standard Transcripts From: CCCs via CCCTRAN To: All Subscribers CCCTRAN K12 IES LDS Grant -CCCTRAN

12 Phase 1 - status Testing transcript exchanges between CCC & CSU Final college system testing scheduled for April 2007 (CCC and CSU partners) Production release scheduled for May / June 2007

13 Live Demo Overview of CCCTran Screens Requesting a Transcript Fulfilling a Transcript Request Receiving a Transcript Administration Reporting Profiles and Preferences Account Management

14 Subscriber Costs Installation (one-time)$5000 Waived for CCCApply Clients Annual Operation Base Rate$5000 35% discount for Small college (<5000 FTES) 15% discount for Multi-college (when entire district participates) Appreciation capped at 3% per year CCC cost 2007-2008$5150

15 CCC Programming Requirements Exporting transcripts and responses (rejects and holds) in ASCII or XML format Receiving requests in ASCII or XML format Installing upload/download agent (“Xap Communicator”) Developing automated email messages to student, requestor, recipient, and staff See CCCTran Implementation and Programming Guide on project websiteCCCTran Implementation and Programming Guide

16 Questions?

17 Further Information CCCTran website: Leonard Project Manager Tish Technical Advisor Tim Project Director Catherine Project Monitor Romy Xap Project Director

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