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International Relations of the Middle East PSIR 532.

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1 International Relations of the Middle East PSIR 532


3 Course Description This course offers a survey of the international relations of the Middle East from the end of the Ottoman Empire following World War I to the present day. It will deal with the historical, political, economic and social issues of the region in an international context both within the regional and the global dynamic, combined with theoretical perspectives of the IR discipline. The course explores these themes through the major events that have affected the region in the 20th and 21st centuries.

4 1 Introduction WWI, the Post Ottoman Order, Nations-States and Colonialism 2WWII, Post Colonialism, Pan Arabism and the Arab Cold War 3 Iran, Revolution to Nuclear Negotiations 4Iran- Iraq War 1980-1988 and Gulf War I 1991, Realist Conflicts? 5Middle East Cold War, Sectarianism, The Shi’te Crescent 6 Arab – Israeli Conflict 7 Soviets in Afghanistan, The Taliban, al Qaeda and Salafi Jihadism 8OPEN 9 9-11, The Global Jihad, The War on Terror 10 Gulf War II, WMDs and the New Middle East Order, The Failure of Nation Building 11The Arab Winter, 12 Islamic State, International Intervention, Refugee Crisis and the Redrawing of Borders 13Presentations 14Presentations 15Presentations, Conclusion and Review

5 Method of Assessment Reaction Papers15% Research Paper 30 % Research Paper Presentation15 % Final Exam 25% Class Participation 15%

6 Research Paper: Consists of 3000 words on a topic of your choice. A 100 word abstract and preliminary literature review must be submitted by April 21st Presentation: A presentation of approximately …. minutes on your research paper is required. Be prepared to answer questions and participate in further discussion. Final Exam: The Examination will be cumulative consisting of essay questions, drawing from all lecture material.

7 Discussion Papers: For each week there is an assigned piece of literature related to the previous week’s lecture. Students are asked to write a two page paper to be presented 5-10 minutes, and discussed in class. Participation: Along presentation and discussion of Reaction Papers, students will be expected to participate in further discussion in class regarding the previous week’s lecture.

8 How to find me Email: Office BE 185 Office Hours: by appointment

9 Historical Overview

10 Mohamed: Merchant, Prophet, Political Leader Revelation: From Merchant to Prophet Hijra 622 Birth of the Umma, Community of Believers Tribal loyalties replaced with a broader community identity The first Islamic State, Constitution of Medina

11 The Rashidun Rightly Guided Caliphs 750 Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Kittab, Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib The Wars of Apostasy (Rida Wars) – Of the six major centres of the revolt four of the leaders of the movement offered competing claims to being prophets themselves.

12 The Rise of Empires The Umayyads Contenders: Shi’ite, Carmathian, Fatamid, Almoravid, Almohad, Safavid A Failure of Leadership Early and rapid expansion out of Arabia Faced issues of administration not previously encountered Failed to earn legitimacy in religious terms A Kingdom not a Caliphate

13 Islamic Expansion

14 The Abbasids By 775 Abbasid rule firmly established and the empire unified, with the exception of Umayyad controlled Spain, Cordoba Caliphate Capital moved to Baghdad Consolidates the relationship between, umma, Caliph and Ulema Creation of a formalised Sharia Closing the ‘Gates of Ijtihad’ Greatest expansion of Islamic territory


16 The Crusades

17 Rise of the Ottomans 1258 Mongol Invasion and the Fall of Baghdad Emergence of the Turku-Seljuk State 13 th C Changing nature of the relationship between religion and the state Cooption of the Ulema

18 Islamic Reformation Wahabism 18 th C Pact with Muhammad bin Saud helped to establish the Saudi state The descendants of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab, have historically led the ulema in Saudi Arabia Movement sought to purify Islam by returning Muslims to the original principles of Islam Primary doctrine of Islam is the uniqueness and unity of God (Tawhid).

19 Al-Afghani, Salafism and the Encounter with Europe 1839 - 1897 Salafism What accounts for the decline of Islamic civilisation? Opening the ‘Gates of ijtihad’ The Islamic Reformation Liberal and radical reformers

20 Ottoman Empire 1914


22 World War I, 1914-18 Ottomans military weakness evident The geopolitical game was to see who would pick up the pieces once the empire came apart. Ottoman goals during the First World War : Hinder Russian aggression, Recover the Balkans 1) 1914-1916 Stalemate 2) 1916-1918, Arab uprisings in the Hejaz and Syria The United States entered the war in April 1917 and the Bolshevik Revolution took Russia out of the war in October 1917

23 The Arab Revolt 5 June 1916 Attack on the Ottoman garrison at Medina By the end of July the ports of Jiddah, Yanbu and Rabegh were under Arab control. Supported by British forces Lieutenant T.E. Lawrence –Lawrence of Arabia Battle of Meggido in September 1918 October 1918 Damascus falls November 1918 Ottomans sign armistice

24 Sykes-Picot Agreement The Great Betrayal Secret agreement between United Kingdom and France Divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French control Lloyd George “I am very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine.“ Turning point in Western–Arab relations. Negated the promises made to Arabs for a national homeland in the area of Greater Syria Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, “This blessed advance will not stop until we hit the last nail in the coffin of the Sykes– Picot conspiracy”

25 The End of the Caliphate and the Birth of the Turkish State Treaty of Sèvres 1920 Caliphate abolished March 3, 1924. Abdulmecid II was the last caliph of Islam No framework for united and identity Medina (622)Damascus (662) Baghdad (751), Cairo (1262) Istanbul (1517) Terminated(1924) Reborn 2014?





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