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Bell Work: Please pick up the handout on the back table. Take the first few minutes of class to silently read each article and answer the accompanying.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: Please pick up the handout on the back table. Take the first few minutes of class to silently read each article and answer the accompanying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: Please pick up the handout on the back table. Take the first few minutes of class to silently read each article and answer the accompanying questions. Be prepared to discuss each article. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 TH

2 Bell Work: Comparing Religions (Primary Sources) WOD  fidelity Vocab Review: Word Sort Collaboration: Civilization Baseball Cards Presentations Essential Question: What political, social, cultural, and economic developments allowed early civilizations to develop increasingly complex societies? Homework: Read Ch. 4 in your review book and complete MC questions #1-10 on pgs. 87-89. DAILY AGENDA:

3 FIDELITY – FAITHFULNESS OR LOYALTY VIDEO People are not the only ones who show fidelity. This soldier had just returned from 8 months in Afghanistan. His dog was just as happy to see him as the rest of the the family was. (1/20/16) Block 1 To add graphics and media, copy/paste from the internet or go to Insert at top for clip art or saved images. For additional text or side notes, go to Insert at top, then


5 VOCAB REVIEW: WORD SORT RACES Divided into teams, you will compete in a sort of vocabulary terms on the front board. Coming to the front one person at a time, you’ll grab a sticky note and determine which category it best fits under. Stick it to the board and return back to your team. At this time, the next person on your team will repeat the process. The first team to complete their stack gets a 2 pt. bonus. Teams also get 1 pt. for each correctly organized concept.

6 COLLABORATIVE REVIEW: Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, lets take some time to review what we have already read about. Working with your assigned partners, complete a Civilization Baseball Card, identifying the key concepts of your designated civilization. Be prepared to share and explain your card to the class. Each student in the class will receive a copy of the completed Baseball cards to review and study from. Please feel free to use the classroom sets of textbooks and review books to assist you in located details about your designated civilization.

7 Ancient Egypt  C.J., Andrew W., Amber Indus Valley Civilization  Matthew B., Lisanne, Sierra Shang and Zhou China  Gabe, Grace, Michael Hebrews  Andrew H., Sydney, Rebecca Phoenicians  Max, Mackenzie, Safiya Persia  Dylan, Bayush, Emma Classical Greece  Cody, Lindsay, Amie Olmec  Matthew R., Joelle, Madison Mesopotamia  Blake, Zachara, Jamie, Samantha ASSIGNED GROUPS:

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