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Chapter 4. Formative Assessment Text – Formative assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning, evaluating this evidence, providing.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4. Formative Assessment Text – Formative assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning, evaluating this evidence, providing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4

2 Formative Assessment Text – Formative assessment is the process of gathering evidence of student learning, evaluating this evidence, providing feedback to students and adjusting instructional strategies to enhance achievement. (Notice all are action verbs – akin to Bloom Formative assessment may formal (homework or tests) or informal (observation or in class questioning) as well as low level (emphasis on selected responses ) or high level (varied assessments including constructed responses)

3 The Formative Assessment Process The PIE and or PDSA schemes are relevant to the process. The text suggests a variation of the above Establish learning targets Evaluating student work & behavior Provide student Feedback Develop instructional adjustments/ modifications Notice that all portions of the cycle involve action verbs

4 Formative Assessment Characteristics Low level Students “take” a test Students receive feedback based upon performance (individually and/or group) Students receive recommendations for further learning (individually and/or group) High level Students “take” a variety of assessments Students receive feedback based upon performance (individually and/or group) and discuss with the teacher possible options for (a) a revised series of assessments and/or (b) revised learning options Students receive recommendations for further learning (individually and/or group) and participate in the planning of instruction High level - students develop assessments and/or independent projects

5 Informal formative assessments An ongoing process resulting from student/ teacher interaction and/or teacher observation. Observations may include: Non verbal behavior (body language, facial expressions, gestures, voice variations and/or affect displays Body Languages may include: emblem, illustrator and/ or affect display Voice related cues: loudness, rate and/or quality of speech

6 Informal Oral Questioning Four common formats include: Whole class Teacher led reviews, discussions and/or recitations Individual interaction Small group interaction Questioning techniques may be used to (a) motivate, (b) monitor student behavior, (c) manage the class

7 Characteristics of Effective Questioning (1) Questions stated clearly without possible misunderstanding Questions clearly match learning targets Questions involve the entire class (unless designed for another specific purpose) Sufficient wait time for questions Provide appropriate responses to student answers in order to provide feedback (immediate and/or delayed)

8 Characteristics of Effective Questioning (2) Avoid “closed” questions – Utilize Bloom’s Taxonomy for synthesis, analysis etc. style questions Provide probes/ cues as necessary Avoid a tug of war, however, use a “Socratic” technique when appropriate Avoid questions that directly ask “do you know” Provide questions in a sequence

9 Formal Formative Assessments Assessment is planned and designed to provide (a) a level of student knowledge, (b) appropriate feedback and (c) a design of upcoming instruction Pre assessments provide (a) a focus for upcoming instruction (b) an avoidance of redundancy (c) a determination of an appropriate “level” of upcoming instruction (d) motivation for students (e) a design for student identification of upcoming learning targets Normal formative designs include: a series of structured exercisesstructured homework the pre test, post test schemequizzes and unit tests technology based questions in class assignments without being “drill and kill” benchmark tests (interim assessments) if tied to S & B or common core

10 Biased questions (?) STRAWBERRY:RED (A) peach:ripe (B) leather:brown (C) grass:green (D) orange:round (E) lemon:yellow Two students solve the following problem A + B = C Kim Lee states B + A = C and Kareem states that C – A = B Who is correct (Kim Lee), (Kareem) (Both students) (Neither student) Where can a woman place a cup of coffee once she is finished ? (1) Table (2) Saucer (3) Both are correct (4) Neither are correct

11 Biased questions (?) Which word(s) is/ are correctly spelled? (1) Affect (2) Effect (3) Honor (4) Honour (5) All are correct What are the ways a man can cross a river (1)Bridge (2) Boat (3) Walking (4) Bridge and Boat (5) Bridge, Boat and Walking A team scores two touchdowns and one field goal How many points has the team scored? What will you call your father’s brother? Fill in the blank boat: marina as race car: __________ subway: turnstile as taxicab: __________

12 Design of the GNED 302 Midterm 1) What type of assessment design is the most appropriate ? 2) How will the assessment be administered ? 3) How will the assessment become “fair” for all site ? 4) Who will design the assessment (instructor, text test bank, text chapters?) 5) What will affect the results? Style and design Length Submission design Value for grade

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