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Maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 1 Semi-Analytic Modeling of Galaxy Formation PhD student: Elena Ricciardelli Supervisor: prof. Alberto Franceschini.

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Presentation on theme: "Maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 1 Semi-Analytic Modeling of Galaxy Formation PhD student: Elena Ricciardelli Supervisor: prof. Alberto Franceschini."— Presentation transcript:

1 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 1 Semi-Analytic Modeling of Galaxy Formation PhD student: Elena Ricciardelli Supervisor: prof. Alberto Franceschini

2 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 2 Halo merger tree Given an halo with mass M1 at z1 we find an halo at z2>z1 through EPS Theory Halo progenitors searched until all The masses fall below the mass resolution (40 km/s) The algorithm is taken from Sheth & Lemson (1999), not dependent on time-step

3 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 3 Barions At the bottom, assign a barion mass : initially assumed at virial temperature: At the bottom 1 halo  1 galaxy During halo merger, galaxies inside them keep their identity Galaxy mergers only after a timescale given by DYNAMICAL FRICTION

4 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 4 Cooling: COLD MODE  for low mass, high z objects HOT MODE  for high mass, low z objects Star formation: QUIESCENT MODE  cold gas converted in stars  disks BURST MODE  a starburst triggered after a galaxy merger, up to100% of gas is converted in stars in a period of 100 Myr  bulge

5 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 5 SN feedback: a certain fraction of stars is in massive, fast evolving stars that become SNII energy injection in ISM by SN AGN feedback: RADIO MODE : continual and quiescent accretion on to a central SMBH, order of magnitude below Eddinghton limit QSO MODE :during galaxy mergers the gas mass accreted is proportional to the total cold gas mass with an efficiency dependent on the ratio of the masses of the merging galaxies

6 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 6 Local Mass Functions  Cole et. al., 2001  SAM Stellar Mass function: Good match with observations but we have an eccess of low-mass objects Dominated by bulge at high masses and by disks at low masses BH Mass function: Again overprediction of low-mass objects (slightly dependent on seed mass )

7 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 7 Evolution of Stellar Mass Function Slightly evolution at low-mass, but quite high evolution in the bright-end Most massive objects seem to assemble their stars at low redshift

8 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 8 Star Formation Histories I SFH for central galaxies of haloes of different mass The peak of SF is at about z=2 for all the haloes Galaxies in rich environment (high mass halos) form first, high formation redshift FORMATION REDSHIFT : redshift at which 50% of the present stars are formed

9 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 9 Star Formation Histories II MADAU PLOT: The peak of SF at z=2 in agreement with data from Hopkins et al. 2004 SFR at high z is too low, we need a mechanism which enhance SF at high z Galaxies in most massive haloes form their stars first, peak of SFR at z=2-3

10 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 10  Goog match of stellar and bh mass functions in the local Universe with the observed ones, even if we overpredict the faint end of the MFs  Galaxies in rich environments seem to form stars more quikly in the past, so they have high formation redshifts  The evolution of Stellar Mass Functions and of the SFR show that SF at high redshift is too low Conclusions

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14 maracalagonis, 24/05/2007 14 Global Mass function Grid of halo masses at z=0: up to Mass resolution given by Timestep carefully chosen In order to match CMFs and MFs of the PS formalism

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