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Oui, je parle francais: 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded# 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded#!

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Presentation on theme: "Oui, je parle francais: 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded# 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded#!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oui, je parle francais: 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded# 4Ppc&feature=player_embedded#!

2  Borrowed words QUIZ is tomorrow! The Killer spelling quiz has been moved to next Tuesday! 1. Flashcards in for 90! Study your vocab! 2. Turn in APT pgs. 11 & 12! Check old APT answers:  Key APT pgs 1 & Key APT pgs 1 &  F 1 APT unit 1 pages 3 and 4.pdf F 1 APT unit 1 pages 3 and 4.pdf  F 1 APT unit 1 pages 5 and 6.pdf F 1 APT unit 1 pages 5 and 6.pdf  7 & 8? I will find them!  F 1 APT unit 1 pages 9 and 10.pdf F 1 APT unit 1 pages 9 and 10.pdf  F 1 APT pg 11 and 12.pdf F 1 APT pg 11 and 12.pdf 1. Review of speaking test-begins tomorrow! 2. Post card –You’ll write a rough draft: due Friday! Write to a pen pal, telling about yourself and asking questions. Decorate the back. Due next Thursday!  H/W: Flashcards tomorrow for an 80% APT pages for a 50%. STUDY YOUR BORROWED WORDS!

3  N’oubliez pas les vêtements! (A jeudi) VENDREDI: L’exposition de la mode!!!  Clothes due!  Borrowed words on LMS. UPDATED borrowed Words Hhh.docUPDATED borrowed Words Hhh.doc  “H” due next Wed. –work on definitions in class. Use  FINISH PRESENTATIONS TODAY!!!  PAS DE DEVOIRS! Quiz on infinitives has been moved to next week!

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