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Wawa Mining Sector Growth Strategy. Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Project Overview Inventory mining activity & supply chain Mining sector supply-demand.

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Presentation on theme: "Wawa Mining Sector Growth Strategy. Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Project Overview Inventory mining activity & supply chain Mining sector supply-demand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wawa Mining Sector Growth Strategy

2 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Project Overview Inventory mining activity & supply chain Mining sector supply-demand analysis S-D gap: (identify opportunities) Outreach to local business: Communicate opportunities, check on barriers, constraints Marketing Plan 2 01/27/11

3 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Conclusions Strong entrepreneurial orientation Most supply opportunities are known and being acted on, therefore no major “business attraction program” Most important limiting factor of business expansion = availability of a qualified workforce = complex issue 3 01/27/11

4 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Conclusions Resident & labour force attraction is a part answer, but a multi-faceted approach is required There is a need to address the perception (or reality) of some businesses that the Municipality needs to be more business friendly, and “Open for Business” 4 01/27/11

5 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Commercial cleaning/janitorial Training (H & S, common core, others) Pre-employment medicals, hearing, drug testing Massage therapy, chiropractic 5 01/27/11 Business Opportunities

6 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy HR consulting Machine shop, metal fabrication Communications equip supply/maint. On-site accommodations management Skilled trades, heavy truck mechanics Uniform rental/cleaning 6 01/27/11 Business Opportunities

7 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Strategic Action Plan 3 Major Components 1.Addressing labour force related issues, including implementation of Marketing Plan 2.Addressing mining sector growth/ business opportunities 3.Other Action Plans 7 01/27/11

8 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Labour force/entrepreneur attraction, supported by implementing marketing plan Housing needs analysis & strategy Assist community to understand mining, supply/services skills & labour needs Engage & expose youth to mining, supply Encourage training/apprenticeship in occupational fields related to mining Action Plan: Labour Force 8 01/27/11

9 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Semi-annual meetings with mines, suppliers, ED supporters to ID barriers, challenges. Objective: Foster growth. Inform businesses of opportunities: mining supply showcase Mining/exploration biz services directory Targeted entrepreneurial support Action Plan: Mining Sector Growth & Opportunities 9 01/27/11

10 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Address lack of retail/business accommodation EDC continue to work with Michipicoten FN on ED projects of mutual benefit Prepare an Economic Development Strategy Address perception (or reality) that Wawa is not business friendly & supportive Other Action Plans 10 01/27/11

11 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy That the Municipality and the EDC work cooperatively to develop a program to address all of the preceding actions in 2014. Recommend a full day economic development day/summit for Council and EDC. Economic development best practices, issue identification, building ED collaboration & momentum 2014 Action Program 11 01/27/11

12 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy The need to address issues, opportunities, & to implement actions is urgent if Wawa is going to capture future economic growth potential Dedicated ED resources and municipal support is required! 2014 Action Program 12 01/27/11

13 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Strengthen the Wawa brand Marketing Plan 13 01/27/11

14 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Improve area & local signage Marketing Plan 14 01/27/11

15 Wawa Mining Growth Strategy Create effective marketing materials: profile, case studies, quick facts Marketing Plan 15 01/27/11

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