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Quarterly 1 NASA Quarterly UVIS Q2 - 2013 (Feb – Apr 2013)

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1 Quarterly 1 NASA Quarterly UVIS Q2 - 2013 (Feb – Apr 2013)

2 Quarterly 2 UVIS: Science Highlights Analysis of the properties of tholins in the upper atmosphere of Titan shows clear evidence for the presence of tholins. UVIS spectrum of Titan. The dark line corresponds to observations of the atmosphere higher up, around 1000 to 1200 km, while the orange one is from lower down, around 600 km. The latter shows evidence for the scattering from tholins longward of 1700 A. (Yung)

3 Quarterly 3 UVIS: Accomplishments Publications – Published this quarter3 – In press (Went into press Feb – Apr 2013, also includes still in press from earlier quarters)7 – Submitted (Submitted Feb – Apr 2013, also includes submitted earlier and still in review) 5 – Published 2013 to date (since Nov. 2012)5 – Published entire mission157 Presentations at scientific conferences (Feb-Apr 2013) – 1 presentation at the AAAS in Boston, MA, Feb. 15 (Hendrix) – 2 presentation at the LPSC The Woodlands, Texas, March 18-22, 2013 (Esposito, Royer) – 1 presentations at EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2013 (Esposito) Public Outreach and Press Activities (Feb – Apr 2013) – 0: public talks – 0 : press releases – 0: press conferences (phone interviews)

4 Quarterly 4 UVIS: Plans – Science Plans (May – Jul 2013) Bradley: Continue investigation of ring particle albedo Bradley: Compare Saturn ring spectra with Saturn icy moon spectra Colwell: Paper on faint and narrow rings is in production (student Bryce Bolin is lead author). Colwell: Paper on occultation statistics is in production (Colwell lead author). Colwell: New paper on self-gravity wakes is in preparation (Colwell or Jerousek lead author). Colwell: Submit new and updated occultation data sets to the Planetary Data System. [still pending per Josh] Colwell: Paper on analysis of Rev 9 solar occ diffraction signal from F ring is in preparation (student Becker is lead author). Hendrix: Analysis of UVIS data from the Rhea-4 flyby which took place on March 9. Intercomparing the R4 data with data from earlier flybys. Yung: UVIS spectra will be analyzed using a scattering radiative transfer code, including the spherical geometry involved in the Cassini observations. The gaseous absorptions used in the radiative model will be taken from previous papers by this group. – Publications (May – Jul 2013) In preparation (includes submitted, but not yet published)12 1 paper in press in an AGU monograph on the auroras 1 paper in review in Astron. J 2 papers in review and 1 in press in GRL 1 paper in press in Icarus 1 paper in press in JGR 1 paper in press in J. Mol. Spectrosc. 2 papers in review and 1 in press in Planet. Space Sci. 1 chapter in press in the book Titan: Surface, Atmosphere and Magnetosphere

5 Quarterly 5 UVIS: Plans Continued from last page – Upcoming presentations at scientific conferences (May – Jul 2013) 1 presentation at Davos Atmosphere and Cryosphere Assembly DACA-13, Davos, Switzerland, July 8-12, 2013 (Esposito) – Public Outreach and Press Activities (May – Jul 2013) 0: public talks 0: press releases 0: press conference (phone interview)

6 Quarterly 6 Backup Material

7 Quarterly 7 UVIS: Publications - 2013 Ajello, J.M, West, R.A., J. Gustin, K. Larsen, A.I.F. Stewart, L.W. Esposito, W.E. McClintock, G.M. Holsclaw, E.T. Bradley. 2012. Cassini UVIS Observations of Titan Nightglow Spectra. JGR. VOL. 117, A12315, doi:10.1029/2012JA017888. (Published 12/22/12) Brilliantov, N.V., N. Albers, F. Spahn, T. Pöschel. 2013. Erratum: Collision dynamics of granular particles with adhesion [Phys. Rev. E 76, 051302 (2007)]. Phys. Rev. E 87, 039904(E), doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.87.039904 (Published March 2013) Gérard, J.C., Gustin, J., Pryor, W.R., Grodent, D., Bonfond, B., Radioti, A., Gladstone, R.G., Clarke, J.T., Nichols, J.D., 2013. Remote sensing of the energy of auroral electrons in Saturn’s atmosphere: Hubble and Cassini spectral observations. Icarus, Vol. 223, Issue 1, 211–221. (Published March 2013.) Hendrix, A. R., T. A. Cassidy, B.J. Buratti, C. Paranicas, C. J. Hansen, B.D. Teolis, E. Roussos, P.Kollmann, T. Bradley, R. Johnson. 2012. Mimas’ Far-UV Albedo: Spatial Variations. Icarus. Icarus, 220 (2012) 922–931 (Published online July 2012, but found out April 2013.) Hubert, B.., J.-C. Gérard, J. Gustin, D.V. Bisikalo, V.I. Shematovich and R.G. Gladstone. 2012. Cassini-UVIS observation of dayglow FUV emissions of carbon in the thermosphere of Venus. Icarus. Volume 220, Issue 2, p. 635-646, doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.06.002 (Published August 2012. Didn’t know in time for previous report).

8 Quarterly 8 UVIS: Publications (In Press) Badman, S. V., A. Masters, H. Hasegawa, M. Fujimoto, A. Radioti, D. Grodent, N. Sergis, M. K. Dougherty, and A. J. Coates. 2013. Bursty magnetic reconnection at Saturn's magnetopause, Geophys. Res. Lett. (Accepted January 2013) Bradley, E.T., J.E. Colwell, L.W. Esposito, 2012. Scattering properties of Saturn’s rings from Cassini UVIS spectra. Icarus. (Accepted April 8, 3013) Gurnett, D. and W. Pryor. 2012. Auroral Processes Associated with Saturn's Moon Enceladus. For inclusion in an AGU monograph on the auroras. (Accepted spring 2012) Gustin, J., J.C. Gerard, D. Grodent, G.R. Gladstone, J.T. Clarke, W.R. Pryor, V. Dols, B. Bonfond, A. Radioti, L. Lamy, J.M. Ajello. 2012. Effects of methane on giant planet's UV emissions and implications for the auroral characteristics. J. Mol. Spectrosc. (Accepted. March 29, 2013.) Jackman, C.M., N. Achilleos, S.W.H. Cowley, E.J. Bunce, A. Radioti, D. Grodent, S.V. Badman, M.K. Dougherty, W. Pryor. 2012. Auroral counterpart of magnetic field dipolarizations in Saturn’s tail. PSS. (Accepted March 2013) Radioti A., E. Roussos, D. Grodent, J.-C. Gérard, N. Krupp, D. G. Mitchell, J. Gustin, B. Bonfond, and W. Pryor, Signatures of magnetospheric injections in Saturn's aurora, in press, JGR. (Accepted January 2013) West, R., P. Lavvas, C. Anderson, and H. Imanaka. 2012. Titan Haze. A chapter in Titan: Surface, Atmosphere and Magnetosphere. Eds. I. Mueller-Wodarg, C. Griffith, T. Cravens and E. Lellouch. Cambridge University Press [Cambridge Planetary Science Series]. (Accepted March 1, 2012)

9 Quarterly 9 UVIS: Publications (Submitted) Baillié, K., Colwell, J. E., Esposito, L. W. 2012. Meter-sized moonlet population in Saturn’s C ring and Cassini Division. Astron. J. (Submitted July 2012) Carbary, J., D. Mitchell, and W. Pryor. 2012. Correlation of Saturn's Ultraviolet Aurora with Energetic Neutral Atoms. GRL. (Submitted June 28, 2012) Kammer, J.A., Shemansky, D.E., Zhang, X., Yung, Y.L. 2013. Composition of Titan's Upper Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS EUV Stellar Occultations. Planet. Space Sci. (Submitted Nov. 2012.) Li, C., X. Zhang, M.-C. Liang, Y.L. Yung. 2013. Eddy Diffusion Profile of Titan's Atmosphere Revealed by Cassini Observations. Planet. Space Sci. (Submitted Nov. 2012.) Radioti, A., D. Grodent, J.-C. Gérard, B. Bonfond, and W. Pryor. 2013. Auroral signatures of multiple magnetopause reconnection at Saturn, GRL (Submitted March 2013)

10 Quarterly 10 UVIS: Science Presentations – Q2-2013 (Feb - Apr) – AAAS in Boston, MA, Feb. 15, 2013 Hendrix: "Titan, Enceladus and the Other Moons of Saturn. – LPSC, The Woodlands, TX, March 18-22, 2013 Esposito: “Predator-Prey Model for Haloes in Saturn’s Rings” Emilie Royer: "How do Mimas, Tethys and Dione interact with the E ring of Saturn ? An analysis of their far-ultraviolet phase curves,” – EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 7-12, 2013 Esposito: “Predator-Prey model for haloes in Saturn’s A ring”

11 Quarterly 11 UVIS: Outreach – Q2-2013 (Feb – Apr 2013) EPO: Talks to school children, teachers and public – None this quarter Press releases – None this quarter Press conferences & interviews – None this quarter

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