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Chapter 5.  How did they get there? Migrants from Korea established extensive agriculture, fishing industry by200 CE/AD  Political:  Regional politics.

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1 Chapter 5

2  How did they get there? Migrants from Korea established extensive agriculture, fishing industry by200 CE/AD  Political:  Regional politics  tribal chiefs  Imperial order at end of age  Each tribe had its own god  Social: Strict social distinction  Religion: Shintoism- worships rulers and nature spirits  Tech: ironworking, writing brought from Korean scribes

3  Olmecs  Intellectual  lacked writing  produced monumental architecture  cultivation of corn  Big City: Teotihuacan  Mayan civilizations linked to Olmecs

4  Pacific migrations  by 1000 BCE islands of Fiji and Samoa inhabited  Outrigger canoes all the way to Hawaii by 400CE  Diffusion- plants, animals (pigs)  Political/Social- stratified classes under a monarch

5 A. China’s Decline: WHY?  Loss of centralized control, corrupt bureaucracy…  Increased taxes, social unrest, epidemic disease…  Invasion of nomadic peoples (such as Xiongnu) led to downfall of Han, attempts to assimilate Chinese culture

6  Decline in Gupta’s abilities to control local princes- REGIONAL PROBLEMS!!!  INVADERS integrated into warrior castes forming NEW regional princes, Rajput  Regionalism prevailed, commercial development flourished

7  Decay set in around 180CE  declining population  Tax collection difficult  Quality of leadership declined  disputes over succession  pleasure seeking upper class  Cycles of plagues, INVADERS, peoples turned to landlord’s protection

8  Constantine attempted to reinvigorate empire with Christianity  New capital moved to Constantinople in East, worsened West collapse  Great trade city  Byzantine Empire continued Hellenistic traditions, Roman Law

9  Religion emerged in vacuum of political disorder: stress devotion, piety, spiritual concerns beyond earth Buddhism  India: minority religion, monks helps others gain nirvana  China: Mayahana, Buddha as savior, ritual  Buddhism frowned on by some Confucians- too otherworldly, may distract honor to emperor  Buddhism women’s role since they believe women also have souls- more equal  Syncretism: Chinese culture CHANGED Buddhist sayings  Example: “Husband supports wife”(Buddhist) became “Husband controls wife” (trad Chinese)  Southeast Asia remained more traditional Buddhism

10  Emphasis on salvation, saints  Organization- similar to Roman gov  Conversion- Missionaries, conquest  Virtuous life of worship, fellowship, gentleness  Formal intellectual, theological foundation, appealing to poor  Hope

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