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Welcome to the Conference for Chairs of Local Governors’ Association Results of the Local Association Survey Autumn 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Conference for Chairs of Local Governors’ Association Results of the Local Association Survey Autumn 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Conference for Chairs of Local Governors’ Association Results of the Local Association Survey Autumn 2011

2 Aims of event To learn from each other To take stock of: –where local associations are now –the changes for schools and support/services for schools; –the opportunities and threats for associations To consider what local associations and NGA could do differently to better support governors and their schools Any others?

3 Survey Conducted after a member asked for more information about other associations at the NGA 2010 AGM Answered by 42 Associations (out of 75) 78% of associations were over 10 years old but one has just set up this year Executive committees have an average of 11 people but range from 4-24 Time & capacity was the biggest issue facing associations, along with reaching other governors

4 Funding 70% of associations charge a fee to schools Subscriptions range from £5 to £95 pa, with the average £24 per school Some different fee structures have different changes for primary and secondary – but only £3 - £10 difference Half collect fees themselves, half via the LA Nine receive grants from LA

5 Services provideed 87% representation on LA groups etc 56% annual conference (often with LA) 53% termly newsletters 51% briefing sessions 49% help/advice 46% stand-alone website Generally no charges for services (except where non-members attended events).

6 Strengths & weaknesses Do well at: monitoring and challenging LA hold good meetings some with newsletters Wanted to improve Networking and reaching governors Web-site Recruiting more active volunteers

7 Relationships with others Over 90% said good relationships with LA 80% met DCS, over half each term Only 30% met with headteachers One mentioned meetings with MPs Two wanted better links with Diocese

8 Working with NGA Nearly 90% felt supported by NGA, but four did not Positives – weekly e-newsletter; magazine; national events; personal contacts Possible improvements – access to legal advice for local schools; virtual regional meetings; fiddly microsites 35 said they would attend a chairs’ event

9 Concerns of association members School funding Academy conversions and academy governance Recruiting high quality staff (20%) Access to capital and lack of primary places (2) Time needed to govern (1) Need to challenge more effectively (1)

10 Issues from NGA members’ survey Most important for schools: Improving attainment (81%) Training for governors (72%) Changes to school funding formula (66%) Attracting high quality staff (60%)

11 Issues from NGA members’ survey Most important for NGA to lobby about on their behalf: Changes to school funding formula (70%) Training for governors (55%) SEND (47%) Improving attainment (44%)

12 Issues from NGA Spring meetings What we wanted to improve governance: Investment in training for all governors Better focussed information from heads, including more information on staff performance & CPD, independent interpretations, pupil progress, quality of teaching Removal of governors who are not performing More support from employers DfE to listen to governors & SoS to make a speech

13 More effective influence Gathering governor concerns What has worked well in achieving change? How with working with LAs change? What other partners should we be working with How can we improve governance practice of members (as well as influencing others)?

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