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.  Reform by the Gracchi Bros o Supported poor & farm-soldiers o Both murdered by patrician riots o VIOLENCE REPLACES LAW IN ROME.

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2  Reform by the Gracchi Bros o Supported poor & farm-soldiers o Both murdered by patrician riots o VIOLENCE REPLACES LAW IN ROME


4  Gaius Marius o General & Consul (7x!) o Army of volunteers who fought for loot, conquered land More loyal to Marius than to Rome! o Exiled, returned, & died  Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix o Retired from consul to command military o Marius opposed him, Sulla marches on Rome! o Elected dictator, gives up power to Senate

5  Crassus o RICH consul  Pompey o Consul & general  Julius Caesar o Nephew of Marius o Great public speaker, good general, broke o Conquered Gaul for 10 years o HERO of the masses

6  Pompey orders him home w/out army—JC “Crosses the Rubicon”  Fights Pompey, chases him to Egypy  Affair w/ Cleopatra & son  Dictator for Life! (44 BCE)  March 15, 44 BCE: assassination o Cassius & Brutus=masterminds


8  Octavian (JC’s nephew)  Marc Antony (General)  Lepidus (JC’s #2)  Take command & hunt down conspirators  Lepidus retires  Antony controls East, Octavian the West o War w/ Antony & Cleopatra (death by suicide)

9  Octavian “First Citizen” 27 BCE— ”Augustus” (revered one)  Given power over Rome, Senate  Expanded Rome’s borders, then STOPPED  “Pax Romana” (Peace in Rome) lasted 200 years  Died 14 CE



12  Emperor in charge o Appointed officials who supported him o Made all monetary, policy decisions o Senate did Emperor’s bidding

13  Trade united empire o Road construction linked provinces (60,000+ mi!)  Grain, wine, oils, cloth, pottery, glass, ivory imported

14  Became a career for many  Stationed at regular intervals on frontiers o Towns/cities sprung up around Roman forts o Vets given land in conquered territory  Many uprisings—put down with force

15 Hadrian’s Wall


17  Emperor 37-41 CE  Nicknamed “Little Boots” by soldiers  Built new aqueducts, initially popular in Rome  Executed most of his family  Executed anyone he saw as treasonous  Thought he was a god  Games: Threw in the crowd!  Incest, prostitution w/ sisters  Killed by his guards (first assassinated emperor)

18  Emperor 56-68 CE  Murdered his mother (ship, ceiling)  Murdered his wife (affair w/ slaves)  Executed hundreds  “fiddled while Rome burned” o Persecuted Christians  Big into theater & games o Popular w/ lower class o Public performances o “Won” Olympics  “What an artist dies in me!”

19  Emperor 81-96 CE  Killed brother for the throne  Defeated by Dacians, celebrated it as a victory  Mistresses included niece  “Reign of Terror” on senators, officials  Developed new tortures  Assassinated by palace officials

20  Emperor 180-192 CE “Beginning of the decline”  Son of Marcus Aurelius  Devalued Roman currency  Only interested in sports & leisure  Sold public offices/titles  Thought he was Hercules & reincarnation of Romulus (renamed Rome)  Fought frequently in arena as gladiator (charged Rome)  Killed hundreds of animals, citizens, & slaves  Assassinated in the bath

21  Emperor 218-222 CE  Devalued currency  Transgender- 5 wives, many male lovers o Tried to become female o Brothel in the palace, prostitute in the city  Made a new religion/Sun God o Married Vestal Virgin, made himself high priest  Actions angered Praetorian Guard o Murdered w/ mother by Guard at 18


23  Competition for throne after Marcus Aurelius (180)  Inflation o Silver shortage—emperors decrease silver in coins o Merchants raised prices  Attacks on borders increase o 250-260: Athens & Antioch sacked

24  Diocletian splits empire East and West (284) o Caesars rule in East and West o Defense & security were primary concerns, freedoms second o 300s= Civil War between competing Caesars  Constantine becomes sole Caesar in 324 o Supports Christianity o Founds Constantinople Western Empire (Rome) weakens while Eastern Empire grows powerful


26  Goths, Vandals, Franks, Lombards, Huns, & more attack in late 300s  Goths overpower Roman armies o Alaric sacks Rome in 410  Vandals seize N. Africa in 429, sack Rome in 455  Attila the Hun defeated in 451 by Romans in Gaul  Rome dependent on mercenaries…not loyal Romans



29  476: last emperor overthrown…Rome is DONE  People leave cities to find food/shelter/safety  Schools, libraries destroyed

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