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RAB Strategic Planning. RAB Strategic Goals Ensure value of Membership Be the leader in Membership Direction Be the leader in volunteer development Be.

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Presentation on theme: "RAB Strategic Planning. RAB Strategic Goals Ensure value of Membership Be the leader in Membership Direction Be the leader in volunteer development Be."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAB Strategic Planning

2 RAB Strategic Goals Ensure value of Membership Be the leader in Membership Direction Be the leader in volunteer development Be at the forefront of communications between member to member; member to IEEE; and organizational unit to organizational unit Meet the challenges of a large and transnational organization Emphasize delegation using the powers reserved concept

3 2002 RAB SP Retreat Issues Volunteer development - Method of election (including second term), upward mobility/recognition and utilization of talents/experience acquired. To better communicate to members and prospective members the value of regional activities, develop a list of attributes and advantages of regional activities.[Need to work on this further with S/C/S to come up with some specifics.]

4 Evaluate the decline in member satisfaction with Section Activities and develop an appropriate improvement plan.[We don’t seem to generally be able to increase the number of attendees at Section Meetings. So, the question is whether the small turnout is the same people no matter the topic, or is it a different group for different topics? Which means more meetings, more/different attendees.] Develop a Region-level position to interact with the Sections to help them identify and assign jobs to willing volunteers (Regional Directors)

5 To provide new revenues and serve member needs, RAB to promote regional conferences by simplifying policies and procedures to enable geographical entities to rapidly develop conferences, workshops and publications Provide means for publicizing local IEEE activities, awards, etc We need a Best Practices Manual or a blue print for what a regional director should be doing for their Regions during their term of office? Investigate the feasibility of a new fellow level grade to recognize industrial and service contributions, with a view of developing a recommendation to the Board

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