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PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h Measuring the Impact of Preserving Digital Assets Dreanna Belden and Kathleen Murray

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Presentation on theme: "PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h Measuring the Impact of Preserving Digital Assets Dreanna Belden and Kathleen Murray"— Presentation transcript:

1 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h Measuring the Impact of Preserving Digital Assets Dreanna Belden and Kathleen Murray June 13, 2012

2 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u /

3 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h Portal to Texas History 2003 200+ collaborative partners 190K digital objects 2.6 million files 300K uses per month

4 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Methods and Results Common Framework for Impact Areas Key Informant Interviews with Partners Content Analysis of User Feedback User Survey Partner Survey “If there is another side of the story, this is where it will be found.”

5 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory Common Framework for Impact Areas Cultural Economic Educational Environmental Operational Political Social

6 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Key Informant Interviews with Partners Cultural Impact: “The ease of access has allowed us to get things in local news, local media outlets, national news; when we made national news on the Bonnie and Clyde materials, that was something a producer in New York was able to look at virtually, without having to send somebody over to look at the originals.” -- Archivist

7 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Key Informant Interviews with Partners Economic Impact: “Certainly by having this material digitized, we have, and in a secure location, we’ve limited that fact that if a tornado hits this building that we’re sitting in and rips the top off and the archives is flooded, and so forth, at least a few things are safely ensconced elsewhere.” -- Academic Library Director, Private Institution Knox City, 1953

8 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Key Informant Interviews with Partners

9 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Content Analysis of User Feedback (N = 3,355) Cultural Impact: I am very glad to have found this site. I am interested in the events relating to the assassination of JFK and I live in London, UK, where it is very hard to find first hand material on the subject.” -- Portal User

10 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Content Analysis of User Feedback

11 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Content Analysis of User Feedback

12 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey (N = 314) Conducted May 2012 Respondents Portal newsletter subscribers (63%) Embedded link on website (25%) Facebook announcement (12%) Demographics Identity Frequency of Use

13 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey 77% over 50 48% Masters or Doctorate

14 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey: Value Question 3: Indicate the value you place on the Portal’s resources: 88% of respondents: “moderate” 10% “much” 29% “huge” 49%

15 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey: Educational Impact Provides educational resources teaching, projects, lectures, curriculum; primary resources, reliable resources Provides access to resources focus on “access” v. “learning tool”; from a distance; not available elsewhere; ease of access; previously unavailable Is a learning tool lifelong learning; fun; enjoyable learning experience; ease of use; discovery of resources previously not known; self-discovery

16 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey: Educational Impact I “have recommended the lesson plans you created to go with digitized resources to future teachers in my university's College of Education.”

17 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey: Educational Impact “I am constantly surprising people with things that they can find on the Portal. I have been able to garner interest with 'tweens' and young people using the historical photographs of our town, the railroads, etc.”

18 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey: Research Impact Ease of Resource Discovery Google search results; convenience; efficient search function; compared to microfilm or physical resources; “anywhere-anytime” access Supports Family History Research names; dates; events; human-interest details; value of photographs of people and places; resources for publications h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u /

19 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey: Research Impact “A Google search on any topic related to Texas history almost always leads me to the Portal. There is more content here than on any one or 10 libraries that I might visit.”

20 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey: Research Impact “This is a vital resource for my family history research. It allows me to find out about people, not just birth and death dates... These facts made the difference in my research because it created an image of a person, not just names & dates.”

21 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey: Financial Impact Travel Expense Savings transportation costs; lodging Time Savings travel time; vacation time; research time h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u /

22 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory User Survey: Financial Impacts “Even though we are a major research university in Texas, like everyone else, our materials budgets have taken some serious hits in recent years. The fact that the Portal to Texas History is free is such a blessing for us.”

23 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / User Survey: Financial Impact “I can work from home and not have the expense of travel.”

24 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey (N = 58)

25 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: Findings Top Five Impact Areas RankImpactsNMedian* 1Social - Increased Access to Resources514.00 2Social - Preserving Cultural Heritage503.50 3Economic - Risk Management533.00 3Political - Prestige Value503.00 3Political - Marketing Opportunity513.00 * Range = 4: 1 - 5

26 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: Social Impact – Increased Access “Access to our [materials] was more or less totally unavailable prior to The Portal.”

27 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: Economic Impact – Risk Management “Several items had deteriorated to the point that in few years they would be useless to researchers. With a digital copy, we have been able to ensure a copy endures.”

28 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: Political Impact – Prestige Value “City Hall knows about this.” “Texas Heritage Magazine has done an article on … our museum.”

29 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: How are you currently measuring the impact of digitizing your resources? (N = 51) 38% - Not measuring 30% - Usage statistics 14% - Measuring from oral or anecdotal info 12% - Reference questions or visits 6% - Other

30 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Partner Survey: What are the challenges you face in measuring impact? (N = 46) 33% - Lack of time or staff 28% - Lack of expertise 15% - challenges with the Portal 7% - Cost 7% - no challenges 6% - other

31 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Key Findings UsersPartners Education Educational resources Access to resources Learning tool Social/Cultural Increased access Preservation of cultural heritage Research Ease of discovery Family history research Economic Risk management Finance Travel expense savings Time savings Political Prestige value Marketing opportunity

32 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u / Areas for Future Research Age Demographics 77% over 50 18% over 70 Measuring Impact Meeting partner challenges Wider study with other repositories

33 PortaltoTexasHIstory PortaltoTexasHIstory h t t p : / / t e x a s h i s t o r y. u n t. e d u /

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