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DCB Activities still many drafts, successive approximations Peter H. Garbincius January 20, 2006 – KEK DCB_KEK_060120.ppt.

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Presentation on theme: "DCB Activities still many drafts, successive approximations Peter H. Garbincius January 20, 2006 – KEK DCB_KEK_060120.ppt."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCB Activities still many drafts, successive approximations Peter H. Garbincius January 20, 2006 – KEK DCB_KEK_060120.ppt

2 contents: Preliminary WBS (in SLAC format) slice by Area Sys. or Tech/Global Sys. WBS Guidelines: elements, dictionary, BoE e.g. TESLA Budget Book & WBS Dictionary, CFS Draft WBS matrix, CFS Config-USLCTOS Draft Questions for Area System groups Draft outline of RDR document Current CFS layout sketches Interactions DCB  Area, Tech, Global Sys DCB’s working schedule => converge!

3 WBS from Wilhelm – 16jan06 nearly same as TESLA Budget Book + RTML







10 Open e - Injection System (didn’t show labor)

11 Open e + Linac

12 EXCEL example – use pointer to sort by Area Systems

13 use pointer to sort by Technical & Global Systems

14 Run through some preliminary documents and guidelines – 1 (X to close.pdf) Draft WBS Guidelines TESLA Budget Book & WBS dictionary df Draft CF&S WBS Matrix vs. Area Sys.

15 Run through some preliminary documents and guidelines – 2 (X to close.pdf) CF&S Criteria form from USLCTOS Draft questions for Area System Groups Draft format and contents for RDR book

16 immediate DCB needs Expand the levels of WBS are they logically consistent, optimal? Define level of detail for each system don’t go too deep, but will need appropriate depth to produce cost estimate Tor’s 1% for each element (~ $ 50 M) seems about right scale TESLA TDR had ~600 active L5 elements Define production model for high tech items - how many vendors/regions & distribution?

17 Gerry Aarons (CFS for Fred Asiri) 18jan06 drawing includes 1 TeV configuration from

18 from Gerry Aarons (CFS) - 18jan06

19 DCB working schedule => converge! get feedback from you today, tomorrow… another pass through DCB @ tonight’s call by Monday night, forward these preliminary documents to Area, Global, and Technical System leaders Cost Engineers: will concentrate on formulation of WBS working with Systems Groups


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