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Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Unit 5 packet Journal (3/19/15): Read the article about Shabazz Napier’s experience as a National Champion basketball.

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Presentation on theme: "Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Unit 5 packet Journal (3/19/15): Read the article about Shabazz Napier’s experience as a National Champion basketball."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hi, AP Lang! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Unit 5 packet Journal (3/19/15): Read the article about Shabazz Napier’s experience as a National Champion basketball player at UConn. After this article was published, players were not lawfully allowed to unionize. Many critics argue the problems mentioned in the article still permeate the lives of college athletes. Imagine the NCAA has called upon you as a student representative. What are 3 potential solutions to the issues presented within the article?

2 Agenda: Journal: Problem Solve for the NCAA Calendar Synthesis Prep: Should College Athletes Be Paid? – Group 1: Frank DeFord (Pay Dirt) – Group 2: Michael Lewis (Serfs on the Turf) – Group 3: Bill Walton (My Priceless Opportunity) – Group 4: Michael Wilbon (As Colleges’ Greed…) – Group 5: Steve Weiberg (Despite Criticism) – Group 6: NCAA (Why Students Aren’t..) HOMEWORK: – Timed Writing: Synthesis TOMORROW – Put the AP Lang calendar somewhere you can reference it! When you leave you will have: -analyzed the use of rhetorical strategies when discussing college athletes.

3 Discussion Question 1 Consider the schedule of a college athlete: – Attend class – Mandatory tutoring – Team meetings – Mandatory practice – Mandatory conditioning/weight lifting Should they be considered professionals?

4 Discussion Question 2 Defend, challenge, qualify: “I do not believe college athletes should be paid as employees. Rather, I believe barriers should be removed that limit an athlete from receiving fair compensation for his or her image and likeness.” –Jay Bilas

5 Satire & College Sports Satire Review – It is intentionally discussing a “hidden truth” that is often avoided. What hidden truth is evident within “I’m Glad We Won…”?

6 March 18 Journal: Hello! I do not have a voice. Please be kind to me today.  Agenda: -Journal -“Say Yes” group analysis -Reflection

7 Journal In “Say Yes” the husband and wife see each other in a new way after their discussion about race. Have you ever seen anyone in a new way? Explain what happened and how your perception of that person changed.

8 Group Analysis Set up your paper like this: 1.2. 3.4. 5.

9 Group Analysis For EACH question cite at least 2 pieces of text evidence in your explanation. 1.Is the man a good husband? 2.Is the man racist? 3.How well does the husband know his wife? 4.Tobias Wolfe uses a “show, don’t tell” strategy in his writing. How does he SHOW us events or traits about the characters without explicitly TELLING us? 5.What theme is developed over the course of the story?

10 Story Review TitleWhat it’s about:ThemeWould you recommend it? What kind of person would enjoy it? “Why Don’t You Dance” A boy and a girl meet a man and want to buy the furniture he has placed in the front yard. The girl and man dance. --Fate --People Hide their True Identity --Live in the moment -be kind to others “Cathedral” Blind man visiting his friend and her husband. The narrator develops respect towards the blind man. -lost dreams -importance of establishing identity -society’s treatment of the powerless

11 Journal Explodes REQUIREMENTS 5 paragraphs – Introduction – Conclusion 3 middle supporting paragraphs – Evidence – Examples – Personal stories/anecdotes Thesis statement RUBRIC Each paragraph = 5 points Thesis statement = 5 points Details/evidence to support/explain thesis statements = 5 points GREAT vocab = 5 bonus points 40 points total

12 Reflection: How is “Say Yes” ambiguous, complex, thought provoking, and provocative? BE SPECIFIC! EXPLAIN!

13 Flat or Round? Static or Dynamic? Flat & Static Characters = minor characters who does not change or grow in a story Round & Dynamic Characters = Major character who encounters conflict and is changed by it.

14 Thesis Statements Includes topic & claim: – Maryland should not change its law because children must learn responsibility and independence when left home alone. Does NOT include phrases like: – I think – You should – (really, anything with personal pronouns)

15 Story Review TitleWhat it’s about:ThemeWould you recommend it? What kind of person would enjoy it? “The Utterly Perfect Murder” Seeking revenge 36 years after being bullied as a child. What goes around comes around. Someone who was bullied (similar experiences). “Salvation”A young boy wanting to find Jesus, but doesn’t find him and then lies about his experience. Salvation can come from within rather than a higher power. People who are conflicted between religion and atheism. An atheist.

16 Let’s Review 1.Ambiguous: open to more than one interpretation/double meaning. 2.Thought provoking: stimulating careful consideration/attention 3.Provocative: provoking, exciting, stimulating, or irritating 4.Complex: consisting of many different or connected parts

17 We have ____ days of school left… Do you read and write at an 11 th grade level? Are you ready for 12 th grade? Can you prove that you read and write well enough for a high school diploma? Do you have the necessary skills to be a successful adult?

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