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Finance Citi Funded Entrepreneurship Training Program UNIVERSITY OF DUBAI Dr. Zahi Yaseen.

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1 Finance Citi Funded Entrepreneurship Training Program UNIVERSITY OF DUBAI Dr. Zahi Yaseen

2 Instructor Dr. Zahi Yaseen Business owner: 2 companies in the U.S and partner in one UAE Researcher: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Corp-Finance, HR PhD: Financial Management, USA MBA: International Business, USA B.S. Accounting/Finance, Jordan






8 Writing The Plan What goes in a business plan? The body can be divided into four distinct sections: 1) Description of the business 2) Marketing 3) Finances 4) Management Agenda should include an executive summary, supporting documents, and financial projections. Although there is no single formula for developing a business plan, some elements are common to all business plans. They are summarized in the following outline: Elements of a Business Plan 1. Cover sheet 2. Statement of purpose 3. Table of contents I. The Business A. Description of business B. Marketing C. Competition D. Operating procedures E. Personnel F. Business insurance II. Financial Data A. Loan applications B. Capital equipment and supply list C. Balance sheet D. Breakeven analysis E. Pro-forma income projections (profit & loss statements) F. Three-year summary G. Detail by month, first year H. Detail by quarters, second and third years I. Assumptions upon which projections were based J. Pro-forma cash flow III. Supporting Documents A. Tax returns of principals for last three years Personal financial statement (all banks have these forms) B. For franchised businesses, a copy of franchise contract and all supporting documents provided by the franchisor C. Copy of proposed lease or purchase agreement for building space D. Copy of licenses and other legal documents E. Copy of resumes of all principals F. Copies of letters of intent from suppliers, etc. Business

9 Idea : فكرة هل من الممكن تحويل هذه الفكرة الى خدمة او سلعة؟ Can we transfer this idea into project? هل من الممكن تحويل هذه الفكرة الى خدمة او سلعة؟ Can we transfer this idea into project? No لا No لا Yes نعم Yes نعم هل هناك حاجة الى هذه السلعة او الخدمة؟ Is there a demand for this product or service? هل هناك حاجة الى هذه السلعة او الخدمة؟ Is there a demand for this product or service? Yes نعم Yes نعم No لا No لا هل تكلفة شراء او صناعة او وكالة هذه السلعة او الخدمة اقل من سعر البيع ( ارباح ) ؟ Can we make profit out of it? هل تكلفة شراء او صناعة او وكالة هذه السلعة او الخدمة اقل من سعر البيع ( ارباح ) ؟ Can we make profit out of it? No لا No لا Yes نعم Yes نعم نفتح المشروع Exit


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