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Conceptual Design Review Brandon Scott Bosomworth Edgar Alejandro Flores Vicki Wei Hsu Filip Maksimovic Scott Michael Randolph Jonathan Michael Taylor.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptual Design Review Brandon Scott Bosomworth Edgar Alejandro Flores Vicki Wei Hsu Filip Maksimovic Scott Michael Randolph Jonathan Michael Taylor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptual Design Review Brandon Scott Bosomworth Edgar Alejandro Flores Vicki Wei Hsu Filip Maksimovic Scott Michael Randolph Jonathan Michael Taylor 9/17/07

2 Escape from the Killer Tomatoes!!!!  Mission Overview What is our objective? The balloon satellite Aquintus explore oxygen levels, temperature, pressure, humidity, and high altitude solar power efficiency in near space at altitudes of 80,000-100,000 feet while measuring the G-forces enacted upon the ascent and descent of a helium balloon. What do we expect to prove and/or discover? We plan to discover the altitude that a human will not be able to survive by finding the amount of oxygen in the air and how much oxygen humans need in order to survive. We also plan to discover at which altitude that the amount of solar power is greatest. Allowing us to find out how high humans could live in order to escape the killer tomatoes!

3 Solar panels O2 sensor (2) 9V batteries Camera hole

4 HP digital camera Accelerometer Balloon cord tube Satellite lid

5 Structure dimensions Solar panels O2 sensor Accelerometer 9v Batteries Timing circuit Hobo HP Camera Parts


7 Schedule Complete Design9/20/07 CoDR Slides due9/20/07 Design Reviews9/20/07 Acquire all hardware9/30/07 Design Document Rev A due10/01/07 CDR Slides due10/09/07 Design Document Rev B due10/09/07 Prototyping design10/15/07 Testing final design11/01/07 Cold Test11/01/07 LRR Meeting11/08/09/07 Design Document Rev C due11/08/07 Design Document Rev D due11/29/07 Final Presentations due12/04/07

8 Team MembersTaskPersonalPhone Number SchoolAddress Edgar A. Flores Parra Team leader; Design Has participated in several engineering projects, such as Solar Bike 720-641-6786 University of Colorado at Boulder 740 S. 45 th Street Filip Maksimovic Temperature; Electronics Currently involved in the COSGC as a systems engineer on DANDE 303-564-9958 University of Colorado at Boulder 4880 Franklin Drive Jonathan Taylor Accelerometer Interested in space; Has always been exposed to new satellites 720-902-2312 University of Colorado at Boulder Brackett Hall Brandon Bosomworth Oxygen sensor; Budget Wants to be an astronaut 408-313-1654 University of Colorado at Boulder Brackett Hall Vicki Hsu Structures Has always been interested in engineering; Interested in space 303-669-7342 University of Colorado at Boulder Aden Hall Scott Randolph Electronics; Brainstem Has technical knowledge of electronics 281-627-0098 University of Colorado at Boulder Brackett Hall

9 Budget Accelerometer $35 1.3g Solar Panels $45/per O2 Sensor$90280g Space Blanket$63 oz 5 pk washers$520g Hot glue$8 Aluminum tape$15

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