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“Working together, playing together, learning to be the best we can.” Wansdyke School, Downlands Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EF Tel: 01380 725234 Fax:

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Presentation on theme: "“Working together, playing together, learning to be the best we can.” Wansdyke School, Downlands Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EF Tel: 01380 725234 Fax:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Working together, playing together, learning to be the best we can.” Wansdyke School, Downlands Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EF Tel: 01380 725234 Fax: 01380 728080 Website: Email: FOWs Thank you to FOWs for organising another successful Easter bingo. It was really well attended and raised £297.69. All the winners seemed delighted with their chocolate! OFSTED We are looking forward to sharing the outcome of the OFSTED inspection with you. We are not able to do this until the report has been published and we are still awaiting the report from the lead inspector. We are hopeful we will be able to share this the first week back Headteacher's Message Dear All, Despite it being a shorter than average term, we have still managed to fit a lot in! We have enjoyed sporting success in football and rugby competitions, fundraising success with Sport Relief and Swimathon and two parent assemblies for Year 2 and Miss K’s Rainbows. I wish you all a wonderful Easter break and hope we get a little sunshine! Charlotte Robinson March 2016 Key Dates for term 5 Monday 11 th April - TD Day Tuesday 12 th April - First day back for the children Friday 29 th April - Rainbow Club Parents assembly Week beginning 9 th May - Year 6 SATs week Swimathon Well done to our swimmers, Mr Devon, Rosie Basnett, Alan Parsley, Katie Curtis, Freya Petherick, George Adams and Anna Gilder-Adams, Ollie and Ben Gale, Charlotte Humphries. An impressive £600 raised. Sport Relief We raised an impressive £1828.35 doing our ‘mile of madness’! Congratulations to all the children for a brilliant effort. Newsletter We now have a ‘What’s on page’ on the website found in Information/local events and activities. Please see this page for local events and activities Don’t forget! Medicines in school including cough sweets and nasal inhalers need to be signed for at the office

2 Science week Last week Wansdyke School took part in National science week by doing a range of exciting activities based around the theme of fairy tales. The children enjoyed helping get Jack down from the beanstalk in the safest possible way, grew beanstalks in different conditions, explored ways of transporting the Gingerbread Man across the river and build houses for the Three Little Pigs to save them from the Big Bad Wolf. To finish the week the children took the experiments to Drews Pond and put their experiments into action. The children thoroughly enjoyed putting their scientific skills into practice. Rugby and football We have more sporting success! At the Dauntsey tournament we reached the final of the A division and the semi-final of the B division. At the rugby festival our team came 4 th out of 24. School Council The school council has been busy this term! They helped to organise the Sport Relief mile of madness. They also helped with the auditions for the annual talent show which is taking place this afternoon.18 th March Wansdyke A v Urchfont A The final score was 4-3 to us. We played very well in the first three quarters, putting together some good passes and some great defending, scoring 4 goals. In the fourth quarter however, after another rotation, Urchfont scored their three goals. Wansdyke goal scorers were Ella T, Lani, Archie and Lily. All in all the team put in a great effort with some excellent play at times. Archie Y6 and Henry Y6 Wansdyke B v Five Lanes B Wansdyke B went against Five Lanes B in a league match. The score was 0-10 to them but we didn't mind because at Wansdyke we just try to have fun and enjoy it. Five Lanes had lots of tall Year 6 children and the boys were very hard to mark because they were very fast on their feet. The boys were also very good shooters! Tessa Y5 Well done to all of the children who are in the good learning book this term! Viera Clifton, Joshua Campbell, Isabel Stalham, Thomas Southall, Jack Earley, Grace McKenna, Lilly Mascall, Sylvie Arding, Nieve Arding, Freya Hancox, Thomas Bates, Matilda Taylor, Austin Moffat, Evie Gillespie, Amelia Hodges, Millie Burns, Marissa Ambridge, Grace Moffat-Vellenoweth, Eva Bolwell, Nathan Holkar, Max Patton, Luca Pangrazzi, Olivia Sharples, George Farrow, George Straker, Amelia Mascall, Abigail Kelly, Lily Perrett, Joline Cheung, Sebastian Hams, Ben Loughney, Alex Webb, Caden Rowlands, Alex Lee, Emily Sharples, William Bishop, Georgina Hughes, Louie Fonteyne, Ella Merritt, Lana Keenan, Chloe Hibberd, Florence Grist, Eliza Bates, Emily Carter, Toby Hollands, Lily-Mae Moffat, Thomas Rees, Ashley May, Simran Holkar, Taylor-Jack Waller, Fleur Sullivan, Phoebe Horne, Jenna Ramsay, George Woollands, Ollie Gale, Daisy Fishlock, Tilly Weisskopf-Moore, Arthur Blinko, Elliot Wall, Jake Lewis, Charlotte Alexander, Liam Tucker, Freddie Scratchley, Finlay Morgan, Jack Strawson, Charlie Potter, Charlie Hemmings, Tyler Pugh, Thomas Pratchett, Olivia Fielding, Esme Burgess, Rosie Basnett, Beth Parfitt, Gemma Bailey Playpod plea from Miss K……, if parents have anything to donate for the playpod…. The children are loving buggies, scooters, old shoes, puppets and dressing up so if parents think they have anything at home that they no longer want/need and would be willing to donate to the playpod, that would be fantastic. Thank you in anticipation!

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