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The First Civilizations of North America Chapter One.

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1 The First Civilizations of North America Chapter One

2 Pre-Colombian Indigenous Worlds I. Origins A. Creation stories B. Bering Strait Theory II. “Culture Areas” III. Populations IV. Economies V. Social Organization VI. Ancient Civilizations

3 Competing Views on Origins Native Explanations Place Religious and cultural Oral traditions Environment Morality Metaphorical, not literal Bering Strait Theory Ocean levels dropped Migrated from Asia 75,000-30,000 B.C. Traveled southward Language and biology Scientific, but “unprovable ”

4 Bering Strait Today

5 Cultural Areas Simplified diagram of Native People based on geog, lang. & env.

6 Estimated Populations Western Hemisphere A. 20 – 80 million B. Concentrations 1. Great Lakes 2. Mississippi 3. Southwest 4. California Coast 5. Central Mexico 6. Central America 7. Andean Region 8. Caribbean

7 Native Populations

8 Economies and Trade Types of Economies I. Sedentary A. Agricultural 5,000 yrs ago (Pueblos) B. Fishing (Makahs) II. Migratory A. Seasonal B. Mixed Economies (Paiutes) III. Subsistence/Hunting & Gathering A. High movement, low densities (Apaches) IV. Trade A. Luiseno– Cahuillas - Paiutes – Hopis – Navajos – Pueblos – Comanches

9 Socio-political Organization I. Kinship and Heredity II. Bands and Clans (decentralized, local) III. Confederacy (coalition) Iroquois 1200s-1780s IV. Empire (centralized hierarchy) Nahua/Aztec

10 Gender Systems Matri-lineal -Heritage follows female Matri-focal -Live with/near family of wife Matri-archy -Women have most power

11 Ancient Civilizations I. Mississippian Culture A. Mound builders B. 700-1200 C. Mid-east U.S. D. Cahokia 1. 15,000

12 Artistic interpretation of mound building culture

13 Cahokia Trading Region

14 Southwestern Peoples

15 Hsatsina / Anasazi Puebloan Ancestors Concentrated Pop Agriculture & irrigation Astronomy Historians Distinct languages

16 Extensive Civilization Chaco Canyon Pueblo Bonito Cliff Palace Trade networks Relationship with Meso-America Dispersal between 1200-1400 Pueblos Today


18 Southwest Reservations Today


20 Meso-America A. Olmec 1500 B.C. B. Mayans 300 B.C. – 900 A.D. C. Nahua (Aztec) 1350s-1500s

21 Mayans Calendars Mathematics, “0” Literacy Historians Chichen Itza 

22 “Decline” of Ancient Cultures Food shortages Resources depleted Political conflicts with others Drought or flood Internal divisions Dispersed, not “disappeared”

23 Conclusions 1. Have a pre-contact history 2. Nearly 1000 cultures 3. Cities and empires, villages and clans 4. Not all nomadic people 5. Contact/conquest from their perspectives

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