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Using Assessment Information in Real Time: What Teachers Need to Know and Be Able To Do Margaret Heritage CRESST/UCLA 11 th Annual Maryland Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Assessment Information in Real Time: What Teachers Need to Know and Be Able To Do Margaret Heritage CRESST/UCLA 11 th Annual Maryland Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Assessment Information in Real Time: What Teachers Need to Know and Be Able To Do Margaret Heritage CRESST/UCLA 11 th Annual Maryland Assessment Conference October 20-21, 2011 University of Maryland

2 Overview A System of Assessment Teacher Knowledge and Skills Teacher Support

3 Real-time Data Data that are generated and used by teachers and students during the ongoing course of instruction to keep learning moving forward to reach desired goals

4 A System of Assessment Comprehensive, Coherent, Continuous (NCR, 2001) Student Daily Weekly Unit Quarterly Annually Minute-by- minute

5 Different levels of granularity needed for different decisions related to student learning

6 Herman, 2011

7 Teacher Knowledge and Skills Understand the purpose of the assessment Understand data properties Data analysis skills Fit data into a structure for interpretation Decide on appropriate action to improve learning Post- hoc Data

8 Nature of Real-time Information Individual Proximately timed Reveal insights into thinking Instructionally tractable REFLEXIVE

9 Teacher Knowledge and Skills Making pedagogical moves to advance learning Knowledge of likely outcomes/r esponses Real- time Data Formulate/sel ect data gathering opportunities Place in the “rhythm” of teaching and learning Knowledge of a fully-formed understanding /skill

10 Supporting Teachers: Teacher Knowledge Develop models of how student thinking and skills develop in a discipline/across disciplines Understand barriers, difficulties, common misconceptions and challenges to student learning in a discipline Develop knowledge of what a “good performance” looks like Deepen pedagogical content knowledge Involving students

11 Supporting Teachers: Resources Provide better descriptions of learning pathways Provide resources that support interpretation and action

12 Supporting Teachers: Teacher Development


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