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Decisions of the 46 th to 48 th Meetings of the Executive Committee A presentation at the Meeting of the Regional Network in Europe and Central Asia Stephan.

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Presentation on theme: "Decisions of the 46 th to 48 th Meetings of the Executive Committee A presentation at the Meeting of the Regional Network in Europe and Central Asia Stephan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decisions of the 46 th to 48 th Meetings of the Executive Committee A presentation at the Meeting of the Regional Network in Europe and Central Asia Stephan Sicars Senior Programme Officer Secretariat of the Multilateral Fund

2 2 Discussion of Business Plans at 48 th Meeting Availability of resources throughout the triennium Need for ODS destruction projects and their impact on 2005/2007/2010 compliance Removed all except Japan (2008) MDI project preparation removed until guidelines have been adopted by ExCom HCFC surveys Postponed until 2008 To be based on lessons learned from ongoing projects Dependent on availability of funds – priority will be 2010 compliance HCFC investment projects removed from Business Plan Business Plans for 2006-2008

3 3 Flexibility conditions in phase-out agreements (Decision 46/37) Flexibility is key provision of sectoral or national phase-out plans Additional elaboration of the conditions for flexibility Defining major and minor changes to annual implementation plans Minor changes could be incorporated as implementation proceeds during the year, and reported on in the annual report of the annual implementation plan Major changes should be deferred pending endorsement by the Executive Committee as part of the subsequent annual implementation plan.

4 4 Progress reports and verification audits of multi- year agreements (decisions 46/38) Under multi-year agreements: Requirement to submit annual verification report Vitally important that requirements for verification of performance in multi-year agreements are clear to countries and implementing agencies ExCom adopted new procedures for verifying national ODS reduction targets Basis: Consumption = Production + Imports – Exports Structure: Purpose - Applicability - Basis for verification of the national consumption targets of the MYAs - Procedure for the verification - Data needed for the verification - Verification document - Institution/Consultant to conduct the verification

5 5 Annual tranche submission delays (decision 47/50 and 48/yy) Need to monitor tranche submissions 20 tranche requests were submitted to the 48 th meeting of 34 expected/due Committee takes action in terms of Informing governments Encouraging resolution of reasons for delays Encouraging submission of tranche requests

6 6 Assistance for countries with a baseline consumption of zero (decision 47/10) Halon baseline of zero Baseline of zero PLUS A low level of documented installed halon inventories might receive support: to: Manage halon stocks in accordance with Interim Halon Banking Guidelines Level of funding between US $25,000 and US$ 50,000 (depending on the level of the inventory) Methyl bromide, CTC and/or TCA baselines of zero Countries experiencing compliance difficulties could be provided with assistance under CAP UNEP to develop strategic plan for CAP (48 th meeting, incl. in doc. 48/09) All agencies to include problematic issues in NPP/TPMP

7 7 Review of institutional strengthening arrangements (decision 47/49) Review of the institutional strengthening arrangements In place since the 7th meeting in 1992 Review took into account Need for Article 5 countries to meet, eventually, all the control measures for ODS. It was noted that there were indications that funding for IS might need to continue after 2010 Decision: Possible funding arrangements for any such on-going support to be examined at the end of 2007. Requested the Secretariat to prepare a paper for the 49th Meeting Simplified arrangement Make use of the report on progress on implementation of country programmes together with an annual cycle of funding renewals No change to the annual levels of funding provided

8 8 Chillers (I) 45 th Meeting request the Secretariat to prepare a study including how different regional funds for the chiller sector might come into operation taking into account proposals submitted and comments made during the current Meeting for consideration at the 46th Meeting examining issues such as fairness of funding and any limits on the number or cost of projects to be funded, etc. Set aside US $15.2 million for the chiller sub-sector

9 9 Chillers (decision 46/33 and 47/26) (II) 46 th Meeting Study and suggested guidelines presented Guidelines and project preparation funding approved Limited to centrifugal chillers Project cost consists of MLF- and co-funding and does not include savings Number on requirements, such as legislation, … 47 th Meeting Approval of chiller projects in Brazil; Caribbean (Dominican Republic; Jamaica;Trinidad and Tobago); Columbia; Cuba; East Europe (Croatia; The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia; Romania; Serbia and Montenegro); Syrian Arab Republic Global chiller replacement project (Includes activities in China, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Philippines and Tunisia) Total: $12,524,000 plus external resources of $16,269,719 for at least 220 chillers

10 10 Chillers (decision 47/26 and 48/xx) (III) 47 th Meeting (cont.) Set aside: For the region of Africa: $2,000,000 For global dissemination of experience from demonstration projects: $200,000 Additional specifications for the project in Africa 48 th Meeting Approval of Regional Project for Africa Cameroon; Egypt; Namibia; Nigeria; Sudan Total: $2,000,000 plus external resources of $477,876 for at least 19 chillers Approval of UNEP global technical assistance project All funds spent

11 11 Guidelines relating to collection, recovery, recycling and destruction of ODS 44th meeting Need to further elaborate existing guidelines for the funding of projects for the collection, recovery, recycling and destruction of ozone-depleting substances ensuring economically feasible and environmentally appropriate management of ODS (dec. 44/63). 46th meeting Secretariat to prepare a paper for the 47th meeting covering terms of reference, budget and modalities for a study regarding collection, recovery, recycling, reclamation, transportation and destruction of unwanted ODS (dec. 46/36)

12 12 Guidelines relating to collection, recovery, recycling and destruction of ODS 47th meeting: Organize a meeting of experts in Montreal, Canada to assess the extent of current and future requirements for the collection and disposition (emissions, export, reclamation and destruction) of non- reusable and unwanted ODS in Article 5 countries Consultants to collect and elaborate Develop a standard format for reporting data on unwanted, recoverable, reclaimable, non-reusable and virgin stockpiled ODS Proposed terms of reference to be considered at the 48th meeting Expert meeting: 13. to 15. March 48th meeting: Report of the meeting of experts forwarded to TEAP Discussion of TOR at next meeting

13 13 Operation of the Executive Committee (decision 46/40) Inter-sessional approval procedure Related to reduction of number of meetings per year Current and foreseeable workload was too heavy to envisage reducing the number of meetings from three per year to two Therefore no advantage in creating an inter-sessional approval procedure Re-examination at the 50th meeting

14 14 Project approvals 46 th -48 th meeting related to the region

15 15 Below 50% Reduction Up to 10% Higher Higher than 30% Progress in phasing out CFC consumption

16 16 Other interesting (policy) issues Cash flow issues Treasurer services …

17 17 Upcoming … Data reporting (May 1 st ) Survey on MDI (Decision 48/xx)

18 18 45 th : Technical assistance for countries with little / no current consumption of CTC and/or TCA After discussions, the 45 th Meeting decided: Countries having a baseline for CTC and/or TCA but for which the latest reported consumption is less than 2 ODP tonnes may submit proposals for technical assistance assistance with preparation of legislative measures to complete their phase-out in the relevant sectors, or to ensure the sustainability of the phase-out already achieved Countries must have reported some consumption of CTC and/or TCA at least once over the three ‑ year period preceding requests for funding

19 19 Progress reports (decision 46/38 and 46/39) ExCom approved a revised reporting format for the implementation of country programmes. National Ozone Units to start to use it in 2006 to report the 2005 country programme implementation data Revised format will be reviewed at the last meeting of the ExCom in 2007

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