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La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 1 Conclusion and Outlook Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa VII SuperB Workshop La Biodola May.

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Presentation on theme: "La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 1 Conclusion and Outlook Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa VII SuperB Workshop La Biodola May."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 1 Conclusion and Outlook Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa & INFN Pisa VII SuperB Workshop La Biodola May 31,2008

2 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 2 Charm physics at threshold 0.3 ab -1 4 month at threshold  1000 times the stat. of CLEO-C Charm physics using the charm produced at  (4S) xD,yD ~ (3-5) ×1 0 -4 NOW SuperB D mixing CPV J/     D (*) J/  J/      (2S)  J/  K,  S  J/  J/  X(3872)Seen Not seen No searchN/ANot seenSeen Y(3940)No searchX(3940)?SeenNo searchNot seenNo search No FitNo fit Y(4260)SeenNo fit No search Not seenNo fitN/A Y(4350)Not seenNo fit No search SeenNo fitN/A Z(4430)No search No fitNo searchSeenNo search No FitNo search Y(4660)Not seenNo fit No search SeenNo FitN/A Indications that strong interactions do not only form mesons and baryons, but also other forms of aggregation And not forget the pandora box of the spectroscopy From A.Stocchi presentation

3 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 3 PHYSICS (from A.Stocchi) Very nice presentation on the Valencia Workshop by Achille. I think that we need to continue the physics workshops and one possibility is to have it another in winter 2009.

4 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 4 Detector Lots of progress in many areas Simulation tools are beginning to be available. –Fast simulation for physics benchmarking –Full simulation for background evaluation –Both essential to design the detector TDR path and needed decisions clarified. Many open issues: –SVT Layer 0 technology –Forward PID physics motivation and technology –Backward EMC (and PID) motivation and technology –Forward EMC technology –Trigger and electronics architecture A lot of detailed engineering required for all systems

5 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 5 Detector People Very useful meeting, with a lot of enthusiasm –Stimulating sessions and a lot of hard work New groups approaching with interests in many areas –We need more There’s a lot of open territory in detector-land –And even where a flagpole is stuck there is a lot space for more people A phase change is ahead of us –Work more focused towards the TDR –More groups and more organization of the systems –Regular meetings for the full group (bi-weekly) –Some subsystem meeting already ongoing, some other being setup Very good prospect to produce a TDR on a rapid timescale WE CANNOT WAIT

6 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 6 BaBar Disassembly starts in July; lasts ~4 years. Components for re-use in SuperB, namely the EMC Barrel, DIRC bar boxes and support structure, and coil and cryostat with support systems, are removed from the barrel steel for move to SuperB in mid- 2010. –EMC Barrel transfer Tor Vergata: hope to ship as a unit, preferably by air. Engineering is needed to determine if this is feasible. If not, disassembly of the barrel down to 280 modules (each typically 21 crystals) and support cylinder structures will add considerable time until the installation of the EMC Barrel into SuperB. Additional environmentally conditioned assembly space would be required in the disassembly case. –DIRC transport as a signal structure is not practical: structures are too big and require vertical transport due to bar box construction. It is best if bar boxes are removed and shipped separately. –Magnet cryostat has been shipped from Ansaldo to SLAC by air, providing proof of principle for return to Italy. –Steel will arrive somewhat later, by boat, after the sextants are separated from each other and split in two. BaBar Reuse, Transport, SuperB Home (from B.Wisniewski presentation) In addition to the reuse of the PEPII components

7 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 7 BaBar Reuse, Transport, SuperB Home

8 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 8 Site of SuperB will provide a spacious home, properly sized from experience at IR2, for these systems. Coexistence with the embedded accelerator final focus cryostats promises to be challenging. BaBar Reuse, Transport, SuperB Home

9 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 9 Accelerator and Site Good presentations on accelerator. An important milestone is the Frascati test on Crab Waist at Daphne. Of course a lot to be done and the Dorfan MiniMAC will evaluate the future steps. On site remind the S.Tommasini talk including very positive informations about the geology and seismic evaluation of the Tor Vergata site.

10 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 10 DA  NE test results Collider has been successfully commissioned in the new “crab waist” mode and is presently delivering luminosity to Siddharta prototype detector to establish the best background rejection configuration Peak and average luminosity now sufficient to perform the experiment in few months Peak luminosity already doubled at same beam currents w.r.t. previous runs (2002- 2004) A further factor can be achieved lowering  y * at the IP and increasing the crab sextupoles intensity (in progress). However lowering  y * down to 6mm (design value) is hard because we have to lower  x and  x too, this might affect Siddharta backgrounds. Further solenoid windings for mitigation of e-cloud in e+ ring will allow for higher current Further improvements of machine operation are likely to fulfill the requirements for a future roll-in of KLOE (needed about L=4x10 32 cm -2 s -1, Lint/day=20 pb -1 ) From Pantaleo&Marica

11 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 11 Luminosity x10 28 cm -2 s -1 I + I - (A 2 ) Higher luminosity versus current as expected *1.2 from Bhabha Calorimeter recalibration  y=25mm  y=18mm  y=10mm Next step  y=8.5mm (design 6mm)

12 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 12 SuperB expected LUMI After 7 th year integrated Luminosity can grow at rate of  40 ab -1 /year >80ab-1 in 7 th year

13 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 13 When ? Question Number 1: When will SuperB construction start? ASAP!.. And our principal Machine Architect Is ready and ENERGETIC!!

14 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 14 When ? Crucial QUESTION: When Year 0 of Starting operation? ASAP! Otherwise…….. This is the experiment team!

15 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 15 __

16 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 16 “Good” news from P5! P5 report available on web!

17 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 17 From now.. Steering committee has setup 3 adhoc committees: Resources already very active, as you have seen. Governance: first duty is to build/suggest an interim structure( light and efficient) for TDR in continuous touch and consultation with INFN management and the other agencies. Outreach: fundamental for publicity and common documentation. Steering committee will announce soon dates and venue of next events: General meeting Specialized workshops ( physics, accelerator, detector)

18 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 18 And now it is also time for acknowledgements.......... Many thanks to: R.Petronzio, S.Bertolucci, U.Dosselli Representatives of laboratories ad agencies present or by phone: H.S. Chen, J.Fuster, S.Kahn, E.Levichev. ECFA subgroup: T.Nakada, Y.Karyotakis, F.Linde, B.Spaan. Chair of IRC: J.Dainton. Chair of Mini-MAC :J.Dorfan. BUT Fundamental contribution from: INFN-Pisa and the Department of Physics “E. Fermi” of the Pisa University Dario Fabiani and Antonio Orsini :transport and setup the material Maurizio Garzella :driving you around Erika Cioli, Alessandra Miletto, for all the secretarial support

19 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 19 More acknowledgements More thanks to –Mauro Giannini, who setup the computers and the network –Giovanni Marchiori and Alberto Cervelli for the overall organization and running –The Hotel Hermitage management and staff for their help and flawless service Lucia Lilli without whom things would not have been so smooth

20 La Biodola June 3,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi 20 END

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