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Bidders conference IT-4088 Water treatment contract 20 th May 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Bidders conference IT-4088 Water treatment contract 20 th May 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bidders conference IT-4088 Water treatment contract 20 th May 2016

2 Contents Introduction CERN EN-CV group Services Water treatment for cooling circuits Maintenance of the water treatment installation Demineralised water production and resins regenerations Analysis Water treatment equipment Work outside working hours Reporting Performance of the contract Human resources Material resources Quality Safety and environment Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

3 Introduction

4 CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research Intergovernmental organization with over 20 Member States Its seat is in Geneva but its premises are located on both sides of the French-Swiss border The world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter. Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

5 EN-CV group Around 60 Staff More than 150 persons of industrial support : 2 maintenance contracts Water treatment contract Service Industriel de Genève Piping contract Chillers contracts Control maintenance contract Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services5

6 Installations inside machine building HVAC systems Cooling Compressed air Drinkable water Fire hydrant

7 7 EN/CV – IT3959/EN Technical specification  INTRODUCTION  CERN and its accelerators  CV equipment  Call for tender IT-3959/EN  Scope of the contract  Schedule and time constraints  CMMS  DQE structure and prices

8 Installations between building : drinkable water circuits fire hydrant circuits compressed air distribution hot water circuits cooling circuits In all building (tertiary and machine) : Sumps

9 Installations : About 3000 installations LHC: 1500 installations Meyrin and PS complex: 800 installations Prevessin and SPS: 700 installations

10 Open circuits Cooling Tower French / Swiss Border Cooling Tower 25 groups of cooling towers (≈450 MW)

11 Cooling: typical layout of LHC cooling circuits

12 Closed circuits Type of water: raw, demineralised, softened, borated water, mixed (demineralised water + raw water). Temperature: chilled 1c, chilled 5c, mixed water (13-18c), hot water (50-70c), Superheated water (90-110c), mitigated (specific value) Various water treatment

13 Services

14 Water treatment for cooling circuits Corrosion Carbon steel: Less than 20 µm/year Stainless steel: Less than 0.5 µm/year; Copper: Less than 5 µm/year. An annual weighing of the specimens 26.5.201514Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

15 Water treatment for cooling circuits Scaling: Long term: monitoring of the heat exchange coefficient Less than 3% at the end of the first year; Less than 6% at the end of the second year; Less than 10% at the end of the third year. Short term: Ryznar index < 5 If not inform CERN whithin 8 working hours Action plan whithin 2 working day 26.5.201515Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

16 Water treatment for cooling circuits Scaling: Long term: monitoring of the heat exchange coefficient Less than 3% at the end of the first year; Less than 6% at the end of the second year; Less than 10% at the end of the third year. Short term: Ryznar index < 5 If not inform CERN whithim 8 working hours Action plan whithin 2 working day 26.5.201516Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

17 Water treatment for cooling circuits Bacteriological control : With stickers or similar methods to check the presence of aerobic bacteria. The result shall not exceed: Analysis result < 10 4 colonies/ml Legionella control: Follow French legislation Analysis and report if: result >10.000 UFC/l or result > 1.000 UFC/l twice in 3 months 26.5.201517Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

18 Water treatment for cooling circuits Shock treatment : Following the operation of the circuits (stop, restart, or specific needs) Corrective after a bad result Contractor shall perform: preparation of action plan, transport, treatment, follow up, reporting etc. CERN will configure the circuit when needed If the shock treatment isn’t efficient the contractor shall perform an additional treatment at his own expenses 26.5.201518Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

19 Water treatment for cooling circuits Softened water : Ensure the proper functionning of the softener including: Refilling Follow the NaCl level Request in due time the provision of NaCl 26.5.201519Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

20 Water treatment for cooling circuits Water consumption : Concentration rate shall be defined and agreed and it shall become the target value The contractor shall optimize at all time the water consumption of the cooling circuits Inform CERN of any overconsumption and in any case no later than 4 hours during working hours 26.5.201520Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

21 Maintenance of the water treatment installation What is considered as water treatment installation ? Demineralised water productions (reverse osmosis or chains including filtration and auxilliary equipments) Softeners Cooling circuits treatment equipment (analysers, chlorometers, dosing pumps, corrosion specimens, storage, retention, filter for analysers and associated piping,..) Product storage and associated installations Safety showers and eyewash 26.5.201521Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

22 Maintenance of the water treatment installation What is considered as water treatment installation ? Resins regeneration plant with auxilliary equipment (HCl and NaOH storage, pumps, neutralization basin, …) Laboratory analyser and equipment (pHmeter, dosimeter, conductivity meter,..) Mobile mixed bed demineralizers 26.5.201522Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

23 Maintenance of the water treatment installation Rounds Minimum requirement : Twice a week for open circuits Once a month for closed circuits Once a day for the demineralised water production The contractor shall implement any necessary action for the proper follow up In case of problem, the contractor shall adapt and increase the rounds accordingly, without additional costs for CERNCorrective maintenance 26.5.201523Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

24 Maintenance of the water treatment installation Corrective maintenance: Corrective intervention launched by CERN Control Room or CERN water treatment responsible or by the contractor During CERN working hours including lunch break, the contractor shall intervene and fix the problem respecting the maximum lead times defined in the section 2.2.2 of the Technical Specification Outside working hours another contractor shall intervene but the water treatment contractor shall: Ensure the follow up Check that the corrective action was appropriate Train the stand-by duty once a year 26.5.201524Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

25 Maintenance of the water treatment installation Preventive maintenance: The contractor shall suggest a list of initial spare parts (manager by CERN) For the cooling circuits water treatment installations, the contractor shall propose a maintenance plan per installation For the demineralised water production, the contractor shall follow strictly the maintenance plan provided by CERN. The contractor shall notify CERN in writing of any modification to the maintenance. 26.5.201525Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

26 Demineralised water production and resins regenerations The contractor shall control and ensure the performance of different demineralisation units in terms of production volume and of water conductivity (nominal 0.1 µS/cm, max. 0.5 µS/cm). For the mobile mixed bed demineralizers Minimum 1000 l of resins shall be regenerated per months The contractor shall perform all actions needed (handling, transfer, operate and monitore the plant, neutralize the content of the basins, etc..) See section 2.3.1 of the Technical Specification For the demineralised water production the contractor shall ensure that the plant will be 100% available. 26.5.201526Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

27 Analysis The contractor shall perform the analysis in full autonomy including all tasks (collection of samples, transport, analyse, report etc.) Remarks: For the water analysis of the cooling circuits the price of those analysis shall be included in the price per cubic meter of treated water. For the demineralised water production and for the regeneration of the resin of mobile cartridges the price of such analysis shall be included in the price for the operation and maintenance of demineralised water production and in the price of the regeneration of the resin mobile cartridges 26.5.201527Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

28 Analysis Erratum: modification in the Annex D of the Technical Specification: 26.5.201528Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

29 Water treatment equipment provision The contractor shall provide: 50l and 200l stainless steel cartridge for demineralization Analyser for measurement of desinfectants Dosing pump Water filter Other water treatment equipment shall be supplied. The contractor shall provide CERN a quotation with the exact price of the supplier and apply to the price a defined margin in the contract. 26.5.201529Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

30 Work outside working hours CERN may require planned interventions outside working periods. The number of those interventions should not be greater than four per year. Those interventions shall be included in the price of the services and shall not be remunerated separately. 26.5.201530Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

31 Reporting CMMS: All intervention (round, preventive and corrective maintenance) shall be detailed in the CMMS not later than eight working hours after the end of the intervention with the worked hours, clear comment. Manage the mobile mixed bed demineralisers in CMMS. Results of analysis available in CERN database. 26.5.201531Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

32 Reporting Weekly reports to provide the day before the meeting shall at least include: the description of the operations achieved that week; the analyses and controls performed; summarize all the information / warning submitted to CERN during the week, such as deviation of the water consumption; the list of the corrective work order issued by CERN or generated by the contractor. The contractor shall report the cause of the problem, the action taken, and any required further action. 26.5.201532Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

33 Reporting Monthly reports to provide 3 days before the meeting shall at least include: the data reported in the weekly reports related to the treatment process and to the treated circuits; KPIs and any non-conformity and the remedial measures; the follow up of the analysis non-conformities and the penalties and any variation in the agreed process or working procedures; safety issues; the spare parts needed, the water and product consumption per circuits, the additional analysis performed, the regeneration of the resins and shock treatment achieved, since the 1st of January of the year. 26.5.201533Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

34 Reporting Yearly reports to provide one week before the meeting shall at least include: A summary of statistical data and KPIs, together with appropriate comments and an analysis of unusual incidents; An overview of important aspects reported in the monthly activity reports; Invoicing overview; Proposed organizational, technical, safety objectives, including proposals for optimizing the contract performance for the following year. 26.5.201534Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

35 Performance of the contract

36 Human resources Contract manager Team leader Technician in water treatment Chemist for laboratory work and analysis Maintenance technician 26.5.201536Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

37 Human resources Contract manager Contract manager shall : > 5 years of experience in water treatment services be present at CERN at least one full working day per week, working full time on the management of the contract Main task: Manage the contract and the resources Follow the safety, quality, budget,.. Prepare and attend to the monthly and yearly meeting Interface with CERN for the contract 26.5.201537Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

38 Human resources Team leader: Team leader shall : > 5 years of experience in water treatment services be present on the CERN site at all time during working hours Main task: Organize the work of the team, Interface with CERN for all technical aspects. Prepare and attend to the weekly meeting Validate the work performed 26.5.201538Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

39 Human resources Technician in water treatment: Technician in water treatment shall : > 5 years of experience in water treatment services be present on the CERN site at all time during working hours Main task: Perform rounds, corrective maintenance Follow parameters of the water, Operate water treatment installation (regeneration of resins,..) 26.5.201539Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

40 Human resources Chemist for laboratory work and analysis : Chemist for laboratory work and analysis shall : > 5 years of experience in water treatment services be present on the CERN site at all time during working hours Main task: Perform analysis, Take samples, 26.5.201540Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

41 Human resources Maintenance technician: Maintenance technician shall : > 3 years of experience in industrial maintenance be present on the CERN site at all time during working hours Main task: Perform maintenance interventions 26.5.201541Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

42 Material resources CERN shall provide: Premises: A laboratory in building 378; A room used as an office with a computer. Material: NaOH and HCl solutions and NaCl; Dosing equipment; Spare parts for existing water treatment equipment Laboratory equipment as detailed; Electricity, water and compressed air to the existing available limits The contractor shall supply the rest 26.5.201542Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

43 Quality The QAP shall include working procedures for all activities linked to the performance of the services. The service quality levels shall be measured according to specific performance indicators defined in Annex J. Additional KPIs might be implemented during the performance of the contract. Failure to comply with the required service KPIs may result in the application of penalties 26.5.201543Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

44 Safety and environment The solutions adopted for treatment shall comply with the applicable French and Swiss legislation and especially consider the limitation of pH and contents of pollutants in the effluent water of the concerned circuits. Draining interventions by the contractor shall be subject to CERN’s prior written authorisation on the elimination pathway of the effluent water. The contractor shall ensure the minimization of the impact of the effluent water in the receiving water courses. The contractor shall assess any decomposition substance from treatment products that can be discharged from the cooling tower circuits and the concentration levels that will be released. 26.5.201544Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

45 Safety and environment The contractor shall assign enough resources for the preparation of the Prevention Plan The contractor shall appoint, a Safety Correspondent who shall act as his representative at CERN in matters of Safety. 26.5.201545Bidders conference – IT4088/EN – Water treatment services

46 Thanks for your attention Question ???

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