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Sport Sport in Our Life. Sport plays a very important role in our life.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport Sport in Our Life. Sport plays a very important role in our life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport Sport in Our Life

2 Sport plays a very important role in our life.

3 All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sport and sport games.

4 Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined.

5 It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

6 PARCOUR skateboarding

7 tennis football rugby windsurfing ping-pong skysurfing white water rafting scuba-diving

8 Decide between “do”, “go” or “play”. 1._________basketball; 2. __________running; 3.__________karate; 4.__________swimming; 5.__________football; 6.__________gymnastics; 7.__________golf; 8.__________windsurfing; 9.__________aerobics; 10__________baseball; 11.__________cycling; 12._________scuba diving; play go do go play do play do play go







15 Evgeni Plushenko Anna Kournikova Alina Kabaeva David Beckham Aleksey Nemov Andrey Arshavin



18 1.Athens Greece 2.London England 3.Moscow The USSR 4.Los Angeles The USA 5.Sydney Australia 2000 1980 1896 1948 1984

19 1.Athens Greece 2.London England 3.Moscow The USSR 4.Los Angeles The USA 5.Sydney Australia 1896 1948 1980 1984 2000

20 I don’t know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports. Richard M. Nixon. Я не знаю нічого, що виховувало б волю до перемоги краще, ніж спортивні змагання. Річард Ніксон.

21 Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus the shooting. George Orwell. Серйозний спорт не має нічого спільного з чесною грою. Серйозний спорт - це війна мінус вбивство. Джордж Оруелл.

22 Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championship. Michael Jordan. Талант здобуває перемогу в грі, але чемпіонство видобуває команда і інтелект.Майкл Джордан.

23 An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. A modern school where football is taught. Ambrose Bierce. В давнину академія - місце, де навчали етики і філософії. Сьогодні академія - місце, де навчають футболу.Амброс Бірс.

24 All sports for all people. Pierre de Coubertin. Спорт для всіх людей. П'єр де Кубертен.

25 Golf is a good walk spoiled. Mark Twain. Гольф - це зіпсована прогулянка. Марк Твен.

26 Sport is an important part of my life because… Professional sport is not for me because… Some people do risky things (bungee jumping, pot holing, sky diving…) because…

27 Thank you Thank you for your for your attention attention

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