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Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Southern Region FAASTeam National FAASTeam Projects Area-2 FAASTeam Reps and Lead Reps Mark L.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Southern Region FAASTeam National FAASTeam Projects Area-2 FAASTeam Reps and Lead Reps Mark L."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Southern Region FAASTeam National FAASTeam Projects Area-2 FAASTeam Reps and Lead Reps Mark L. Laughridge, FPM July 17, 2010

2 2 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 2

3 3 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 3 FAASTeam Mission Statement Improve upon the Nation's aviation accident rate by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, and education; while establishing partnerships and encouraging the continual growth of a positive safety culture within the aviation community.

4 4 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 4 Executive Summary The FAASTeam National Business Plan is a tool utilized by the FAASTeam to accomplish National Goals set by the Administrator. The Business Plan is designed to assist the Regional FAASTeam Manager (RFM) by providing an overview of the pertinent national aviation safety data.

5 5 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 5 Executive Summary This overview will identify broad hazards found within that data and provide some general requirements for regional FAASTeams. The plan includes mandatory national emphasis items and core business items that must be addressed. Support function projects that shall be addressed in coordination with other service/offices.

6 6 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 6 Milestones for Fiscal Year 2011 Building Infrastructure Develop Products That Support the FAASTeam Mission Outreach to Airmen and Air Groups

7 7 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 7 Mandatory National Emphasis Projects: APL - Approach and Landings GAW - General Aviation Airworthiness Focus ALS - Amateur Built/Light Sport

8 8 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 8 Core Business Projects: CFI (CFI Workshops) SSD (Safety Stand Down) WING (WINGS Promotion) WEB ( Promotion) OAMT (“On-Line” AMT Awards Promotion)

9 9 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 9 Support Function Projects: ASD - Airport Surface Deviations PDA - Pilot Airspace Deviations HEL – Helicopters AAI - Aerial Application ATR - Air Tour

10 10 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 10 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

11 11 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 11 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

12 12 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 12 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

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14 14 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 14 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

15 15 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 15 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

16 16 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 16 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

17 17 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 17 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

18 18 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 18 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

19 19 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 19 FAASTeam Data Analysis Tool:

20 20 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 20 Take-home Points from the Maintenance Data Maintenance-related accidents and incidents are on a downward trend. Maintenance-related accidents result in a higher likelihood of injury. 86% of Maintenance-related accidents occur under CFR Part 91 Operations. Maintenance-related accidents tend to occur during Takeoff and Cruise and involve engine issues. Maintenance-related incidents involve landing gear and braking systems primarily. Pilots are responsible for the majority of maintenance- related incidents.

21 21 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 21 Take-home Points from the General Aviation Accident Data Overall, GA accidents continue to be on the decline. Accidents occurring during increased exposure, spring, summer, and fall months. - Except for Florida Accident counts following fleet size, Homebuilt accident rates are actually getting better even with a rapidly growing fleet size. Landings continue to prevail as the primary phase of flight in the GA accidents. Loss of directional control of the aircraft continues to be the primary cause cited in the NTSB causal data for GA accidents.

22 22 Federal Aviation Administration National FAASTeam Projects July, 17 2010 22 The FAA Flight Plan has a targeted objective of reducing both commercial air carrier and general aviation fatalities. We are trending towards the achievement of these goals however, we are in a period of reduced activity and a portion of the reduction can be attributed to reduced exposure.

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