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Unit IV: Political Organization of Space. Political Geography organization & distribution of political phenomena.

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1 Unit IV: Political Organization of Space

2 Political Geography organization & distribution of political phenomena

3 Territory effort to control land world divided by borders –countries (or “states”)



6 I. States 1. independent political unit 2. w/ defined territory 3. must be recognized by others

7 World States 192 recognized by UN

8 What happened to state size?

9 Issues defining states some territories not recognized: –Taiwan –Tibet –Western Sahara

10 II. Nations A cultural unit bound by sense of shared beliefs/customs

11 “Stateless Nations” Nations without a country –Palestinians –Kurds –Basques

12 Multinational State The Former Yugoslavia A state with more than one nation.

13 The Nation-State a nation & a state (country w/ homogenous culture) about 20 countries Exs: Iceland, Portugal, Poland, Japan

14 d. stateless nation Types of Relationship s Between “states” & “nations” a. nation-state b. multi-national state (Cyprus) c. part-nation state (Arab)


16 Spatial Characteristics of States Smallest: City-states: Singapore, Monaco, San Marino Microstates: Andorra, The Vatican Largest: Russia

17 5 basic shapes: –Compact (Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Poland) –Prorupt (extension out; Thailand) –Elongated (Chile) –Fragmented (difficult to defend; Philippines, Indonesia) –Perforated (country that surrounds another; South Africa

18 A C B E D


20 Relative Location size and shape matter! absolute & relative location matter! Ex: Singapore, Switzerland Landlocked countries usually at disadvantage –Bolivia


22 Boundary Types 1. Physical: m ountains, rivers, lakes 2. Geometric: lines of latitude/longitude


24 3. Cultural: separated by language/religion –India & Pakistan

25 Boundary Origins 1. Antecedent: border before populated Ex: U.S. 2. Subsequent: border drawn after 2 types: Consequent (Ireland & N. Ireland) Superimposed (British India)

26 –Ireland & N. Ireland Consequent

27 3. Relict/relic Boundary: historical boundary


29 U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea Territorial waters: 12 NM out Exclusive Economic ZoneExclusive Economic Zone: 200 NM (fish, mineral resources)

30 Types of Boundary Disputes 1. Positional: over border 2. Functional: over policies (immigration) 3.Resource (oil) 4.Territorial - irredentism


32 Capital Cities: usually centralized (“core” area) Primate City: dominates economic activity some capitals relocated: –Forward Thrust Capital (Abuja, Brazilia, Canberra, Islamabad)

33 Nigeria - Abuja


35 Geopolitics Ratzel’s Organic Theory: countries are living organisms Mackinder Heartland Theory: land-based power (pivot area Europe) Spykman Rimland Theory: naval power


37 Forms of Government Unitary: centralized gov’t (strong capital) Federal: gov’t organized by territories

38 Nigeria’s Federal Government: Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws

39 Centripetal Forces promote cohesion nationalism unify better transportation/communication

40 Centrifugal Forces challenges to the state ethno-nationalism devolution (autonomous regional gov’t); regionalism inequality

41 Ethnocultural Devolutionary Movements Eastern Europe devolutionary forces since the fall of communism


43 Economic Devolutionary Movements Catalonia, Spain Barcelona is the center of banking and commerce in Spain and the region is much wealthier than the rest of Spain.

44 Electoral Geography Gerrymandering: redrawing of voting districts to benefit 1 political party protects minority districts


46 Supranational Organizations: 3 or more states form an alliance - military (NATO) - economic (EU, NAFTA) -political (UN)

47 Global Scale – The United Nations

48 Regional Scale – The European Union

49 **How many points?

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