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Annual RECWOWE Integration Week Utrecht. June 2009 T03.22 Job Quality and Tensions Between Work and Private Life Tensions between work and private life.

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1 Annual RECWOWE Integration Week Utrecht. June 2009 T03.22 Job Quality and Tensions Between Work and Private Life Tensions between work and private life in Spanish dual-income couples Sandra Dema Moreno University of Oviedo (Spain)

2 Tensions between quantity and quality of jobs: Implications from the gender perspective Women’s access to the labour market has increased in a continuous and sustainable way, however it is still lower than men’s. Women labour conditions are worse than men’s: low quality and low paid jobs. The household and caring work in many ways condition the presence of women in the labour market.

3 Tensions between work and private life in Spanish dual-income couples Processes and tensions that appear in dual-income couples when trying to reconcile job and family/personal life Strategies that couples use to solve the identified tensions. Relation between these tensions and the Spanish welfare regime.

4 Methodology Qualitative methodology: International Project “Couples, money and invidualization” 48 In-depth interviews to Spanish couples: – 16 couple interviews – 32 individual interviews Couples with and without children Newly created relationships and consolidated couples Two age groups: from 20-39 and from 40-60 Comparative case study approach + team analysis

5 Spanish society: some changes in gender relations Spanish society: some changes in gender relations Women’s access to education and greater involvement in politics Women’s access to paid work (but still lower rates than EU average. 75% of women work full-time). –Spanish women’s activity rate: 51.2%. Spanish men’s activity rate: 75.2% –EU women’s activity rate: 56.3%. EU men’s activity rate: 71.3% Sharp decrease in birth rates. New family models and democratization of family values Dual-income couples: –In 1992: 33% of Spanish households –In 2000: 45% of Spanish households Welfare regime: familism

6 ‘Hard choices’ or ‘Structural ambivalence’ Women have to choose between their work and their partner/family. Both choices imply a trap: –Family first? –Work first?

7 An example of ‘hard choices’ or ‘structural ambivalence’: The case of Fátima and Fernando Fatima when finishing her degree moves to another town to do her training and she obtained a good, stable job. Fernando, her boyfriend at that time, moved to live with her and tried to find a job, but since he couldn’t he went back home within a few months. Fátima prizes maintainin g her partner over her job Fernando places his career over his partner

8 Women who place building their own autonomy over their life in a couple: The case of Lidia and Luis Some women place their financial independence first: –Lidia decided to go away to look for a job. The separation caused a conflict in the couple. Luis moved to live with her. After a period of time they returned to their home town together

9 Men and ‘hard choices’ Men are not usually confronted by problematic choices. Whatever they choose, they do not damage their independence. When there is a tension between the family and themselves it is generally solved by placing men’s interests before those of the family.

10 Publications Janet Stocks, Capitolina D í az Mart í nez and Bj ö rn Hallerod (Eds) (2007): Modern Couples Sharing Money, Sharing Life. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York, Palgrave Macmillan. Sandra Dema Moreno (2009): “ Behind the Threshold of Negotiation: Financial Decision-Making Processes in Spanish Dual-Income Couples ”. Feminist Economics 15(1):27-56.

11 Annual RECWOWE Integration Week Utrecht. June 2009 T03.22 Job Quality and Tensions Between Work and Private Life Tensions between work and private life in Spanish dual-income couples Sandra Dema Moreno University of Oviedo (Spain)

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