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Energy Ability to do work or the Ability to make something happen.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Ability to do work or the Ability to make something happen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Ability to do work or the Ability to make something happen

2 Kinetic energy Energy something has because it is moving at a certain speed Linear E k related to objects mass and linear speed E k = 1/2m v 2

3 E k units m (mass) in kg V (velocity) in m/s ◦ Once it is squared, units become m 2 /s 2 Measured in Joules which = Nm which = kg m 2 /s 2 English units will be ft lb

4 Rotating objects Energy related to inertia (I) and angular speed (  ) E k = ½ I (  

5 Moment of inertia Depends on ◦ Location of axis around which object rotates ◦ Mass of object ◦ Distribution of mass around axis If mass is unevenly distributed, doesn’t rotate smoothly (vibrates or wobbles) MOI varies with each shape

6 Moment in inertia (cont.) Center of mass – location at which an object’s mass is assumed to be concentrated If mass is unevenly distributed, doesn’t rotate smoothly (vibrates or wobbles)

7 Kinetic energy Since E k = 1/2m v 2, objects with more mass have more KE for the same speed Since E k = 1/2m v 2, increasing speed increases KE by a LOT (v is squared!)

8 Work-energy theorem Work =  KE – the work-energy theorem (proposed by James Prescott Joule). Work is measure of energy transmitted by any kind of force (push-pull,  p,  v or  T) Object’s total kinetic energy changes by amount equal to work done.

9 Work and kinetic energy Work is measure of energy transmitted by force Work measured by change in KE of moving object ◦ - work means force applied is opposite object’s motion ◦ + work is in same direction as object’s motion

10 Energy conversions Energy done by machines is usually accomplished by converting energy from 1 form to another Energy can be used, but no work done, if no motion occurs (W = F*d) Examples: ◦ Food (chemical)  mechanical and heat (you, or the engine in a car) ◦ Electric  mechanical  potential (pump)  All energy conversions create wasted energy (heat)

11 Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It only changes from 1 form to another. In other words, (like momentum and mass) energy is always conserved. The total amount before change = total amount after change.

12 References used _11.htm _11.htm nservation.asp nservation.asp war.html war.html

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