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Lesson Nine Terms of Payment. Teaching Objectives Through learning this lesson, students are supposed to be able to:  1. Know about some usual terms.

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1 Lesson Nine Terms of Payment

2 Teaching Objectives Through learning this lesson, students are supposed to be able to:  1. Know about some usual terms of payment, especially L/C.  2. Command useful expressions on terms of payment.  3. Express terms of payment correctly.

3 Lead-in Questions:  How much do you know about terms of payment?  And can you classify them? Work in pairs to discuss and express your ideas freely, please.

4 Introduction  Terms of Payment RemitCollection L/C Mail transfer Demand draft Telegraphic transfer Confirmed L/C Irrevocable L/C Documentary L/C Documents against Acceptance Documents against Payment D/P at sight D/P after sight

5 Vocabulary and Useful Expressions 1. favour n. 好感, 好意, 恩惠 vt. 支持, 赞成, 照顾, 赐予  in favour of 以 … 为受款人(受益人) e.g open an L/C in our favour In whose favour are the goods to be invoiced?  issue an invoice in your favour

6 2. draft (bill of exchange) n. 汇票 e.g draw (a draft) on sb. for…  draw on sb. at 60 days sight  draw on sb. against sth  draw at 30 days D/A  draw D/A (or D/P) against your purchase  We regret that your dishonoured our draft.  drawer n. 出票人,发票人  drawee n. 受票人, ( 汇票 ) 付款人

7  3. transhipment n. 转船  tranship vt. 转船  e.g Transhipment allowed / prohibited  Transhipment will be made at Hong Kong.  The goods should be transhipped at Shanghai.

8 Analysis of Sample Letters 1. Read those sample letters to find out those words, phrases and sentences related to terms of payment, and then try to learn such expressions. 2. Read those letters again and try to translate letters into Chinese. Moreover, pay attention to those imporant expressions, for instance, “(not) hesitate to come to agreement with sb on sth”.

9 Consolidation  Introduce Some Useful Sentences  Translate Some Sentences 1. We have arranged with our bankers to issue an L/C in your favor. ( 我们已和我方银行办妥向你方开出信用证的 手续。 ) 2. The draft will fall due on May 20. ( 汇票于 5 月 20 日到期。 )

10 Homework  1. Finish Ex. I & Ex. II on P.121-122.  2. Finshi Reading the Dialogue on P.122-124.

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